chapter eleven

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Mary didn't sleep a wink that night.

She tossed and turned worrying about that doll. What's funny is that dolls never really scared her that much, until the night before.

Mary didn't want to leave her bed until she absolutely had to get up, but a phone call interrupted this.

"Hello?" She croaks into the phone, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, are you just waking up? You sound exhausted." Benny says on the other line.

Mary groans, "yeah, I am. I couldn't sleep."

"Because of Debbie I'm assuming? Wow I never knew you were so afraid of dolls."

"I'm not! I just don't like the idea of pieces of plastic with faces suddenly coming to life." Mary retorts.

Benny laughs, "well when you put it that way, I guess I can believe you. Listen, uh, ok don't freak out but I'm outside your house, I have your breakfast."

Mary immediately sits up in bed, "Benny! Why would you come to my house so early?!"

"It's 8:00! School starts at 8:30, that's not that early, Mary."

She sighs and kicks off her blanket, "you're lucky you're sweet and giving me food, or else you'd be waiting outside in the cold until 8:15."

Benny chuckles, "awe, come on, you love me too much to do that."

"Shut up." Mary snorts.

Benny smiles at her when she opens the door, waving her breakfast and a coffee. Mary smiles back at him, but then quickly crosses her arms over her chest when she realizes she's only wearing a tank top and sweat pants. "Thank you. Come in, I gotta go shower. Make yourself comfy." Mary says.

Benny walks in past her, "where's your dad?"

"Who-oh, uh, he left for work already," Mary stammers.

Benny nods, "oh, okay."

Mary takes a bite of her food and puts her coffee on the kitchen table, "I'll be back in 10." She says before running upstairs. "Okay." Benny says with a shrug.

Benny decides to take this time and look around. Interestingly, there weren't any family photos up. None. Not a single one, not even one of her dad. There also weren't many personal items, like books or magnets on the fridge.

"Simple people?" Benny says to himself with a half shrug. He sits on a stool and takes his phone out until Mary came back.

Mary quickly brushes her blow dried hair, fixes her sweater and jeans, then rushes down the stairs. "Ready?"

Benny turns to face her, his face goes red and a small sheepish smile spreads across his face. 'How does she always look so good? She literally just woke up.' Benny clears his throat, "y-yeah."

Mary raises an eyebrow at him, "you okay?"

Benny nods, for a little too long, "yeah I'm fine, let's get going."

Mary shrugs and grabs her coffee from the table, "alright then."

The two left Mary's house and head to school. "So, did you figure out the spell?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did. But, I don't how Jane pronounced it and if I say it wrong then it won't work the way we want it to. She has to cast it herself." Benny replies.

Mary groans, "of course. And you know that's going to be a pain because she loves Debbie."


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