chapter four

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Mary dodges a soccer ball that was heading straight for her face. The girl she met yesterday had an impossibly strong kick.

"Watch out!"



After about twenty minutes, almost half the girls that tried out had injuries.

"I'm sorry!" Sarah, the girl from the sign up sheet, cries as she watches multiple girls head for the nurses office.

The coach storms up behind her, holding another injured player, "forget muscles, I need girls on my team, girls with faces."

"I think I have one of those concussion things, what do you call those again?" The girl mumbles. The coach sighs and shakes her head at Sarah, then walks the girl to the nurse.

A girl holding a towel to her bleeding nose turns to Sarah, "maybe you should tryout for wrestling, or ultimate fighting," she walks away while tossing a glare into Sarah's direction.

Mary comes up around the corner after hearing the interactions. She hesitates, wondering if she should talk to Sarah again or not. She couldn't help but feel for her, Mary knew what it was like to be seen as something like a freak.

Mary takes a breath and steps up behind her, "hey, it's okay, it's not like you meant to hurt anyone."

Sarah sighs at her, "I'm so sorry that I hit your knee. Are you okay?"

Mary chuckles and presses the ice pack to her bruise, "oh yeah, this is nothing."

"I'm surprised I hit you, you were really good at dodging the ball." Sarah says, crossing her arms.

"Well when you grow up in as many foster homes as I have, you get pretty good at dodging flying items." Mary jokes.

Sarah was taken aback, "foster homes?"

Mary's cheeks flush, 'Oh shit. Why did I say that?' She was getting a little too talkative and when that happens, she tends to blurt things out without thinking.

She sighs, "yeah, my uh, parents died in a car accident when I was 6. I've been in and out of foster homes until last year, when I uh, got adopted." Mary hates lying about being adopted, but what is she supposed to say? That she's a 16 year old girl living on her own? That she's on the run and has lived in five different states in the past three years? That's not exactly a casual high school conversation between classmates.

Mary notices the regret in Sarah's expression. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay, really. Nothing like spilling your trauma to a stranger on your second week of school, right?" Mary shoots her a grin.

Sarah laughs slightly, "well, maybe I don't have to be a stranger. I'm Sarah, Sarah Fox."

Mary smiles, "I'm Mary, Wheeler."

"It's nice to meet you, and again, I'm so sorry about your knee." Sarah says.

"It's fine, really. I just gotta walk it off." Mary insists.

"Wait, you said your name was Mary, right?" Sarah asks.

Mary nods slowly, "yeah, why?"

Sarah's face lights up, "oh! You're the girl Benny was talking about! He's one of my friends."

Mary tries to ignore the warmth rushing to her cheeks when she heard Sarah say that Benny has talked about her, "that's cool. I think he's mentioned a Sarah before, now that I think about it."

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