chapter twenty three

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"Just give me two minutes to prove it."

Mary sighs, looking up at her boyfriend from his kitchen table. "Benny, you know how much I adore your passion for magic, but I don't think you can make an invisible sandwich."

He puts his hands on either side of his plate, "Yes I can! I've been practicing." He protests. He gives her a slight pout and shoots puppy dog eyes at her, "Please?"

Mary playfully glares at him. "Damn, a pout and the puppy dog eyes? I have no choice but to cave, then." He gives her his signature grin, "Yes! Okay, here we go."

He closes his eyes, and starts to mumble a spell, when his phone rings. "Dammit! Who could possibly be calling me right now?" He whines. He picks up his phone in a huff, "What, Ethan...why?...but...Ugh fine we'll be right over." Mary chuckles, "What does he want?"

"I don't know he said it was an 'urgent surprise'." He replies. Mary stands and takes his hand, "Well then we should check it out." She says, pulling him towards the door. He pouts and pulls her back, "But I wanna show you the trick, and I figured you'd be so impressed with it that we would make out for a while."

Mary blushes then laughs, "Oh really? You little shit."

"You love me." He teases, placing a kiss on her forehead. Mary felt her face heat up again, they've been dating for three months now, and neither of them has actually said I love you. Mary knows it's too soon to say, but, she knows she feels something.

"Come on." She says, taking his hand and dragging him out the door. "Fine." He huffs.


Benny knocks on Ethan's bedroom door, "Dude, I was this close to conjuring an invisible sandwich. What could be so urgent that-" Ethan cuts him off by holding up a piece of paper in front of Benny's face. "Oooo, no way, your learners permit?" Mary chimes in, leaning over Benny's shoulder.

"This is way more important than my invisible BLT." Benny adds with a nod. Ethan grins, "Yup, that's right, I'm now legal to long as there is a licensed driver in the car with me."

Benny chuckles, "Ha, you need a babysitter for the car too, lame." Mary rolls her eyes, while Ethan smirks and gives him a look. "Wait...and your babysitter is a hot Sarah, with a drivers license, less lame." Benny adds.

Mary nudges him, "Shut up. This is really cool, though, Ethan." Ethan nods, "Yeah, well, awesome people don't like to brag, guys-well, awesome people like me."

"Okay, Mr. Awesome, do you have a car?" Mary asks. Ethan's face falls. "No, I do not."

"Hmm," Benny says, tapping his chin, "Leave that to Benny." He grins and snaps his fingers, a small spark appears, but then it fades in a half a second. "Eh, worth a shot, plan B."


The three head out to a nearby garage sale, where they found an old, beat up car with a for sale sign on it.

"Seriously? This piece of junk?" Ethan grumbled.

"It's within your price range," Mary says, "Zero to well, zero."

A kid they recognized from school comes up to them with a box, "Hey, 75 bucks, and it's yours." He says. "Hey, Malcolm." Ethan says, "What's going on?"

"Well my grandpa left me all of his favorite things in his will, so I'm selling em'."

Malcolm then averts his gaze over to Mary. His eyes travel up and down, "I'll knock the price of the car down to 50 if I could get your number, hottie." He says to her with a smirk.

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