Chapter 16

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Clarissa's POV

The black Impala convertible sped down the empty road. Neither of us were talking. It was a comfortable silence between us. Mattheo knew I was nervous about this meeting with my adopted parents and didn't speak to me unless I spoke first.

To say they wasn't happy with my current living arrangements was an understatement. When I first mentioned it, my mum had a melt down and hung up the phone on me. That's when they stopped answering and I had started writing. I had written numerous letters to my parents and neither had replied.

We passed the Chesterfield sign and Mattheo placed his hand on my thigh, knowing we were getting closer. I loved just sitting in the car, listening to music while he drove. Yes, we could have apperated here, but I wanted the time to collect my thoughts and still have him near me.

Pulling up outside the little cottage, Mattheo turned off the engine. He didn't say anything but turned to look at me, waiting for me to speak.

'Can you wait here for a bit?' I asked, smiling nervously. It was bad enough they didn't want to speak to me because of me finding my birth mother and dating Voldemort’s son. Now I was about to tell them that I was to be his wife.

He nodded and leant forward to kiss me. I kissed him back, lightly and opened the car door. Shutting it behind me, I breathed in deeply and back out slowly. As I walked down the snow-covered path, I saw the curtains twitch in the window.

The door opened slowly before I got to it and my mums head poked round it, eyes red from crying. I gave her a faint smile and she opened it wider, allowing me to walk through.

The cottage was how I remembered when I had left in September. Neatly cluttered with tea cups, tea pots and wild flowers in vases, charmed to stay fresh all year round.

Dad was sitting on the sofa, reading the paper and I got a warm feeling in my belly, remembering that this was a typical thing for him to do on a Sunday afternoon.

I sat down opposite him as mum sat down beside him. Lowering the paper so he could just see over the top, he looked at me.

'I'm guessing by the look of the car; you didn't come here alone' His voice was gruffer than I remembered.

'No' I shook my head, lowering it.

'You bought a Riddle to our home' Mum squeaked, hand flying to her mouth in shock.

'He's not going to do anything; He just came here to support me' I kept my head low

'What about the support we gave you over the years' His voice got louder and I shuddered slightly. 'We took you in when no one else would'

'I was a baby; I didn't ask to be taken from my birth mother' My head shot up at his words.

'She didn't want you anyway, tossed you away like you were nothing' Dad snarled brutally.

'Well, this escalated quickly' I stared at him, shocked at what he was saying. 'And she did want me, they made her believe I was dead'

'How about some tea?' Mum quickly interupted and got up, rushing to the kitchen. Dad went back to reading his paper, ignoring me. The silence was awkward and I was grateful to see mum walk back in with a tray of tea and biscuits.

Her hand was shaking as she set out the tea cups. As she reached for the tea pot, I stopped her.

'I'll do it mum' I smiled at her and took the tea pot. After pouring it out in to the cups, I set it back down gently. She picked up one of the cups and placed it in front of dad.

'You are being homeschooled again' As the words came out of his mouth, my heart dropped.

'You can't do that' I whispered

'As your father on paper, I make the final decisions until you turn 18' He still didn't look at me from his paper.

I looked at them both in shock, not believing what he was saying. 'Are you that upset I'm with the dark lord’s son that you have to take me away from all the friends I have made?'

'It is your friends that we are trying to protect you from, hanging around with he who must not be named and his minions.' He finally looked at me, closing the paper and folding it up before placing it on the table then picked up his cup of tea. 'We have heard everything about his son. How many people has he killed his week?'

'Those friends have been here for me when I needed them, they would never hurt me' I ignored the question about Mattheo, knowing that if I answered truthfully, he wouldn't like the answer.

'How about we introduce you to a lovely young lad, your age. Perfect for you' Mum held out a little plate to me with a couple of biscuits on but I shook my head.

'Mum, I'm with Mattheo' I looked down at my hands and started fiddling with my ring. 'Actually, there is som-'

'No, no!' Dad slammed his cup back on to the table, making me jump. 'You will not be going back to that school and you will never see that boy again'

I kept my head down, hiding my smile, knowing that Mattheo would never allow that to happen.

'Now this young lad, you will meet him and then you can start getting back to normal' He continued 'What was his name dear? Harry Potter?'

