Can I get out of here yet?!

884 21 4

Natsu's P.O.V

I was fuming mad. Furious that we hadn't left the guild hall yet to go and find Luce. Erza just kept telling me that we needed to take a moment to prepare for the journey because we didn't know how far we would have to go or who we would be facing. My blood still boiling at the fact that I had smelled Luce's blood and tears in her apartment. Many of the others had attempted to approach me, but anytime that they got too close I would growl at them. I had no patience to deal with their emotions at the moment. Why are we just sitting here?! Our mate is out there hurt! The voice in my head screamed. I had to admit that it had a point. Why were we just sitting here? Just because Erza told us to?

I slammed my fist against the table that I was sitting at and stood up. "I'm not just going to sit here while we know that someone out there has Luce! Who knows what they could be doing to her?!" I screamed. Erza approached me. A sad look on her face. It wasn't something that I was used to seeing from Erza.

"Natsu, everyone wants to head out to go and look for Lucy right now. She's our family. None of us like the idea of her being hurt somewhere being tortured by some sick person. That's why were waiting for Wendy to finish with Levy so that we can take her with us. Use your brain. Having Wendy with us will be optimal for Lucy's health." Erza scolded me. I knew that she had a point, but I hated just sitting here. I knew that we should take Wendy with us because she would be able to heal Luce, but I wanted to get to her now. I didn't like the idea of someone torturing her. Why would anyone even take Luce?

Wendy finally exited the infirmary. She looked slightly pale and I could tell by her scent that her magic energy was most likely running a bit low. She would have to save every ounce of her strength just to be able to heal Luce when we get there. "I'm so sorry that took so long everyone. Levy should be okay in a day or two. Are we ready to go?" She questioned in her small voice. Sometimes I forget that she's just a kid because of how powerful she is.

Erza and Gray exchanged glances before they looked at me. I grinned. "I'm all fired up now! Let's go!" I called out. Just wait Luce. We'll be there soon.

Lucy's P.O.V

Blood was dripping down my forehead and into my eye. It was making it difficult to see. He had slammed my head into the wall earlier after I had spit into his face. There was no way that I was this crazy person's mate! We don't even know each other! He has some nerve coming into my apartment and hurting Levy and I. I knew that once Natsu got there that there was no way that he would sit around for very long. Just you wait buddy. Natsu is going to kick your ass.

The door creaked open as Zatori walked into the room. He stood tall, his head almost hit the low cell door, as he walked into the room. He had a sick grin on his face. Even in the dim light I could see that his front tooth had a chip in it. They also had a yellow tint to them. I groaned inwardly. 'That's just disgusting.' I thought to myself. "So, princess. Are you going to play nice now so I can finally show you out of this cell. I'll even be nice and push you around in this chair. I know your legs must be hurting from sitting on them all this time."

I looked down. 'No you idiot. My legs hurt because you kicked them repeatedly. I don't think I could stand even if I wanted to.' I sighed slightly and looked up to him with my chocolate brown orbs. I wanted to show confidence, that I still had enough fight left in me to stand up against him, but I guess it didn't come off that way because he simply chuckled at me. "Well it looks like princess is going to behave. Don't worry. You're going to love your life here with me. I can promise you that." He smiled wickedly at me again as he rolled in a chair. It looked like it had been adjusted from some sort of torture device to a chair that was for transportation now.

He stalked towards me and out of instinct I tried to back away from him. This just made his wicked grin grow as he continued to approach me. "There's no reason to be afraid my princess. As long as you're good I won't have to discipline you." His voice almost growled the las part. 'Of course you think torture is discipline. You're absolutely crazy!' I wanted to scream at him, but even when I opened my mouth to say the words they wouldn't come out. He found this funny. "Aww, it's like a new born learning to speak for the first time. Can't quite form the words can you?" He asked me while laughing.

I just rolled my eyes as he finally knelt down beside me. Pulling the key from the chain around his neck he undid the chains that were around my hands, but left the ones around my ankles bound. "Can't have you trying to run off on me. Once I know for sure that you won't run I'll undo those as well. Now come along my dear. Wrap your arms around my neck and I will help you to your seat." I sighed slightly. Knowing that I didn't have much of a choice at them moment.

I raised my arms weakly and wrapped them around his neck. If I used this chance wisely, maybe I could escape from here! He picked me up and sat me down in the chair. "Are you comfortable my princess?" He questioned me. I simply nodded. There was no way in hell I was going to give this bastard the satisfaction of hearing me speak. So, maybe now is my chance to get out of here and get back to fairy tail.

Yay! Another update! As always please let me know what you think. I promise next week that the story is going to start to pick up again. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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