chapter thirty two

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I decided to do the "Halloweird" episode earlier than it actually is in the show since by the time I publish this chapter it'll be Halloween. enjoy! 🎃

"So even when the village shaman would try to call down the vengeance of the moon upon his enemies, he was still a snappy dresser." Mr G holds up a large cloak looking garment with a giddy grin spread across his face.

Benny and Ethan sit beside each other in the classroom, trying to keep their eyes open, Rory sitting behind them attempting that task as well.

"Now I hope that, some of these native artifacts, are going to inspire some culturally diverse costume choices this Halloween." Mr. G continues.

"What's inspired for me is a nap." Benny mumbles to Ethan.

"Oh, I miss naps." Rory chimes in, "The dreaming, the snoring, the drooling."

Ethan turns to face the vampire, "Since when did you give up drooling?" This earns a soft chuckle from Benny while Rory grins and goes to rest his head in his arms, "Mm, naps."

The three were interrupted by Mr. G shoving a frightening looking mask in their faces with a growl. The face on the mask was painted white, with red and blue painted lines and shapes across it, triangle arched eyebrows, and stringy black hair coming out of the top.

"Here's a sight for scary eyes," The teacher grins, "According to native legend, an ancient warlord would use this mask to bring to life the fighting spirits of his army. The warlord's warriors took on the furs of wolves and bears..."

This caught the sleeping Rory's attention, he picks his head back up to listen. "And then, do you know what would happen?" Mr. G asks in a whisper.

"Animal rights groups would protest?" Ethan states sarcastically. "They'd smell like old carcasses?" Benny adds, earning chuckles amongst the students.

"No, the natives believed the warriors would turn into actual wolves and bears," Mr. G replies, which made Rory gasp with a large grin.

"Scary stuff, aye kids?"

The bell ringing was the response, all the students began to pack their stuff and get up to leave. "I saw that you were sleeping, Rory." Mr. G says, pointing at the blonde.

Rory shakes his head, "I was just pretending to sleep."

"Oh great, well now you can pretend to stay after class and clean the blackboards."


Mary smiles softly at the students in costumes walking down the hall. Halloween was her favorite holiday, it was one of the only things that got her through all those years going in and out of foster homes.

She struts up to Sarah with a pep in her step, "Hey! I am so excited to go out tonight with the guys and Jane, I got the best costume ever." Mary grins.

"Wow, you must really like Halloween, I've never seen you this giddy." Sarah chuckles.

"Duh, it's only the best holiday of the year. You should see my house right now, I found my grandfather's old Halloween decorations he kept in his attic. I had to kill like five spiders but it was totally worth it." Mary gleams.

"What are you going as?" Sarah asks.

"That's a surprise." Mary says with a mischievous grin, causing Sarah to giggle.

Erica comes up behind the two with similar glee. "How excited are you?"

"For math, not very." Sarah jokes.

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