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"Let's have a girls' day out!" Snow announced as she burst into my room and jumped on my bed.

I glanced up at her, my eyes half closed from boredom. "Should we?"

She grinned. "Yeah."

"Where would we go?"

With a shrug, she said, "Anywhere."

Glancing away from her, I muttered, "I don't have any money..."

She laughed. "I do, so don't worry about it, Peaches. Besides, you know you can just ask your brother for money, right?"

I nodded. "I know. I just don't want to be asking him everytime, because I know he needs it too."

A scoff escaped her lips as she stared at me in disbelief. "Girl, I definitely wouldn't be scared to ask my brother for things if I had one. That's what elder siblings are for."

Shaking my head slightly at her, I gave a small smile. "Alright then. When are we leaving?"

She glanced down at her phone to check the time. "Now."

I gasped. "But I'm not ready."

"Then you might want to start getting ready." She ordered.

Jumping up and running to my closet, I hurriedly pulled out a white blouse and a red leather skirt. I dropped them on my bed and was just about to enter the bathroom when I heard her say, "I'll be waiting downstairs."

I looked back at her quizzically. "Why can't you just wait here?"

She grinned and looked up from her phone. "Unlike you and Blue, I know the meaning of personal space."

I was utterly confused now. "But you're a girl... And you're my best friend. It doesn't mean anything if I dress up in front of you."

She shrugged again. "Since you insist." Then lowering her tone, she said, "I've actually never had a close female friend, so I'm not sure how to act in  ways that would be considered acceptable."

I walked back to my bed and reached for her hands. "You know you can always be yourself around me. I won't ever judge you."

She smiled brightly at me. "You're a good friend, Peaches."

I smiled back, pride lacing my tone when I spoke. "I know right? I'm the best."

But when I caught sight of her glare, I giggled and released her hands. "You're a good friend too, Snow."

After taking my bath and dressing up, both of us began to make our way towards the front door.

"Where are you both going?" Blue enquired, popping out of nowhere.

"To have fun." Snow answered.

"Finally! Wait for me, I'll go change into something presentable." Blue responded happily while Snow and I exchanged glances.

"It's just the two of us." I clarified, speaking slowly.

"Oh..." He looked hurt, but quickly covered it up with a smile. "Alright then, have fun."

My heart dropped when I saw how sad he was, but before I could say anything Snow latched on to my hand and then practically dragged me out of the house.

"Um, shouldn't we invite Blue?" I asked, looking back at the house only to see him standing at the window and staring at us.

She shook her head. "Only girls outing, remember?"

"Yeah, but..."

"C'mon Peaches. I'd invite him, but he ain't a girl." She pointed out.

I looked down at the ground, feeling sorry for Blue. He's probably going to be all alone at home since we were his closest friends and he didn't really talk to the others as much as he did us. "Oh, okay. I understand."

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