💮○A Moment of Truth○💮

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Your POV

I answered the phone, "H-Hello? Father?"

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I.. I needed some help with h-homework. Momo invited me to her house for tutoring." I spoke softly in terror.

"..You didn't ask for my permission." He says coldly, "I was worried about you."

"I'm.. I'm sorry, but-"


I jumped at his shouting outburst.

"Y/n. What's going on?" Shinso comes in the living room from the kitchen.

"Who is that? Is.. IS THAT A BOY!?" He yelled at the phone, "YOU LYING BITCH!"

I flinched knowing how mad he is. He's been angry before but not like this. I would say that this is the first he's ever yelled at me on the phone.

"Father please calm down, I can explain! This is all just a-a big misunderstanding-" Before anything else could be said, Shinso takes the phone away from my hand and checks the contact name to know who was calling me.

He talks to him, "Is this how you talk to your only daughter?"

"Shinso.." I tried to reach for my phone but he steps back and holds his hand up, telling me to stop and stay put. I didn't want him to get involved and it's already humiliating enough that I'm getting yelled at over the phone in someone else's home. I feel like a child again and I'm already 18.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I slowly starting to shake. I have never felt more afraid in my entire life than what I'm feeling right now. I felt so helpless.

"You! Give my daughter's phone back to her! I'm not done talking to her!" He shouted.

He glances at me before answering my father, "I think she's already done talking to you." He ends the call and quickly walks over to my side and asks, "You okay?"



I shook my head in response with heavy breathing as I begin to hyperventilate. My legs begin to tremble.

I can't.. move.. Wh-why can't I move!? Come on Y/n! Don't do this now! Fight it!

"Hey, hey! Look at me!" Shinso holds my shoulders and looks at me in the eye, "You're going be okay. He's not gonna do anything, he doesn't even know where I live. Just breathe. Okay? Breathe."

I couldn't hear his voice. It sounded so distant and faded.

"..Y/n, nothing is going to happen."

What's father going to do when I get home? What will I do? Is he going to hurt me? Will he take more control of my life? Why can't I say anything? Why do I let him to do this to me? I can never speak to him again. He already hates me!

"Hey." He holds both my hands and slowly sits me down on the couch, "It's okay. I'm right here."


I tried to put all my focus on him. His voice. His scent. His touch. My breathing pace was going down steady. I just kept staring at him as my eyes were still watery. My chest felt so opened and ripped in pain. It was an overwhelming feeling when I started to remember the night my father laid his hands on me. No marks were made but the feeling of betrayal and fear has never left me. It continued to play in the back of my mind while I was trying to let it go.

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