chapter twenty

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This isn't the start of season two, it's more like a short transitional chapter I guess? Idk anyways enjoy!


"I can't believe you're gonna be gone all summer."

Benny spreads himself across Mary's bed while he watches her pack. "I know, but I promised my grandfather I'd spend it in California with him." She replies.

"I know, and I'm glad you're going because I know you've been wanting to see him for a while. But I'm still gonna be sad about it." Benny says with a pout.

Mary giggles, "Me too, and stop pouting at me!"

He laughs, "Okay, okay." He props his chin in his hand and looks up at her. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" He asks.

Mary shrugs, "I dunno. Maybe watch a movie? And if you want you can stay the night." He grins, "I would love that. I haven't slept over since that day at the grocery store."

Mary smiles at the memory, "Yeah, that was a good day." He nods, then stands up and goes up behind her to wrap his arms around her, then kisses her cheek. "It was. You know, that was the day I decided I wanted to ask you out." He says. Mary blushes and turns around to face him, "Really?" He nods, a sheepish grin spread across his face, "Yeah."

Mary feels a swell of love in her chest, she really wanted to kiss him right then. They haven't kissed yet, although they technically have before but it wasn't really them, it was either Evil Benny or Mary under a love potion. Not to mention they haven't gone on their first real date yet, but it wasn't either of their faults. Life just got in the way.

"And I promise, I'm gonna take you out on the best first date you've ever been on when you get back." He says, as if he could read her mind.

She grins, "Well I'm looking forward to it."


The next morning, Benny helps her put her bags in Erica's car. She would've asked Sarah to take her to the airport, but she's been unresponsive for the past couple weeks. Mary didn't take it personally, she knows Sarah just needs her space to cope.

"Well, that's it." Mary sighs, shutting the trunk, "Promise to call me every morning?" She asks, wrapping her arms around Benny's neck. He smiles and nods, "I'll wake you up every day." He pulls her in for a tight hug, he knows she'll only be gone for less than two months, but he hates being away from her for longer than a week.

She pulls back from the hug and pecks him on the cheek, "I'll text you when I get to the airport." He nods, and she pulls away from his grasp. He shakes his head, 'Screw it.' As she turns, he gently grabs her wrist to pull her back to him and crashes their lips together.

Mary freezes, she wasn't expecting this, but she felt an instant relief, too. She grins and wraps her arms around his neck, while he puts his around her waist, pulling her as close to him as he could.

They stay like this for awhile, until a minute later when Erica beeps the horn and they jump, crashing their foreheads together. "Ow!" They both yelp while holding their heads.

"As sweet as this is, I don't think Mary wants to be late. So either get in the car or get a room." Erica says with a laugh. Mary chuckles and Benny rolls his eyes, "I hate her sometimes."

She leans up and gives him a short kiss. "It was perfect until then, if that makes you feel any better." Mary says. Benny blushes, "Yeah, it was."

She squeezes his hand, "I'll see you soon." Benny nods and lets her get into the car.

"See you soon."



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