Chapter 20

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Clarissa's POV

'Are you sure you are ok?' Darcy asked, peeking round the bathroom door again. 'That's the second time you have been sick this evening'

'It's just nerves, she's fine' Pansy pushed past her and handed me a glass of water.

'Yeh, it's just nerves.' I tried to smile, lifting my head up from the toilet.

It had only been a month since we started planning the wedding but the vanishing cabinet was fixed quicker that we expected it to be. Voldemort had made it clear he wanted the job started as soon as possible, so that meant that our wedding was happening sooner. That day to be exact.

'I kinda need you to stop being sick so we can get your dress on.' Darcy forced a smile to her face and I chuckled.

'Clarissa?' My mums voice came from the other room.

'In here mum' I called back. She walked in to the bedroom too followed by Draco.

'Sick again?' She looked at me concerned.

'It's nerves' Pansy rolled her eyes and dragged Draco out of the bathroom with her. I stood up and walked in to the room with the others.

'How is Mattheo doing?' Darcy asked and I looked at Draco for the answer too.

'He may be slightly drunk but it's fine, we are sorting it.' He replied nervously.

'Oh, hell no, you lot will make him worse' Pansy walked towards the door. 'I'm going to sort him out' She walked out and Draco followed her, shouting for her to leave him alone. I laughed and shook my head. It didn't surprise me that they were drinking whilst getting ready, I wouldn't expect anything else. Plus, him drinking meant he was just as nervous as me.

'It's nearly time. Shall we get your dress on?' My mum said, smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded. I slipped my silk robe off and Darcy and my mum lifted the dress over my head. The lace slid down my body and I ran my hand down the luxurious material. Mum stood behind me, doing the dress up. Darcy stepped back, eyes watering.

'You look beautiful' She smiled and mum stood beside her, taking in all of me.

'You really do.' She sighed and pulled me in for a cuddle. 'I'm so proud of you Clarissa'

'Thank you, mum,' I held her close to me for a minute and then Darcy joined in and we started laughing. The door to the room opened and Pansy stepped back in.

'It's time' She smiled at me.


I stepped in to the converted barn. Darcy had done a brilliant job getting everything perfect at such short notice. Flowers and lights were placed sophisticatedly everywhere and a large chandelier hung in the center.

Reid stood beside me, holding out his arm and I placed my hand through it.

'Thank you for choosing me to give you away'

'Reid, you are like a brother to me. I wouldn't want anyone else to' I smiled at him. He smiled back down at me and kissed me tenderly on the forehead.

'You ready princess'

I nodded as the music started playing.

Everyone stood up just as we stepped on the aisle. Nerves were getting the best of me and I could feel myself shaking. Reid gave my hand a squeeze, trying to calm me and I raised my head to smile at him. My gaze drifted to the end of the aisle and I watched as Mattheo turned around. He stared at me, taking everything in. His eyes met mine and they were full of love. As I got closer, flutters returned to my stomach but this was different, this wasn't nerves. This was excitement. The man I loved was a few more steps away from me.

Reid let go of my hand and passed it to Mattheo, who took it and guided me in front of him.

'Hi' I whispered, smiling at him.

'Hi' He smiled back and I felt myself relax a little. It was like it was just the two of us in the room.

'Welcome, family and friends, on this perfect evening, to the wedding of Mattheo Riddle and Clarissa Lestrange. Mattheo and Clarissa have prepared their own vows' The minister paused and I passed my flowers to Darcy. Mattheo took both my hands in his own and looked me in the eyes.

'I didn't think we would get to this moment right now. So much has happened that should have pushed us apart but it didn't. We beat the odds.
I still can't believe I got to meet you. The most stubborn, irritating,' The guests chuckled and I raised my brows at him. He grinned at me then continued. 'Hilarious, beautiful, brilliant woman I have ever met. You have shown me that love and happiness is something that I can actually have in my life and I never want to be with out you again.'

He took the wedding ring of the ministers’ book and held it to my finger.

'And so, I promise to be with you and love you till the day I die. I will never stop fighting for us.' He slid the ring up my finger. I looked up at him, tears filling my eyes, wanting to kiss him. The minister cleared her throat.