'You have got to be kidding me' I looked at him disgusted then remembered that they didn't know about how much of a tosser he was.

'You are one of them people now, but we will sort it. You'll come back to us, don't worry darling'. Mum smiled putting two sugars in my cup and stirring it.

'I shouldn't have come' Quickly standing, I walked as fast as I could to the door. Opening it, I saw Mattheo standing outside the car, leaning against it. I ran towards him and he stood up straight but was looking behind me.


Mattheo's hand flew up before dad could finish the spell and I heard mum scream out. Turning quickly, I saw my dad on the floor and my mum falling to her knees beside him.

'Dad?' I went to run back to him but Mattheo grabbed my arm.

'He will be fine, get in the car' He growled at me, obviously not knowing what was going on and I knew he just wanted to get me away from there.

Shaking my head, I turned and got in to the passenger seat. As Mattheo got in the other side, I looked out the window at my mum now helping dad to his feet. Mattheo started the engine and before I could even think about getting back out, he sped away.

We were quiet for a while as I processed everything that had happened. Had my dad really just tried to wipe my memories?

'What the fuck happened in there?' He was trying to keep his voice calm but I could hear the aggravation in it.

'They want me to go back to homeschooling' I said quietly

'Is that why they just tried to wipe your memories?'

'They want me to forget about all of you' I answered and his jaw clenched.

'Mattheo, they raised me from a baby. Don't do anything, please' I placed my hand on his leg and he relaxed a little. 'I just want to get home' His hand rested on mine as we drove further down the road, out of the little town.

'Can they really take me out of school?' I asked after a while.

'I'm don't know' He shook his head, not taking his eyes of the road. 'I mean, you're not 18 yet so they still have some parental responsibility over you. unless we can make Bellatrix your legal guardian.'

'We can't do that with out them agreeing to it' I knew that there was no way they would sign me over to someone else, especially a psychopath.

Mattheo got his phone out his pocket and I watched as he started tapping in a number. 'You shouldn't be doing that while driving'

He rolled his eyes and skidded the car to the side of the road. Getting out the car he slammed the door shut and walked up the road a little. I watched as he paced back and forth talking to someone on the other end.

He got back in the car, smiling. Starting the ignition, he carried on up the road.

'Who was you speaking to?' I questioned.

'Just seeing if we could do something and trust me, you will be staying in school' He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. I smiled too, resting my head on his shoulder and shutting my eyes.


'Hey love, time to wake up' I felt his hand gently rubbing my leg as the car stopped. 'We're home'

I opened my eyes, it was dark outside but being the end of December, that didn't necessarily mean it was late.

'What’s the time?' I lifted my head off his shoulder and stretched out my arms before climbing out the car.

'6.30. You hungry?' Mattheo got out of the drivers seat and walked round to my side.

'Hmm, a little'

'What do you fancy?' He took my hand, leading me in to the house.

'Nothing big. What about snacks and a film?'

'Yeh ok' He smiled and walked in to the kitchen. I took my jacket off and followed him in.

He already had the cupboards open when I walked in, pulling out crisps and chocolate.

'Popcorn too?' He asked, looking down at me hopeful.

'If you want popcorn too then yeh.' I laughed. He grabbed the big bag of popcorn and backed away from the cupboard. 'I'll get the drinks'

He nodded and walked out the kitchen carrying all the snacks, a packet of crisps hanging from his mouth. I laughed again at how dorky but adorable he looked and went to the fridge to get our drinks.

I walked in to the living room to see all the food on the table in front of the large sofa. Mattheo was already sitting on it with the blanket over his legs. As soon as he saw me, he lifted the blanket for me to slide in beside him.

'I'm warning you now, I’m not sitting here for half hour while you decide on a film to watch' He sternly stated as I climbed over him in to my spot.

'What about how to lose a guy in 10 days?' I asked, snatching the remote from him playfully.

'What about no!' He snatched it back and held it up high. 'How many times do you have to watch that shit' He pushed me back as I leaned over him, reaching for it.

'It's Reid's favorite film' I pouted and sat down with my arms crossed. Mattheo put his arm down and the other around my shoulders.

