Chapter One

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Clarissa's POV

I sat at the long table in the Great Hall, mesmerised by the magic that radiated from every corner. It wasn't that I hadn't been around magic. I was a witch and so were my adopted parents. I had been to Diagon Alley plenty of times and the ministry of magic too when Dad had emergency meetings. At those times I would just wonder around, watching the wizards and witches work on fascinating projects or sorting out some serious problems that I knew damn well I shouldn't be nosing into but I couldn't help myself.

The hall was large. Floating candles filled the enchanted ceiling that looked like the night sky. Stars sparkled like diamonds and I found myself staring at the different constellations. I couldn't quite put into words how stunning it was.

There was only one person I knew, Hermione. Well, I didn't really know her. We had met on the train on the way to this new school. But she was nice to me. Straight away she welcomed me into her friendship group and tried to introduce me to everyone. Not that I could remember any of their names. Nerves had taken over and all information had gone in one ear and out the other. I swear one of them was called Luna though and there may have been a Ginny.

Right now though, I felt tiny sitting amongst all the other students that were feasting on all the food that lined the tables. Everyone was excited to be with their friends again, chatting away, drinking, and eating. The professors at the front of the hall were also laughing and joking with each other, happy to be back with their school family. Although I was excited to finally be spending my last academic year here, I also felt slightly out of place.

"I'm certain you will get in to Gryffindor Clarissa." Hermione smiled at me reassuringly, as though she sensed my anxiety. "There are also some lovely people in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff too, so even if you get put in to one of those houses, it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing." She nodded towards the two tables behind me where blue and yellow flags hung above them and I looked back up at the red flags above us.

"Unless you get put into Slytherin, then we can't be friends anymore." The ginger haired boy grumbled through a mouth full of turkey leg, making the boy with glasses laugh beside him. I recognised that one but couldn't quite place where from.

Hermione levelled him with a look and he gulped as he lowered his gaze back to his plate. I gave a nervous chuckle but put my head down too. My red, curly hair fell over my face and I twisted a coil around my finger trying to distract myself from the nausea in my stomach.

My first day at Hogwarts and even though I was in the last year, I still felt like a first-year student. Nervously waiting to be selected. The only difference was that all the first years had already been assigned their houses and I had to patiently wait until we had all finished our meal. Having previously been homeschooled, this was all new to me. But my parents had agreed with Professor Dumbledore to send me to Hogwarts for the final year so I could prepare for my N.E.W.Ts (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test).

Once everyone had their fill of food, Professor Dumbledore stood from his seat at the front of the hall and waved his hand through the air. The plates and cups vanished from the tables, leaving everything clean and clear. A lot of gasps could be heard from the younger ones. I covered my smile, remembering what I had been like when I first saw dad do the same spell.

Dumbledore then went on to dismiss all year groups but asked year seven students to stay behind. I gulped down the bile that was rising, knowing what was coming. Why was I so nervous? I was 17. There was nothing to be worried about. Whatever house I was placed in didn't determine the kind of person I was. Well, I hoped not.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new student joining us. Clarissa Blackwood will be joining us for her final year of education. Clarissa, please come up to be sorted in to your house." He held out his hand, signalling for me to step forward to the front of the hall.

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