chapter fourteen

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"Definitely not that one."

Mary sighs as Sarah rejects the third outfits she's shown her. She was trying to find something to wear for her day with Benny.

After she told him everything, she felt so relieved. It was like she had been carrying this weight around on her back, then she was finally able to let it go. They felt closer than ever before which made Mary even more confused about her feelings.

"Should I be this worked up over my outfit? I mean we're just going to the store and then coming back to my house to watch a movie." Mary wonders out loud.

"Well no, you shouldn't, but you also never know what could happen." Sarah teases with a playful wink.

"Sarah!" Mary shouts while her face went beat red. She throws a pillow at her, "it's not like that!" Sarah chuckles and throws it back at her.


"Okay, dude, which one?"

Benny was holding up three different shirts into his video camera to show Ethan. He was so nervous to spend the day with Mary he couldn't think straight.

"Benny, they're all the same striped shirt just in different colors."

Benny groans and throws his head back, "come on! I need your help. I literally cannot think straight. Should I get her flowers? Coffee? When we go to her house do I just put my arm around her or do I wait and see if she wants me to? Do-"

"Benny! You're spiraling again."


"Look, dude," Ethan says, "you're just hanging out. You shouldn't be too worried about this, you guys have hung alone out tons of times."

"Yeah, but it's different now. It's a whole day, and her and I have gotten closer," Benny shrugs, "things just feel different."

"But that's a good thing, right? You shouldn't stress about it. Just, go and act like you always do around her, she seems to like it." Ethan says with a shrug.

"I know, I know." Benny mumbles.

"Hey, what time is it?" Ethan asks.

"Uh, 1:40 why?"

"Aren't you supposed to meet Mary at 2:00?"

Benny's eyes widen, "oh shit!"


Benny got to Mary's house at 2:00 on the dot. He stares up at her house for a good minute before actually knocking on the door.

Mary quickly runs down her steps to open the door, but not before she checks herself in the mirror, again. "You can do this. You're just hanging out. Everything is fine." Mary says to herself.

Mary turns and swings open the door, smiling at Benny, "hey."

Benny gets lost in taking her in, trying his best to not make it obvious that he is pretty much checking her out. He coughs, "hi."

Mary gently shuts the door behind her, "you okay?"

He gives a shaky nod, "yeah-yeah, I'm-I'm good."

A slightly awkward silence washes over them as they began their walk to the store. "So, um, do you know what you wanna get?" Benny asks. Why is this so hard for him? It was usually so easy to talk to her.

"Yup, got my list here." Mary replies with a nod, gesturing to the piece of paper in her pocket.


The two became quiet again, and Mary was getting concerned and antsy, as was Benny. "What's going on with us? Why is it so hard to talk right now?" Mary blurts.

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