chapter thirty four

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This is an insanely long and crazy chapter so buckle up :)

Mary walks down the hall with Benny, hand in hand, the next day with Ethan beside them. "I can't believe you found your foster brother, well, more like he found you...either way, it's great." Benny says.

Mary nods, smiling, "I know. I never thought I'd see him again, I just hope he doesn't think that I got up and left that day without saying goodbye." Her smile fades, "I wanna tell him the truth, but, I don't know if I should."

"I think you should," Ethan shrugs, "I mean it's not just about him and you, it's about his parents too."

Mary sighs, almost forgetting about Brian and Kate. "Right."

"Dude, your mom was so busy yelling last night," Benny states, changing the subject when he notices the sullen look on Mary's face, "She didn't even notice Sarah gone, or Jane acting weird."

Ethan nods, "Well, I'll tell you guys what's weird, my vision had snack food in it."

"Dude, I have visions of food all the time." Benny replies, "Pizza, milkshakes, pizza flavored milkshakes-"

"Ew." Mary winces, earning a chuckle from Benny.

"And every time I searched that weird name they said, Valmudrap," Ethan continues, "My computer froze, on that picture of the red door the kids were drawing."

Benny and Mary scrunch their faces at him, just as kids come down the hall cheering, laughing, and heading out the school doors.

"Why is everyone leaving?" Mary wonders.

The boys shrug, just as principal Hicks appears behind them. "Oh, hello kids. Classes are canceled, all the teaching staff appeared to have left."

"Left?" Ethan asks, "Left where?"

Their principal shrugs, "No idea. They just got up, and took off. Not even a word of thank you for the donuts I got them for the staff meeting." He sighs at the donut in his hand, "Well at least they left me one." He brings it up to his mouth to take a bite, a sudden wave of disorientation comes over his face, his eyes flash black for a second. He drops his full coffee mug, and starts to stumble away. "Did you guys just see that?" Ethan asks once their principal was gone.

The other two nod, still staring down the hall in astonishment. "Do you know what this means?"

Benny nods, "Yes, of course, sort of...nope." He sighs, "Just tell us what it means."

"Don't say this is another zombie situation." Mary adds.

"I don't think so, I think the donuts are making all the adults leave town, and turning the kids into dronios'." Ethan explains. "I wonder what it does to teenagers."

Benny shakes his head aggressively, "I don't wanna know." He opens his bag and pulls out multiple boxes of Molios donuts, throwing them to the ground. Mary scrunches her eyebrows at him, holding back a chuckle, "Why did you buy so-"

"Moment of weakness, alright?"

Ethan rolls his eyes while Mary shakes her head, just as Erica and Sarah appear behind them. "Speaking of weak, here comes the hot mess express." Benny jokes, earning an eye roll from Mary.

He chuckles at her and wraps an arm around her shoulder as they turn to face the girls. Erica hisses at them, causing the three to jump. "She's so hungry she can't control her fangs, and I'm so hungry I can't control her." Sarah states, crossing her arms.

Erica forms a pout across her face and moves her hand up to cover her mouth, just as her fangs appear again and two guys walk past them, staring. "What are you geeks gawking at?" She snaps through her hand.

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