💮○Sweet Revenge○💮

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Your POV

"Are you all alright!?" Momo checks us with worry, "Why didn't you go report this to a teacher or a staff member?"

"Because our asses were getting kicked." Jiro says as Momo holds her face.


"Yeah, but those girls got it worse!" Mina huffs, "They'll learn not to mess with us next time! Right Y/n?"

"..Right." I said before hissing in pain.

"Sorry hun, but you really aught to be careful when running down the halls. You can't always be in such a rush." The nurse gently pats a cotton ball with alcohol onto my scraped knees.

"I know, Miss Ruby. I-I just don't like being late.. returning my library book." I lied.

"I understand." The amber haired woman then chuckled, "I would say it's impossible for you to get into trouble with other students at this school. Why, you're the lady that I need my own daughter to be when she grows up."

"O-oh.." I left a nervous expression on my face, "I'm sure your daughter is a good child."

"Ha! Try feeding her a bottle at 3am." She says, "But my sitter says she's an angel."

"You have baby?" Mina asks, "For your ag- Oof!"

Jiro elbows her on the side and shakes her head with narrowed eyes.

"Well, then." The nurse puts away her first aid kit and throws the old cottons balls into the trash bin, "You girls can go now, I must drop off some things to the office. All of you stay out of trouble now."

With the door closed, a small flick against my head hits me.

"Ow!" I rubbed my head.

"You're a real cluts aren't you?" Bakugo gives me his usual scowl.

Feeling a bit fired up, I talked back, "Yeah? Well.. at least I-I actually put up a fight!"

"Yeah, Y/n saved me from one of angry gremlin twins!" Mina then said, "She actually stood her ground and fought back!"

"Did she really?" Momo asks in shock.

"It's true." Jiro says, "Normally, she isn't the type to fight. Let alone handle confrontation itself."

"Yeah, but today was definitely the opposite! I was like, 'who is she and what has she done to Y/n?' Ha!"

"..Huh." My 'boyfriend' looks at me and smirks, "So you can fight back."

"Y-Yeah I can!" I said feeling more confident, "Maybe I can take you on!"

He nods with a small grin, "I'll keep that in mind."

Then my confidence shattered after realizing of heat I just said. Now fear and a massive amount of anxiety forms into my stomach.

I need to watch what I say..


I hummed in response to Bakugo.

"..Who did this to you?" He asked.

I figured that he was going to ask me, so I didn't respond.

"Oh, it was these three girls." Mina huffs at the thought of them, "The leader attacked Y/n first while the other two were guarding the fight."

"One of the twins were guarding the restroom while the other made sure that Y/n wouldn't leave the stall. Just for the leader to hurt her." Jiro crossed her arms as Momo placed a bandage on her cheek, "If you plan on confronting them, they ditch every single class so it wouldn't be hard to find them."

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