'Oh, sorry' I shook my head quickly, trying to clear it. 'Mattheo. When I first met you, I honestly thought you was going to kill me' He winked at me and Blaise, Draco and Reid suppressed their laughs, knowing that it was true. 'But as I got to know you, you turned my world around. You're everything I ever wanted, with hidden extras. I love you so much that I have to question my morals daily. '

I took the second ring of the book and held it to his finger.

'But no matter what happens or what you do, we always find our way back to each other. I love you Mattheo and nothing will stop that' I pushed the ring up his finger then looked up in to his eyes.

'You may kiss your bride'

He didn't need telling twice. One hand on my waist and the other at the back of my head, he pulled me towards him and crashed his lips against mine. Our guests erupted with cheers and applause.

His lips left mine and I opened my eyes. Grinning at me, he left his hands where they were.

'Mrs. Riddle' He smirked

'Finally,' I gave him a little wink. He kissed me again but softer this time.


It was later in the evening. Our bodies were touching as we swayed to the music. Everything and everyone had faded away. It was just us, slowly dancing to the rhythm, contently.

'Sorry to interrupt' Mattheo eye's narrowed in annoyance at Draco's voice. 'Your dad wants to talk to you' I heard him growl in his throat and chuckled.
Just hearing me made him roll his eyes and smile. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my hand where our wedding band was and turned towards his dad.

I wasn't left alone for long. Both Darcy and Pansy pounced on me.

'I can't believe you are a Riddle now' Darcy half screamed, not letting go of my hand.

'I know' I smiled but looked over at Mattheo who looked pissed off. Draco, Reid and Blaise were also standing with him and nodding at what was being said. 'Any idea what is going on?'

'No but it doesn’t look good' Pansy sighed and I agreed.

Behind us, the chairs started to disappear, being replaced by a dance floor and tables, as planned. I looked over at my mum who was walking to join Voldemort’s side. She didn't look to please either. It was bad.

Mattheo walked back over to me, cigarette hanging from his lips. I could tell by his face he was about to tell me some bad news.

'I've got to do it tonight'

My heart sank at his words but I knew nothing I said would stop him from going. Not even our wedding day.

'Ok' I nodded and he pulled me closer to him, resting his forehead on mine.

'I'm so sorry' He closed his eyes and I kissed him softly.

'I'm coming too'

'No, you're fucking not' He pushed me back and grabbed my forearms, glaring at me.

'You don't have a choice. You either take me with you or I will find my own way. What would you prefer?' I tilted my head to the side, smirking at him. He knew I would get my own way and there was nothing he could do about it.

'Fine' He admitted defeat, 'but you do exactly what I say'

I nodded, just happy that he wasn't going to fight me on this.

'We're coming too then' Darcy announced, having listened to everything.

'Brilliant' Mattheo let go of me and turned around. I bowed my head, smirking at the sarcasm in his voice.

'Me too' Pansy added and Mattheo glared at us all.

'We have to go' Draco walked over to us with Reid and Blaise. 'If you two are coming then you are staying with me' He grabbed Darcy and Pansy's arms, apperating them both to Hogwarts. Reid and Blaise left straight after.

'I really don't like this Clarissa,' Mattheo shook his head and took my hand. 'You coming with me'

'You don't have a choice; I'm not leaving you' I tried to give him a reassuring smile that everything would be ok but even I was having my doubts.

He apperated us to Hogwarts and we were standing in the astronomy tower, alone.

'Where are the others?' I asked, looking around.

'Following the plan with the cabinet'

I nodded, wondering why we were so far away from them all.

'Mattheo Riddle?' The old voice made me jump and I turned to see Dumbledore standing across the tower.

'Dumbledore' Mattheo nodded, he wasn't surprised that he was there.

'I know why you are here Mattheo.' His voice was soft, weak. There was something wrong with him. 'Do you really want to do this in front of Miss Lestrange?'

'It's actually Mrs. Riddle now' I corrected him, running my hand down my wedding dress. Mattheo looked away, trying to hide his smirk and I pressed my lips together, regretting speaking.

Hearing steps behind us, I turned to see Draco, Reid and Blaise walk behind us.

'Everything is ready,' Draco said, getting his wand out and pointing it at the old man. 'The others are on their way'

'Who else is coming?' There was slight panic in Dumbledore’s voice.

