Chapter 19

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Clarissa's POV

I kept my eyes closed as I felt Mattheo moving beside me. He tried to gently get out of the bed but I threw my leg over him, trapping him under it. He chuckled lightly, giving my thigh a squeeze.

'I have to get up' He whispered, kissing my forehead. I found my self smiling and inching my body closer to his.

'Five more minutes' I begged and he pulled me closer to him, sighing.

'I've got to get showered then go back to the Manor. I wont be long' He kissed me again then shuffled out of the bed. I let out a groan and star fished, secretly enjoying the extra space. Hearing the water starting to run, I waited for a few minutes before I climbed out the bed, still naked.

Walking in to the bathroom, I saw him in the shower, water running down his body. I bit my lip but turned to face the mirror. I saw in the reflection that he had turned around and could now see me. Ignoring him, I brushed my teeth as he washed himself then turned back to face him. Lifting my self up, I rested my bum on the cold tiles of the counter and crossed my legs.

His eye's met mine and he shook his head, grinning. I bit my lip and opened my legs. His eyes widened as I reached down, my finger circling around my clit. He watched as I slid my fingers lower, teasing my entrance. I slipped one finger in and my head fell back, a gasp slipping from my lips. I pulled it back out and started rubbing my clit again.

I looked over at Mattheo, still standing in the shower, staring in awe at the little show I was putting on for him. He stepped out but didn't come to me. Instead, he stood watching me touch myself. He was hard and the water was dripping down his body. That made me want him more but I kept rubbing myself. Having him watch was turning me on more and I could feel myself getting close. I added more pressure, getting faster and my eyes closes as I felt the orgasm coming.

'Look at me' He whispered as he moved between my legs, his hands running up my thighs. His touch sent me over the edge and my eyes met his as I reached my high.

His hands pulled my hips towards him and I felt his tip against my entrance. Pushing in, mid orgasm, I cried out in pleasure and he groaned, feeling me clenching around him already. My legs wrapped round him, pulling him deeper in to me, filling me completely. I leaned back as he thrust in and out. He leaned forward, taking my nipple in to his mouth. My moans got louder as his teeth nipped at them, sending flutters through my whole body. Drops of water fell from his hair, running down my body.

A knock at the bedroom door paused us.

'Dude, you awake?' It was Draco. Mattheo groaned but thrust in to me again, still gripping on to my hips. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressed my face in to his neck to muffle the moan that just came out.

'Yeh, what do you want?' Mattheo grinned down at me and I shook my head, telling him not to carry on but he didn't listen and pushed in deep again.

'Is Clary with you?'

'No' Again he pushed in and I bit my lip, trying my hardest to be quiet.

'Don't freak but no one has seen her' We heard the bedroom door open as Draco walked in. Mattheo had the devilish smirk on his face that made my knees go weak every time and I shook my head again.

'I suggest you go find her then' Mattheo pushed in hard and a whimper left my mouth. He sniggered and I gave him a look of death.

'Have you got a girl in there?' Pansy was with him. She had been so quiet, neither of us realized.

'There's a dress on the floor so I'm guessing he has' Draco said and Mattheo laughed.

'Can you both leave now so we can finish what we were doing?'

'Mate, no offence to the girl who is in there but aren't you meant to be making amends with Clary' I could hear Draco's voice just outside the bathroom door as he got closer. He sounded pissed off and I started chuckling. Mattheo shook his head, shocked that his friend didn't realize that I was the girl. Or that he wouldn't be so stupid to have another girl in the first place.

'I recognize that dress' Pansy said to herself mainly. 'That's my dress'

There was a slight pause and I looked at Mattheo, eyes opening wide at the sound of the bathroom door handle being pulled down.

'Wait, oh my god! Draco, don't go in there, it's Cla-'

'What the fuck!' Mattheo pulled out of me and flew at the door, shutting it before Draco could open it fully and see us both. 'Why would you come in knowing I had a girl in here?'

'To stop you fucking a girl that wasn't Clarissa and making a mistake' Draco shouted

'Instead, you just nearly walked in on me fucking your cousin' Mattheo shouted back.

'Eurghh, you could have said from the start you knew where she was' Draco moaned and I jumped down from the side, wrapping a towel round me.

'You get back up there; I'm not finished with you. And Draco,' He looked back at the closed door. 'Kindly fuck off'

Pansy laughed and we heard them both walk away, the bedroom door closing behind them.

'Now where were we?' Mattheo grabbed my hips pulling me close to him.

'Moments gone' I laughed and pushed him away. He groaned but didn't argue against it.

I let the towel drop and stepped in to the shower. He stood watching, contemplating if he had time to join me or not, but he had somewhere he needed to be.

