chapter tweleve

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Benny ran down a hallway, feeling the cold chill of the shadow figure chasing after him on his neck. "Shit shit shit!" He yelled, "come on, open!"

Eventually, he found an unlocked door. He immediately ran inside and shut it behind him. He looked around the room he found himself in, his gaze stopped at a girl in the corner. There was a light around her, but it was dim, and it seemed to be growing darker by the second, so dark he couldn't even see her face.

"Are you okay?" He walked over to her with a hand out, but two cold hands pushed him away.

"What the-"

"Benny! Help! Please!" The girl shrieked as the shadow figure that was chasing him before was dragging her away, into an exit that was nothing but darkness.

"No!" Benny screeched. He ran towards her, his hand inches from hers, but she disappeared into the dark.


"No!" Benny screams and sits up in his bed.

His throat is dry, his entire body is shaking. "What the fuck was that?" He asks himself, rubbing his tired eyes. This dream was definitely different compared to the others, this had to be important.

He immediately rushes to his computer and video calls Ethan. "Dude!" Benny screeches when he answers.

"Benny, stop yelling it's barely 7:30, what's going on?" Ethan mumbles while rubbing his eyez.

"Dude, the dream was so different this time. I'm freaking out right now!" Benny exclaims.

"What happened?" Ethan asks.

Benny tells him what he saw. The shadow figure, the dark light, the girl, everything.

"Wow. That is so weird. And this has never happened in the dream before?"

Benny shakes his head, "no, never. I don't know what it means. God-why does this keep getting more confusing."

Ethan sighs, "I'm not sure, man. Maybe we should try and research this ourselves, I'm sure if we look hard enough we'll find something. I'll get started on that after school."

Benny nods, "yeah, yeah good idea. Thanks."

"So, you ready to pitch our idea to the yearbook committee today?" Ethan asks, trying to distract Benny from his obvious nerves.

"Oh hell yeah, I've got our ties and everything. I'll meet you beforehand so we can change." Benny says, appreciating the change in subject.

Ethan nods, "cool. See ya." Benny ends the call and slumps back into his computer chair, and his phone goes off suddenly.

Mary: hey! wanna go to the coffee shop together this morning? I actually got a little sleep last night so I woke up earlier :)

Benny smiles at his phone and eagerly texts her back.

Benny: glad one of us did :) and I would love to do that. see ya in 20?

Mary: perfect, see ya :)

Benny quickly shoots up from his chair to get ready. He throws on his favorite shirt, jeans, and socks. He nearly falls onto his back trying to get his shoes on, then he runs into his bathroom.

He slaps some cold water on his face, then studies the dark bags under his eyes. "Ugh. I look like a fucking zombie."

Once he was done in the bathroom, he quickly grabs his stuff and heads downstairs. "Leaving already?" His grandma asks, coming out of the kitchen.

In Your Dreams || Benny Weir COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now