chapter forty four

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Mary squeezes Benny's hand as his grandma looked into Ethan's head with her magic. "Anything?" Benny asks, biting the thumbnail on his other hand.

"Yes." Evelyn replies.

"In his head?" Benny adds.


"Is it bad?"

His grandma shoots him a look, which causes him to stop asking, "sorry." Mary squeezes his hand again, this time he squeezed back. She was scared to say the least, but she tried to focus her attention on other things in the room. The pine scented candles lit on the table, the sun hitting the glass jars along the shelves, anything to distract her from the overwhelming sense of doom that's creeping up on all of them.

"Ethan, the fear binding you're under is very strong." Evelyn says.

"We're all gonna die." Ethan cries.

This caught Mary's attention, remembering the dark dream she had of Ethan not too long ago.

"We're all gonna die."

"You're gonna loose everything."

She feels her other hand start to spark, so she shoves it in her pants pocket while leaning closer to Benny. "Look at me, Ethan." Evelyn says, grasping his hands. "Now."

Ethan wearily opens his eyes, instantly jumping back at what he saw. "What you see is not real, I don't have a spike through my head."

"You don't have a head, actually."

A loud ringtone coming from Ethan's phone interrupts them. "It's S-Sarah. I have to get her out of Whitechapel," Ethan says, "we should all leave."

"No, we should stay." Evelyn states. "We need to talk with her."


"Okay, Ethan, look at Sarah." Evelyn says.

Ethan has his head down, too scared to even look up at any of them. But he did what Evelyn said, he slowly picks his head up to look at Sarah, instantly terrified at what he saw. "Stern wants you afraid." Evelyn states, "why? Because he knows you can stop him."

"You just have to find something stronger than your fear," she continues, "Sarah is the one you want to protect the most."

Benny's face falls beside his grandma, "but I'm his best friend." He says softly. Mary takes his hand and runs her thumb across it, as if to say it's okay, just run with it right now.

"Now whatever teenager nonsense is going on, you two care about each other," Evelyn says, ignoring Benny. "And you have to believe me, that's stronger than any magic Stern might put into this message he left you. Let's see what we're dealing with..." she stands up and opens the note, only to have the magic from it seep it's way into her. She looses her balance but Ethan immediately stands and catches her arm.

The other three watch in confusion as the two stood there, Evelyn's eyes lit up in a way that Ethan's usually did when he was having a vision. It was strange to say the least.

Suddenly, Evelyn falls on the sofa and sits there, frozen, her eyes open. "What happened?" Benny asks, his voice shaking. He waves a hand in front of Evelyn's face, "grandma? Wh-what happened?"

Ethan sighs, "Stern's magic. She'll be okay, but she may be like that for awhile." Mary stands with Benny, wrapping her arms around him.

"We're on our own." Ethan cries, "now what?"

"We go after that goon and show him what the score is," Benny replies, "it can't be that hard, his jackets are so ugly," he laughs nervously, "right?"

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