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November 18, 2017.
Saturday. 2:56 pm.

I felt different when I woke up. I couldn't describe the feeling because I had never felt this way before. I sat up and stretched out my arms as I yawned. Then I swung my legs over the bed, stretched again as I stood up, before walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath.

I stood in front of my mirror and rubbed off the eye crust. Over time, my mirror had become dirty so I could barely see anything in it and I didn't even bother cleaning it.

I yawned again before taking my brush sleepily from its holder, putting my head down and brushing my teeth which seemed to take forever.

Subsequently, I hopped into the shower and washed up although I still felt weird. Something was wrong somewhere, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was. That is, until I laid down on my bed and attempted to chat with the phone Panda got for me when it finally clicked.

I had increased massively in size. I could see that through my reflection on my phone screen. I couldn't even see myself fully because I had become so big.

This was what led to me screaming at the top of my voice till everyone gathered in my room. By now everyone would have awoken and would be busy with whatever catches their interest. I don't lock my door, so it was easy for everyone to gain access into my room.

"What?!" Blue shouted while his eyes remained fixed on his phone, probably playing a game. He was the first to get to my room because his room was just opposite mine. When I didn't reply but continued screaming, he looked up and then his eyes widened in shock before he joined me in screaming.

When Snow and Panda also came in, they joined me in screaming until all gang members had come to my room and we were all screaming together.

By now Sugar was much better and could walk around on her own, so she was in my room too, screaming.

"Guys, calm down. What could have happened?" Race tried to restore order back. However, I think that would be nearly impossible in this situation. This is catastrophic!

"I have no idea." I replied exasperatedly.

"We need to find a solution to this." Panda suggested, running his hand through his hair worriedly.

"Yeah." They all agreed. I found this was surprising because I thought maybe Maho and Beauty would disagree. Probably wishing I would be like this forever with no form of remedy for me.

Suddenly, it was as if a light bulb went off in Maho's head. He stroked his chin. "I happen to know someone who can fix this. I go to him at times if I need curing for my mind or my body."

And this is what led us to Jajajaja, the self made physician.


"Did you eat anything recently that you think could have caused you to increase in size overnight?" Jajajaja asked. He was dressed in white shreds, his clothes hanging from his shoulders in long shreds that reached the floor, trailing behind him as he walked. Because he wore shreds, we could clearly see his body. Thank goodness he wore multicoloured shorts underneath to cover his dignity. He wore a rainbow turban with rainbow shoes that curved inwards at the toes and had bells around it, which jingled when he moved his feet - like a genie's shoes.

I shook my head.

"Any allergies?"

I shook my head again. But then I remembered I did have one so I quickly nodded in response.

"What is it?" He enquired.

"Maho's face." I replied with mock seriousness.

"I hope you stay like this for eternity." Maho cursed.

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