He walked out of the bathroom and I started washing myself. Stepping out the shower, I wrapped the towel around me again and walked in to the bedroom. Mattheo had just finished getting dressed and I walked over to the drawers taking out my black pleated skirt and a cute over sized green jumper.

As I got dressed, Mattheo got something out of his drawer. He stood in silence and waited for me to finish. I sat on the bed and put my socks on then looked at him.

'Clarissa?' He kneeled down in front of my on the floor.

'Hmm?' I looked at him confused as to why he was nervous.

'I understand if you're not' he took a deep breath. 'But are you ready to put this back on yet?' He held out my ring and my heart skipped a beat. I looked at it for a minute. More than anything I wanted it back on my finger. I didn't want to take it of to begin with, I was just so angry with him and wanted to hurt him as much as I could.

I nodded and held out my hand. He let the breath he had been holding out and slid the ring back on my finger. Lifting my hand to his lips, he kissed the ring then my hand itself.

'Mattheo, when do you have to kill Dumbledore?' I asked and the question caught him by surprise.

'As soon as the boys have fixed the vanishing cabinet, why?'

'When will that be?'

'They start today so depending on how well they do' He shrugged and I looked down, trying to find the words to what I wanted to say.

'I want to marry you before you have to kill him' I said, avoiding his eyes.

'Clarissa, nothing is going to happen to me' He lifted my chin, frowning but also looking concerned by what I was saying.

'I know, you keep saying that but I want to, just incase' I tried to smile and he looked at me for a few silent seconds then sighed.

'Ok' He leaned up and kissed me.


Mattheo's POV

We stood in the room of requirements looking at the vanishing cabinet. None of us really knew what to do with it. I crossed my arms and turned my back to it, facing the other three.

'Any ideas?' Reid asked, staring at it.

'Go stand in there and see what happens?' I smirked at him.

'What if it kills me' he stepped forward thinking I was being serious and I rolled my eyes.

'Least we will know if it works' Draco joked and Reid gave him a dirty look.

'What if we put an apple in there or something and one of you go to the other one and see if it appears' Blaise suggested and that was probably the best idea to come from one of us since we had started a couple of hours before.

'You and Reid go. We'll wait here. You send the first apple' Draco said and the other two nodded apperating out of the room.

'So, I see Clarissa has her ring back on' Draco looked at me raising his eyebrow and grinning.

'Yeh' I replied, looking at the cabinet, waiting for some sort of sign that something was happening.

'You don't sound that happy' He frowned 'Thought you would be ecstatic that she actually wants to marry you again'

I sighed and took a cigarette out of the packet in my jacket and sparked it up.

'Of course I'm happy, I'm over the fucking moon that she is going to be my wife.' I inhaled, letting the smoke fill my lungs then breathed it back out in to the air.

'What's the problem then?'

'She want's to get married before I kill Dumbledore and I don't want her to rush in to it if it's not what she really wants.' I looked down at the floor.

'That is pretty soon but you know Clarissa and she wouldn't suggest it if she didn't really want to' He smiled at me and I smiled back.

'It's a good job we already have her mothers permission then'

'Well you can't exactly get her adopted parents permission' He laughed and I glared at him 'Too soon?' he smirked and I nodded grinning.

The door to the room of requirements opened and we both stood up straight, Draco getting his wand out. Darcy walked in with Clarissa behind her.

'What are you doing here?' Draco growled at his sister and she snarled back at him.

'We bought you all some food seeing as you missed dinner, but with that attitude, you can starve'

'Pansy is just nipping to our dorm to get something then she will be here too' Clarissa said, leaning against a table beside me. Darcy set a basket on the table and opened it, revealing baguettes and other picnic shit.

'Where are the others?' She asked, looking around the room

'They went to the manor but will be back soon' I looked at the cabinet again and wondered whether to check it or not.

'What have you been doing anyway?' Draco asked, taking a can of coke and packet of crisps.

'Planning a wedding' Darcy grinned and Clarissa laughed.

'Let me guess, everything is planned already and I just have to turn up' I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me.

'Pretty much' She chuckled and I looked down at her grinning. I still couldn't believe how lucky I was.

'That was quick' Draco laughed

'Well, we don't even know when the wedding will be so of course we had to plan everything' Darcy complained.

'Two months' I said, still looking at Clarissa. Her eyes widened. Excitement was mixed with terror. Excitement for our wedding and terror knowing soon after I would be killing Dumbledore.

'Oh god, two months?' Darcy repeated. The door opened again and Pansy walked through.

'Two months for what?'

'Our wedding' Clarissa smiled up at me and I leaned down to kiss her.

