chapter twenty five

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"Benny...Ethan...Sarah...Hello?" Mary called into the dark, empty hall lined with doors. "What's going on? What do I do!" A door creaks open nearby, and Mary hears the sound of a wail, "Mary!"

"I'm coming!" She shouts back and darts into the open room.

There was nothing but pitch black and the sound of shaky breaths. A hand grasps her wrist, and spins her around, the sight making her shriek. Benny's and Sarah's faces were pale and their eyes were a ghostly white.

"Save us."

Mary sits up right in her bed, a pool of sweat sticking to the back of her neck and her hands shaking. "Fuck." She mumbles, rubbing her teary eyes.

She hasn't had a nightmare in months. After her and Benny got closer, then started dating, the nightmares just stopped all together. It was like her mind and body had been searching for something, then they finally found it and went to sleep. And she knew Benny was having similar dreams, then they stopped at the same time, too.

That's when Benny realized Mary was the girl in his dreams, but he never told her. He thought it was best to keep it to himself, or it could somehow ruin what they had going on; he couldn't risk that.

Mary was scared. What did this new nightmare mean? Should she be worried? Why did her boyfriend and best friend look dead?


Mary couldn't get the dream out of her head, it raced through her mind all morning.

She wasn't even listening to a word Rory was saying as they headed down the hall to their English class. "And I started like freaking out, and then the squirrel jumped in my face and then-Mary?" Rory pauses when he notices the brunette spacing out. "Hello? You in there?" He moves his hand around in front of her face, then claps them together, "Mary."

"Ah! What?" She jumps at the sound. Rory chuckles, "Sorry, you were totally spacing out, though. You okay?"

She sighs, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you wanna take a nap during English? I'll cover for you." He says. Mary laughs, "No, that's okay, thanks Rory."

He nods in response, then turns when he hears laughing down the hallway. "What's going-holy crap." He laughs. "What?" Mary asks. She averts her gaze down the hall, to see Ethan and Benny walking up. They looked like they didn't rinse their hair in the shower, it was matted down to their heads like helmets.

Mary bursts out laughing, "Oh."

"Nice look, guys." Rory chuckles at them, and Mary holds back a snort. Ethan rolls his eyes, "Yeah yeah, the shower cut off right before we could rinse. The whole street lost water pressure." He replies.

"You were both in the shower at the same time?" Rory laughs.

"Different showers, Rory, different!"

Benny shrugs, "Actually I was in the middle of this deep conditioning treatment." Mary scrunches her brows at him, the boys give him a funny look. "People aren't just born with hair this thick and shiny, alright." Benny protests.

Mary shakes her head and chuckles softly, "You're not wrong there. Well, gotta get to English," Mary leans up and gives Benny a quick peck on the cheek, "See you later."

Benny tries to talk to her more, but she was already heading down the hall. "Is she okay?" Benny asks, turning to Rory. He shrugs, "She said she didn't get much sleep last night."

Rory follows the direction Mary was in, and Benny was left behind, concerned.


Later, Benny searches the hall for Mary. "There you are." He says with a grin, noticing her in front of her locker.

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