chapter eighteen

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Mary looked around the fog, trying to make something out of the haze. "Hello? Anyone here?" She called. As she continued in god only knows what direction, a light formed in front of her and she heard faint voices. "Hello! Who's there?" She asked.

She headed towards the light, the voices became more prominent, two shadows in the shape of people came into her view.

"I didn't want this. Not for her."

"She'll be alright, she's got you to guide her."

"But what if I can't help her? What if I'm just like my mother?"

"Don't think like that, you are nothing like her."

"Mom? Dad?"

Mary's eyes snap open, a gasp escapes her mouth. She sits up in her bed, wiping a thin layer of sweat from her forehead and tries to collect herself.

"What the hell?" She mumbles.


Mary's mind races throughout the rest of the day about her dream, she hasn't had a dream about her parents in almost 5 years. Why would she have one now?

She gets so lost in her thoughts, she doesn't notice Benny come up to her locker at the end of the day. "Hello? Planet Mary?" He says, waving a hand in front of her face. Mary snaps out of her daze and smiles softly at him, "Hey, sorry."

"You okay? You've been quiet all day." He asks with concern. Mary bites the inside of her cheek, "I had a dream about my parents last night."

Benny raises his eyebrows, "Really? Wow. That must've been hard."

Mary nods, "It's not even just that, I haven't had a dream about them in over 5 years, and I can't understand why I would have one now. It's driving me nuts."

"I'm not sure either. Maybe it was just a freak-one-time thing?" Benny suggests. Mary shrugs, "Maybe."

She starts to shut her locker as Benny studies her distressed, concerned expression. "Hey," He says, placing a hand on her arm, "I'm sure it's nothing. And if you need a distraction, we're all gonna watch Jacuzzi Time Machine at Ethan's tonight, if you wanna come."

Mary smiles, "Thanks, Benny. That sounds great, I'll come by after work."

He gives her a warm smile back, "Great. I'll bring the Kit Kat's." He boops her nose and she chuckles at him.

She watches him walk away and feels a wave of heat rising on her face. "Ooo, somebody is blushing." Sarah coos behind her.

Mary turns to Sarah and Erica and her face grows redder, "What? No I'm not."

"It's so obvious you two are into each other, like it's actually getting pathetic. Just ask him out." Erica says. "You don't know that he likes me." Mary points out.

"Oh come on!" Erica groans, "He brought food to school for you every morning for two months straight."

"He nearly died chopping a haunted tree to save you."

"He made a love potion and used it on you."

"He nearly beat up a guy in a supermarket for you-"

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Mary snaps, raising her arms in defense. She sighs, "Look, I know he likes me. And I like him. But, I'm scared. What if we date and it goes horribly, then we break up and it ruins our friendship? I can't risk that. He's too important to me."

"You won't know unless you try, Mary. It could be great." Sarah replies.

"You don't know that for sure." Mary mumbles.

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