'What’s my favorite film?' Reid walked in to the living room and sat on one of the giant cushions on the floor. He was dressed smartly and not in his usual casual clothes.

'Where are you going so dressed up?' I smirked at him.

'He's got a date' Darcy answered me and sat down on the sofa next to me.

'Ohh with who? Isobel Yaxley?' I smiled wildly at Reid and he actually blushed slightly. Draco walked over to the other giant cushion and slumped down in it.

'No Pansy or Blaise?' I asked Darcy

'No, they left this morning to visit family but will be back tomorrow' she said shrugging.

'Shit, you two doing couple shit?' Draco asked looking at the food on the table then to the blanket draped over our legs.

'Don't worry about it. I may need to leave in a bit anyway for some business...' Mattheo looked at his phone then put it back down on the arm of the chair. I looked up at him and he quickly kissed my forehead. 'I wont be long, don't worry.'

'Anyway, more about this date?' I turned back to Reid who put his head back and groaned.

'It isn't a big deal Clary' He exasperated 'It's the first one so may not even go well'

'What you need it a good old-fashioned chat up line' Darcy laughed.

'Ooh actually that’s a good idea' I leant forward thinking of some lines but Darcy beat me to it

'Say to her... are you a vending machine... because you are a snack'

'Or say legs like that should be wrapped around my neck'

'Eww Draco!' I chucked the little throw pillow behind me at him as the other two boys laughed.

'What about-' I started

'Hickory, dickery dock. It's time to suck my cock' Mattheo joined in. I rolled my eyes and Reid gave him a high five with Draco clutching his sides, laughing.

'Why don't you try something romantic' Darcy smiled at him

'I want something she has never heard before, something to shock her'

'Hey, that dress looks really good on you. It would look even better crumpled up on the floor of the morgue, covered in blood'

Everyone went silent and stared at Mattheo.

'Don’t... Don't say that to her Reid' I shook my head, still looking at Mattheo, shocked.

'How the fuck did you get a girlfriend... and get her to agree to marry you?' Draco half joked.

'I'm starting to question it too' I laughed.

'I didn't need chat up lines to get you' Mattheo grinned and kissed me

'Good job really' Darcy laughed and backed away a bit as he pulled my closer to him.

Mattheo's phone started ringing and he answered it not saying anything.

'Ok... No, that's all' He put the phone back down. 'What time you got to go Carrow?'

'8.30, why?'

'You two want some fun first' He gave them is devilish grin and started to stand. Reid stood up, grinning too.

'I'm free all night so let's go' Draco stood up too and walked towards the door.

'I wont be long' Mattheo bent down to kiss me and I nodded smiling. I knew better than to ask what he was up to. If it was something life threatening, I knew that he would tell me first and all other business he had, I was never involved with.

I watched them walk out the room then turned to Darcy. 'So... How to lose a guy in 10 days?'

'Oh, you know it' She squealed and cuddled up beside me under the blanket.


Mattheo's POV

We walked down the steps in to the wine cellar then out through the door to the basement. I had filled Draco and Reid with the information they needed for what I had planned and they were more than happy to get involved.

Greyback was waiting patiently for me to arrive. He moved to the side as soon as I entered, revealing the two people I had sent him to retrieve, sitting on chairs. I looked at Draco and he nodded, stepping forward.

'Let me be the first to welcome you to Riddle Manor' Draco smiled at them. 'incase you didn't know, I'm Draco' His hand went to his chest then pointed at Reid. 'And this is Reid' He nodded his greeting. I stood back, watching it all play out.

'We all care deeply about your daughters well being' he continued and Reid snorted. I knew he found it amusing at how polite Draco was trying to be and honestly, I found it amusing too. 'That is why we invited you here tonight'

'Invited?' Clarissas dad spat 'We was dragged from our home'

'Now, I would appreciate it if you could sign a couple of forms. Just so her birth mother can have parental responsibility, nothing too bad' Draco smiled, ignoring his little outburst.

'We wont be signing anything'

'I like how you think you have a choice' Reid stepped forward and the woman let out a whimper.

'No one is going to get hurt' Draco held out his hand stopping Reid from getting closer. 'We just want two little signatures then you can be on your way'

'We know who you are' Her dad looked past my two friends and directly at me. I tilted my head, smirking.