'Just some guests that I invited from our wedding' Mattheo grinned at him walking forward. 'You see, that is where I am meant to be right now. Enjoying my evening with my perfect, beautiful wife' He turned back and gestured his hand towards me. 'But instead, I'm here'

As he said it, more steps could be heard and I turned round again to see my mum and fellow death eaters join the boys, standing behind us.

'Is he that desperate he is sending you to do his work?' Dumbledore asked but before Mattheo could answer my mum stepped forward.

'You were never the Dark Lords target Dumbledore. You're just in the way of who he truly wants'

'Mattheo, you don't have to do this. You don't have to be like your father' Dumbledore looked back at Mattheo, his voice strained.

'Oh, I'm not like my father' He took a step towards Dumbledore and my mum gently pulled me back away from him. 'I'm a lot worse'

His eyes had the same crazy, rage filled glint in them that I had seen many times before.

Dumbledore stumbled back slightly, 'please'

We all knew that begging wouldn't help and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what Mattheo was about to do.

'AVADA KEDAVRA!' The words bellowed from his mouth and my eyes shot open instinctively. Green light flashed across the room and the old man fell back as soon as the curse hit him.

We watched as his body fell over the edge of the tower. Gone. My eyes widened in shock. I knew he had to do it; I knew he was going to do it. But watching it happen still scared me. This was the man I loved, a cold-hearted psychopath. And he loved me.

His eyes met mine and they softened. It was over. We could finally go back home and let the others finish their job. But that wasn't what Mattheo had in mind.

'Clarissa, go to the room of requirements and wait for me there with the girls'

I nodded silently, to worried to speak and turned to follow the others down the stairs.


'It's been two hours Darcy, surely they should be back by now' I said, the panic in my voice coming through.

'I know, Harry might be hiding though' she said, nervously playing with her hair. Pansy sat in silence. We were all worried and scared. Our family was out there and we knew nothing of what was going on.

The door opened and we all stood up, alert with our wands out.

Draco stormed in, on his own. He had blood on his shirt but no visible cuts so I assumed it was someone else's.

'Voldemort is dead'

All three of us stared at him, stunned. I opened my mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come out.

'I have to get you three back to the manor' He went to grab Pansy's arm but she pulled away.

'Where are the others?' He hesitated at my question then looked at Darcy.

'Blaise is getting the first years to safety in the dungeons' he told her, giving his sister reassurance that her love was safe.

'I'm going to help him' she stood up but he grabbed her.

'No, you are all going back to the manor where it is safe'

'Where is Mattheo and Reid, Draco?' Pansy asked, her voice more urgent.

Draco looked at me, his eyes closed and my heart stopped beating.

'Clary, I'm sorry. Reid is dead'

'No' a whisper slipped from my lips. My head felt light as I fell back against the cabinet behind me. 'No' this time a scream escaped. Darcy quickly grabbed me, pulling me to her. My best friend was gone.

'Where is Mattheo?' Pansy asked, looking from me to Draco.

'He's gone to find Potter' Draco answered, side glancing to me and he knew I was about to do what he didn't want me to do.

Standing up straight I ran towards the door. The others screamed at me to stop but I wasn't leaving him. How could they expect me to leave him?

I kept running through the castle, ignoring the horrors happening around me. Bodies littered the floor as students and death eaters were cursing each other. It was a mess, none of this should have been happening.

Reaching the great hall, I paused. A few feet away from me I saw Felix, leaning over someone.


He moved slightly and I could see the split ends of the frizzy blonde-haired girl I despised.

'She killed Reid' Felix started to stand and I saw the blood around his mouth. My brows furrowed, it never occurred to me that he would be a werewolf like his dad. 'I thought you would appreciate her dead'

I grinned at the body then at him. At least she got what she deserved; Reid had been avenged.

'Have you seen Mattheo?'

'No, but Harry is in the forest' He wiped the blood from his mouth and stepped away from Lavender. 'Do you want me to come with you?'

'No, but help Blaise get the younger ones away from here' I smiled. He nodded and ran in the opposite direction.

I ran out the doors towards the forest. It was quiet, the screams from the castle faded in to the distance the further I got in to the forest. I looked around for any indication of where they could be but there was nothing.

'Hello Clarissa' My head whipped round to see Ron walking towards me.

