chapter thirty

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part two of mirror/rorrim

Mary stands slightly uncomfortably onstage next to Sarah and Erica. They've been rehearsing for the past week, and Mary was feeling the most anxious she's ever been. Not to mention, her nightmares have been nonstop.

"Now, Rainbeam and Hazelthistle need to help Sundrop believe in loving herself, so she could apply for the job of Mother Nature. Can you put that in your hearts?" Miss. LOL asks the girls.

Mary looks over at Sarah who politely smiles, "I think we got it."

Miss. LOL nods, "Okay, alright where's our star?" She looks around the stage for Sunday, "We have to get cracking." The girls also look around for the lead, until they all hear her voice across the stage near the curtains.

"The sun drops down..." Sunday has a sinister smirk across her face, suddenly a sand bag falls onto the stage. Sunday continues to cut the ropes, "So the grasses can grow..."

One sand bag falls into Sarah's hands, she catches it with ease, momentarily forgetting how heavy those bags actually are and that her strength was abnormal. "Uh, ouch. My hands." Sarah realizes, throwing the bag to the ground.

Mary looks around in a panic as more bags fell around them, she dodges one coming to her feet.

"That is why the sun drops down!" Sunday shouts, just as she cuts the remaining ropes. The sandbags above her start to fall in her direction, she lets out a piercing scream causing everyone to look over.

The sandbags land on the young girl and she collapses. Ethan hurries over with the teacher just as Benny appears next to him, "Sunday?"

Mary decides to run over and check on the girl too. "I'm okay," Sunday says with strain in her voice, "No worries."

"We need a doctor!" Ethan shouts.

Mary glances over, just in time to catch Erica's slight smirk. "And an understudy."


The five head down the hall towards class. They were all questioning the events that just occurred, Ethan was accusing Erica of being a part of it somehow.

"Wait, can't vampires go all puppet master with the weak minded? You could've convinced her to hurt herself."

Sarah scoffs, "Glamouring is only something that old and powerful vampires can do." Sarah pauses to shoot Erica a look, "So what did you do?"

Erica sighs, "Nothing, that Aussie punk is as mad as a cut snake. She freaked out on me earlier, told me to say out of her mirror; if I was gonna break her legs, I'd had done it then."

The others besides Sarah shoot her puzzled and questionable looks. Sarah sighs, "I think she's telling the truth."

"I am. Now, your star has lines to learn. We open tomorrow, no time to yapper like a dil." Erica boasts. Mary couldn't help but chuckle at Erica's new dialect after hanging out with Sunday so much.

"I think you're spending a little too much time as Sunday's understudy." Sarah says, as if reading Mary's mind.

Erica shrugs, "Nah, she's ables'. Now on your boing' before I got egro' on ye beco'."

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