'And who am I?' I grinned.

'You're his son'

'hmm' I raised my eyebrows and nodded

'you wont kill us, she wouldn't ever forgive you' He grinned back at me and my eyes narrowed, did he really dare to test me? 'But that is also how we are going to get her back'

Draco and Reid looked at me confused and I shrugged not knowing what he was trying to accomplish.

'It's time' he faced his wife

'For our baby girl' She smiled, tears falling down her face

Her mum moved quick, grabbing a knife from her sock and ran the blade as fast as she could across her throat. My eyes widened in shock as she slumped to the floor, thrashing about for a few seconds, blood pooling around her. We stood and watched in silence as her body stilled. After a few seconds I looked at her dad, confusion clear on my face. tears were now streaming down his cheeks but the grin remained.

'She wont believe that you didn't do it.' He shook his head

'FUCK!' I turned my back to him, throwing my hands to the back of my head. He was right, she would think I done it out of anger. I looked at Greyback, still standing in the corner. 'Did you not think to fucking check them over when you got them?' Angry at him for not noticing the knife. He shook his head, grinning at the sight in front of him. I rolled my eyes at the brute and turned back round to face the man I really wanted to kill.

'She will be so distraught that she will come back to me' Her dad kept going. I paced up and down the room, thinking of what to do. The boys stood still, just as gobsmacked as I was.

'Are you deranged, why would you let your wife do that?' Draco shouted at him. His eyes never left me though and he watched me, taking in this new vulnerability I had. Her!

'She will see you for the monster you are'

He was probably right. She probably would blame me for this woman’s death, so I didn't really have much to lose.

'Oh, keep going.' I grinned, feeling the rage starting to brew inside me.

'Mattheo, she will believe you, just tell her the truth' Reid quickly said, knowing where this was going.

'You are an abomination and she will hate you'

Picking up the knife beside his dead wife, I flipped it in my hand.

'I wasn't actually going to hurt either of you tonight, I just want Clarissa to be happy' I kicked him off the chair and he fell to the floor. I stepped one leg over him and crouched down.

'But then you done this' I held the blade to his cheek and slowly turned his head so he could see the face of his beloved wife.

'Now, if what you say is true and she will never forgive me' I put the blade the other side, slicing him slightly as I bought his face back to meet mine. 'Then I have nothing else to lose'

'Mattheo, maybe think about this first' Draco warned, placing his hand over my shoulder. I shrugged him off and stood up.

'Oh, I'm not going to do it. Not going to give him the satisfaction' I grinned down at him, happy that his smile was long gone. 'Greyback, if you would do the honors'

I stepped back far enough for Greyback to get in front of me. Bending over the man, he sunk his teeth in to his throat and ripped back, spraying the three of us with blood

'Fuck sake, I've got to get changed again now' Reid huffed 

No sound came out of the dying mans mouth as he bled out on the floor.

'Umm, the mother we could have explained and she would have forgiven you' Draco started. 'But this...' He waved his hand towards her dead father. 'This is not going to end well'

I looked down at the body, thinking. Letting out an exasperated sigh I turned to Greyback, who was now standing in the corner of the room, observing his handy work with glee on his face.

'Get rid of the bodies' I ordered him and he nodded, walking towards the woman first.

'What are you going to tell Clarissa?' Reid asked

'Nothing.' I ran my fingers through my hair and turned towards the door. 'We say nothing till we come up with a real plan'

They both nodded and I opened the door. Standing the other side was Darcy.

'Oh, hello boys' she giggled, spinning round to face me, holding a bottle of wine. 'Thought we heard voices' I looked behind her. Clarissa was standing behind her.

'We're trying to find the wine I brought the other day' She smiled. I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. Her dead adopted parents were currently dead behind me and I was afraid that if I moved even an inch, she would see their bodies. She looked at the blood that was sprayed across my face and clothes.

'Oh... umm... We'll let you get on with your business' She shuffled awkwardly.

'I'm going to have to chop them up to dispose of them quickly, maybe through the wood chipper.' Greyback dragged one of the bodies closer to me. I watched as Clarissa's eyes lowered to look at it.

'Shit' Draco muttered under his breath. I closed my eyes, waiting for what was about to come.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now