💮○Heal the Wounds○💮

501 23 12

Your POV

Three weeks had passed since the unfortunate news of my mother's disappearance has become a much bigger and sinister problem for both humans and, apparently, angels. I spent most of my time locked up in my house, avoiding the media, paparazzi, immature pranksters, my father's loyal subjects from the outside, his lawyers constantly visiting me, thirsty fan girls for my husband, and of course, Mr. Sakamaki's lawyers. It was all too much for me to handle at once. My father's sudden bail from prison, my mother's disappearance, an upcoming cult that worships Bakugo's deceased mother like a satantic goddess, and of course, my awful hangover.

"Y/n. You've been drinking for three days straight now. When are you gonna stop?" My husband crossed his arms while leaning against the wall in the living room.

A few empty bottles of wine were lying on the floor as I lay on the couch with a tired groan.


".. What time is it?" I asked tiredly.


"That's it. You're done." He snapped his fingers as the empty bottles disappeared into thin air of black mist, and the glass in my hand disappeared too.

"Hey.." I frowned and said, "I was gonna drink that.."

"I've been way too damn patient for you to look this pathetic." He says coldly, "I'm done seeing you like this."

I heard him step forward as he made me sit up straight when I whined and said, "Too fast! I'll get dizzy and puke!"

"Christ, I'm such a dumbass for letting you drink like this." He said as he snapped his fingers again to have a bucket out for me. His palm glowed a soft red as he reached out to my stomach, "Hold still."

"Nooooo...!" I pushed his hand and laid back down.

"Y/n, you need to sit up to get this out of your system. Come on." He grabbed my wrists and pulled me up again.

That was it. He went too fast again.

"Crap." I quickly grabbed the bucket and began to vomit in it as I heard him sigh while rubbing my back.

"Drinking won't make the problems go away. Plus, you need to come back to work." He says as he begins the healing process by pressing his other palm on my stomach, "You're gonna need that bucket for another minute right now."


He sighed heavily as he let me get the alcohol out of my system.


"Better?" He asked.


I heavily panted and sighed as he wiped my mouth with a small towel and offered me a glass of water.

"Drink." He said.


I nodded and did what he said. After finishing the glass and setting it down on the coffee table, tears formed in my eyes as he continued to heal me.

He saw this and shook his head as he looked away. He knew how difficult human lives could be. But this was just insane. He then kissed the top of my head and asked, "Have you called them?"

"Who?" I asked.

"Your friends, Y/n. Mina, Jiro, and Momo.." He sighed, knowing that I was not fully focused.


"No." I said.


He pulled his palm away as he did his work and said, "You're going out with them this weekend. You're not staying in this house anymore."

I looked at him and looked away. While shaking my head, I wiped my tears away as I stood up to go upstairs, "I don't want to."

"I wasn't asking you, I'm fucking telling you." He said sternly.

I lightly scoffed as I ignored him to go get my clothes from our bedroom before walking to the bathroom to start the shower.

"Y/n." He tried getting my attention.

I didn't bother to stop him or lock the door as I got into the bathroom. I turned on the faucet while checking the water temperature.


I placed my clothes on the toilet and walked to the sink to brush my teeth. I didn't want the taste of wine or vomit stuck in my mouth.

He grit his teeth and growled in annoyance as he watched me rinse my mouth and spit in the sink. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. His eyes grew wide when he saw how dull my eyes looked. His brows furrowed as he saw more tears forming in my eyes until they ran down face.

"I'm tired, Katsuki.." My voice cracked as I held a broken expression, "I'm so tired.. of everything."

He immediately stopped being angry and pulled me in for a warm embrace as I softly cried into his chest. He held me close while he comforted me.

"I'm sorry.." I said as my lips trembled, "I didn't mean to.. to.."

"Shh.." He kissed the top of my head a few times while holding me in his arms, "It's fine.. I get it."


"Why can't I just be happy with you? Without.. all of this?" I sighed while sniffling.


"Seems like someone doesn't like us being together." He said with a small shrug.

I softly chuckled at his little joke.


"At least the angels will help us find your mom. Makes things easier." He said, "Plus, this house is blessed. So bonus."


"Yeah." I looked up at him and said, "I don't know how you do it."

"Do what?" He asked as he cupped my face. He rubbed my tears away with his thumb.

"Being.. you know.. immortal." I felt my tone sound a little nervous mixed with uncertainty.


"..Being with you has made feel more human than you'll ever know, Y/n." He looks into my eyes with his own as he said these words, "I've been immortal for a long time.. I almost felt lost. Empty even.. While I was an incubus, I didn't know a god damn thing about love other than the physical pleasures of it. But seeing you.. for the first time.. and then experiencing all these memories with you.. it's the best fucking thing that you could have ever done for me."

My lips parted as my heartbeat felt like it was fluttering.

"I love you, Y/n L/n. You are my pride. My whole world. My soul mate. You are a part of me, and I'll always be a part of you. No matter what. Nothing will ever change that." He says as there was no glare at all with his eyes filled with nothing but love and determination, "And you know what? The world can kiss my ass. Screw the damn rules. Screw the paparazzi, screw those shitty lawyers, screw your old man's bail, I'll kill anyone who gets in our way if that's what it takes for us to be happy."

"Wait, wh-what are you saying?" I looked up at him confused.

He smirks and says, "Let's get fucking married."

My eyes grew wide with extreme shock. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. I was already a crying mess, and now, it's going to be messier.

"R-Really?" I asked with my hand covering my mouth, "We can have our wedding?"

He nodded and said, "Once the ritual is done, I'll make the fucking greatest wedding come to life."

"Katsuki!" I smiled at him with a tearful expression of joy as I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and squealed happily as he holds me close and spins as we laughed together.

The sound of the doorbell ringing stops us as he sets me down.

Bakugo quickly shifts downstairs and opens the front door. His scowl turned sinister.

Laito Sakamaki had his hands on hips and said, "Long time no see. Bakugo."

[Very short, but I'd say you deserve the good news from Bakugo. YALL ARE GETTING MARRIED]

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