'Ron,' I sighed, 'Have you seen-' Before I could finish the sentence, he grabbed my arm, digging a dagger in to my side.

'Ron, what are you doing?' I tried to keep the panic out of my voice but it was obvious it was there.

'Looking for you, but you just made it a lot easier' The dagger pushed in harder but didn't pierce through the fabric of my dress.

He pulled on my arm, dragging me through the trees. I didn't dare speak, fear that he would stab me stopped me. I heard the fabric of my dress ripping on the low branches at we reached a small clearing. Harry was standing a few feet away from me and a Mattheo was in front of him, firing curses at each other.

As soon as I came in to view, they stopped. Mattheo's dark, evil expression soon turned to fear once his eyes met mine.

'You're not meant to be here Clarissa' His voice was panicked and my heart sank, knowing I had made a mistake to come find him. I was now a distraction.

'You either give up now or he kills her' Harry laughed

Mattheo's eyes left mine and drifted down to the dagger digging in to my side. 'Get off her before I kill you too' He snarled at Ron but he dug the dagger in harder, finally tearing the fabric and breaking skin. I let out a small cry as the blood stained the white dress.

'Do you really want to take that risk?'

Mattheo held up his hands in surrender, taking a step back from Harry. Ron pulled the dagger away from me and I tried to run to Mattheo but he grabbed my hair, pulling me back.

'Mattheo, don't' As I screamed it, Harry fired the first curse at Mattheo. He stood there, taking the full force of the power and I watched his body fly through the air. I screamed out, trying to get to him but Ron’s grip on me was too strong.

He stood up and Harry fired the second curse. Mattheo looked at me as he fell to the floor and I stopped fighting against Ron, tears falling down my face.

'Now let her go' He groaned before hitting the ground. Ron let go of me and I fell to the floor. Mattheo tried to look up at me, blood dripping from his mouth. I wanted more than anything to get to him, to hold him. But Harry got there first.

He crouched down beside him, pulling his head back by his hair.

'I'm not the bad guy here, you are.' Harry grinned, finally seeing his victory getting closer. 'Your family is bad. You took everything from me'

'And after this, you will still have no family' Mattheo spat, blood spaying Harry's face.

'But Clarissa wont either' Pointing his wand at Mattheo's head, he muttered his final curse and I couldn't take it anymore.

'Harry please, don’t do this!' I screamed but it was too late, the curse hit Mattheo, causing him to hit the floor again.

'NOOOO!' In my head it wasn't loud enough. But in reality, my scream was heard by many making their way to us at the other end of the forest. Light energy fired from me, forcing Ron to fly backwards. Harry looked at me, remembering the same power in the potions class. I hadn't used it in front of anyone since but I no longer cared who saw this part of me.

The light surrounded me, lifting me off the ground. My eyes didn't leave Harry as I got higher, feeling the power getting stronger inside of me. I had never felt it this strong before but I liked it.

Harry closed his eyes and I grinned. He knew what was coming, he knew what I was about to do. This man assaulted me, hit me, touched me and now he had just killed the only person I have ever loved unconditionally.

Throwing my hands forward, a stream of light magic shot forward. I watched, wide eyed, as it hit Harry. The stream entered his body, filling him with my power before it was too much and he started burning from the inside. His skin started melting away as the light tried to escape again. His screams were pleasure to my ears. Watching and listening to him in pain was what I needed.

His body started disintegrating till there was nothing left.

Slowly, I lowered back down. As soon as my feet touched the earth, the light surrounding me vanished and I collapsed to my knees. Mattheo was just in front of me and I crawled over to him, picking his head up and placing it on my lap.

'Mattheo, please get up, please' I begged. Tears were falling down, dripping from my jaw on to his bloodied face.

'I'm sorry Clarissa' He coughed, more blood coming from his mouth. 'I love you' His eyes closed and I held his head to me, tighter.

'Don't you dare leave me' I screamed, 'Please just stay with me'

Dark energy started to form around us. My eyes darted all over trying to figure out what was going on, but there was no one else around us. Then everything went black. The weight of Mattheo's body was suddenly lifted from my arms and I tried my hardest to look through the darkness to see him, to feel him. But I couldn't. The darkness faded and I was alone.

He was gone.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now