chapter forty

543 15 6

8:50 am

"Mary!" Benny whisper yells. His heart drops when he sees her, terrified, backing away from the robot dentist.

"Leave me alone! I-I don't know what you want!" The girl cries, backing away. When suddenly, a hand grabs hers and pulls her away quick and around the corner.

She tries to shout in protest but a hand covers her mouth as Benny pulls her into a room and shuts the door behind them. "What are you doing here?! I thought you would be stuck in your own weird universe thing like me and Ethan."

Mary shakes her head, "No, Benny! I-I woke up and there was no one around, I didn't know you were here either. I tried to call you but it didn't work, then I came here and ran into Cyber Dontist."

Benny sighs, although he was still a little upset about their fight, he felt relieved to see her. He clears his throat, "yeah, I tried to call you too. I guess none of the phones are working."

Suddenly, he hears the sound of Cyber Dontist stomping across the door outside, so Benny quickly pushes himself and Mary into a closet.

"Whoa! Mr. Scopey!" Benny hears Ethan's voice in his head again. "Benny, remember him?"

"Of course, remember when principal Hicks confiscated it, you screamed 'not Mr. Scopey!" Benny replies.

"Who are you talking to?" Mary whispers.

"Ethan, he's in my brain, he's talking into my gym shorts it's like a weird emotional connection between the universes."


"Got it!" Ethan says, "Hicks took Sarah's make up thing last week, she got really upset about it." He opens it up, and Sarah immediately heard him. "Ethan?! Why can I hear you?"

"Because he's talking into your makeup thing." Benny adds.

"Benny?! Is Mary in my head too?"

"No, she's with me."

"Sarah," Ethan interjects, "Where are you?"

"Where are you?! There's no one in this town anywhere, except for my evil twin who's hunting me." Sarah replies.

"At least your problem is hot-" he stops himself when Mary glares at him, "Um, anyway, we're being chased by Cyber Dontist. That drill is a lot scarier up close."

"Wait? You guys are all being attacked? I'm completely alone." Ethan says.

"Lucky you."

Ethan rolls his eyes, "Look, guys, I've got an idea. Just, meet me in the lounge as soon as you can."

Benny and Mary quickly head to the lounge, where they saw Ethan and Sarah, but they looked nearly transparent. "Benny, Mary, Sarah!" Ethan says, "I can see you guys. Can you see me?"

"Barely." Sarah replies. "Is that my compact?"

Ethan nods, "Yeah, grab onto it, Benny, grab your shorts." Benny shrugs and places his hands on his legs. Ethan rolls his eyes, "these ones."

Benny chuckles awkwardly and grabs the shorts, while Mary grabs Benny's arm. Ethan pulls as hard as he can to get his friends through, until they finally fell into his pocket dimension.

"Okay, now we're trapped here together. Not much of an upgrade." Sarah huffs.

"Guys, we have to move. I'm being chased by a guy with no face and a lot of fireballs." Ethan adds.

In front of them, the doors swing open, revealing the fireball guy, an Evil Sarah, and Cyber Dontist. The three look at the monsters with wide eyes, frozen in fear.

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