💮○Two Reunions?○💮

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Your POV

"Christ, it's finally over.." Bakugo tiredly groans as we walk out of the Sakamaki cooperate building.

"Only because you and Subaru-san wouldn't stop bickering at the end of the meeting." I sighed wearily, "For a demon, you're quite a handful."

"I'm a package deal, so take it or leave it." He held a smug smile, "You knew what you were getting into."

"A part of me did have a feeling when I first met you." I said as we walked into the parking lot to get to our car, "But I do have a few questions that I would like to ask once we're in the car."

He raised a brow and looked at me with a slightly curious look.

As we made it to the car, I went into the driver's seat and closed the door as he entered into the passenger side and closed his door.

"So what do you wanna know now?" He asks with a small huff as he crosses his arms, "I think I already told you enough about my previous life as a-"

"It's not about that, Katsuki." I reassured him.

A slight hint of relief was expressed on his face as he leaned back against his seat, and he let out a small sigh, "So what is it?"

"..Have you met an angel?" I asked him.

He doesn't look at me. He only clicked his tongue and said, "You already asked me that a long time ago. I already told you that I did."

"Yes, but.." I cleared my throat and said, "Kirishima said that you're friends with one. Is that true?"

"Fucking shitty hair.." My husband groans in annoyance and says, "Yes, I have somewhat of an acquainted friend who's from the clouds. But let me tell you, he's annoying as shit. Freaking little crybaby at most. The damn idiot can't even spend two seconds without shutting up about something!"

"What's his name?" I pressed on.

He stayed silent for a moment. He gives me a quick glance before looking away as he mutters, "Christ, you're too damn nosy.." He then answers, "His name is Izuku Midoriya. I used work with him once before I became a love demon."

I was stunned to hear that. I tried to remain calm and regain some of my composure as I started to car and drove out of the parking area as I entered the street and started to drive our way back home. After a couple of minutes of pure silence, I spoke again and asked him, "..How long have you known him?"

"Long time." He says, "More than the idiots you know now."

"You knew him way before Kirishima and the others?" I asked as he confirmed it with a nod and a small hum, "Huh."

He chuckles and looks at me with his signature grin, "Okay, Miss nosy. What the hell has gotten you so curious lately?"

"Hm?" I said as I looked ahead on the road while driving, "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me." He said as his grin slowly disappeared, "Why are you asking so many damn questions about my life?"

"Well, you don't really talk about it as much." I said calmly, "I mean.. it seems like I have to interrogate you to get to know you."

"Well, you humans aren't really supposed to know everything about us or our existence. Shit gets complicated." He says with a small huff, "Why do you think I'm hated in Hell?"

"Katsuki, I-" I was interrupted.

"Look, I understand about your curiosity and your ambitious traits. It's in your nature. It's normal." He says while staring out at the window, "But I just don't know if you're ready to know everything about my world just yet. It's nothing personal, but I don't think that you can handle it."

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