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Now listen carefully peeps, this is what happened. I need to start from here, because this is where it all began. It started five days after I found out that Icy loved someone.

I was trying to get back into his good books, if he happened to have any.

So when I discovered that his birthday was today, since I couldn't get him anything much due to shortage of time, I decided to organize a mock mission for us all.

Icy and I were gradually getting closer and I didn't want us to lose the ground we've gained so far because of his inability to forgive and forget.

The mock mission was fun. When we wished Icy happy birthday, sang for him, it took me two days to force everyone to agree to sing, our voices were horrible but we still sang happily from our hearts, and told him about the playful mission we had put together for him, he looked surprised then overjoyed. I learnt from Les that no one celebrates their birthday around here. That's gonna change now that I'm around.

Race decided not to participate as he was taking care of Sugar, although the doctor and nurses had come again to treat her first. I asked Panda why we couldn't just take them to the hospital instead of the medical team coming themselves. He explained to me that it was dangerous to do so because when we reach the hospital, we would have to fill a form stating how we got the injury and gangs were illegal. A revelation of the existence of our gang would lead to an arrest of all our members.

But it was after that trouble began.

Firstly, Blue said, "I really enjoyed the game. Good one Peaches. Very impressive."

I nodded in satisfaction. "You're welcome. You're all welcome." I added, waving my hand over the rest with a glare since none of them had shown gratitude.

Blue continued speaking. "But then, why did you name me Agent Pie Chart?" He asked confusedly.

I smiled. "Because your head is round."

He frowned. "Very funny."

"I'm serious. With your bouncy cheeks and all..." I tried to explain to him.

"I think yours is better. Why was I named Agent Pothole?" Les spoke up.

I sighed. "It's obvious. Really it is." Then I smiled. "Because your head is dented."

Les looked at me amusedly. "I have nothing to say to you."

Icy shook his head. "As the celebrant, I shouldn't have to say this but I got named Agent Square Root. And I don't even want to know why."

Panda spoke up. "I have it the worst and I'm her brother. I was named Agent Rickity rickity. Unlike Icy, I'd like to know why?"

"Your teeth." I enlightened them.

"That's not true!" Snow gasped, rebutting what I just said, probably in a bid to stand up for her boyfriend.

I shrugged. "True. But where's the fun in admitting it?"

"What was yours?" Blue asked Snow who seemed reluctant to reply.

She eventually did when Panda slung his arm over her shoulder, drew her closer to him and said "Don't worry, I don't think it can be worse than mine."

She crossed her arms and pouted. "Agent Zigzag. Ziggy for short."

"Why?" Panda asked, looking at me for answers.

"Her legs." I whispered audibly.

"Alright guys. I've listened to you all, but truly none is as bad as mine." Maho quickly chipped in, not wanting to be left out of the discussion.

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