'What was you getting anyway?' Draco asked Pansy

'Oh, this' She held up a little bag of weed and Draco grabbed her and kissed her.

'One day I'm going to marry you' He laughed taking the bag from her. Pansy turned beetroot and quickly turned to hide her face from him. Clarissa looked at me, frowning slightly but I shrugged not knowing what she wanted to know. If he was going to propose or not?

'Why have you bought weed here anyway?' I asked, sitting on a old sofa and dragging Clarissa down on to my lap.

'Well if we are doing an all nighter then we wanted to smoke too' She chuckled and wriggled her bum to get comfy.

'We?' I asked grinning at her.

'You really think we would let you do this on your own, us girls make shit like this fun' she laughed, still wriggling about. I could feel my self getting harder under her and closed my eyes, praying she would stop moving but she didn't.

'Love, can you sit still' I muttered in her ear

'There is something digging in me though' She moaned still moving her bum.

'It's going to keep digging in if you don't stop moving.' I grabbed her hips, stilling her and she turned to face me, finally grasping what I was going on about. Her mouth opened to say something but then her lips formed a perfect 'o' and she started to move off me. Digging my fingers in, I dragged her hips back down.

'Don't you dare get off' I growled in to her ear and she bit her lip, sending me in to over drive. I wanted the others to fuck off so badly. 'Have they sent anything yet' I looked over at Draco who was rolling.

'I'll go check, one sec' He licked the paper then set the joint down on the table. He walked over to the cabinet and opened it. I watched as he walked back over to us, chucking an apple in the air. 'Well, one way works'

'Take a bite out of it and send it back' I said and he did, then placed it back in the cabinet.

'If it goes back, we will need to start testing it with something living' Draco sighed, picking the joint back up and lighting it up.

'Tell them to send the cat' I gave him a wink to show I was joking and Clarissa looked at me disgusted.

'Do not use my cat as your test subject' She playfully slapped my chest and I caught her hand.

'What's it worth?' I grinned at her and she moved her mouth close to my ear so only I could hear.

'Remember earlier when I was touching myself'


'It felt so good, feeling how wet I was. Rubbing my clit as you were watching.' She bit my ear gently and I breathed out slowly, trying to control the urges I was having to just rip off her clothes.

'You enjoyed watching, didn't you? You liked it. Just thinking about it now is making me wet.' She continued purring in to my ear and I moved slightly, adjusting myself as I started getting hard again.

'If you be a good boy, I'll let you watch again later.'

'Don't use the cat' I looked at Draco and he laughed, passing me the joint.

'I might go there anyway, see what is taking them so long' Draco stood up and so did Darcy.

'Oh, take me, I want to talk to mum about the flowers.'

'Well, I may as well come too and find Nacho then bring him back the safe way.' Pansy said, walking over to them both.

'We'll be back in half hour mate' Draco winked at me and grabbed the girls’ arms before apperating out of the room. 

As soon as the disappeared, I grabbed Clarissa, spinning her round on my lap so she was straddling me.

'Eager' She grinned at me and I shook my head.

'Shut the fuck up' I kissed her hard and she kissed me back while reaching down to unzip my trousers and releasing me. My free hand went between her legs, feeling how wet her underwear was. Moving them to the side, I slipped two fingers in, making sure she was ready for me. And she definitely was.

Her soft moans vibrated against my neck as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. She lifted her self off me slightly and grabbed hold of my hard cock. I took my fingers out, she lined me up with her and sat down hard. She threw her head back and gasped as I filled her.

Relighting the joint and inhaling the smoke, I put my head back, resting my arms on the back of the sofa. I let the smoke leave my lungs, enjoying the feeling of her riding me whilst I got high.

Grinding down on me, her moans started getting louder. I took another drag of the joint and grabbed her head, kissing her, breathing the smoke in to her mouth. She blew the smoke out, tilting her head back and moved her hips faster against me.

'Fuck' I wasn't going to last long, I had been wanting this all day.

She carried on riding me and I placed my hand on her stomach so my thumb could reach her clit. Circling it, I watched her eyes open wide as I helped her get closer to her high. I dropped the joint and grabbed her waist as she started to tighten around me bringing me to my own orgasm. Bucking my hips in to her, she let out her final moan and collapsed on me, breathless.

'Been waiting for that all day' I muttered in her ear and she chuckled. Sliding off me, she stood up and adjusted her underwear. I quickly sorted my self out and pulled her back down so we was laying on the sofa together.

'I really want another shower now' She whispered sleepily.

'As soon as the others get back, we'll go back to our room if you want?' I brushed her hair out of her face and she nodded, laying her head on my chest.

I closed my eyes, resting them for a bit while we waited for the others to get back.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now