Chapter 7

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Clarissa's POV

I stood in front of his door for a little while. I wanted to knock, to talk to him about what the fuck just happened. But I also wanted to leave, just go back Darcy's room. Leaning my head against the door I knocked lightly and waited. There was no answer. I knew he had come to his room; I had heard the door slam from the stairs. I knocked again but a bit harder.

'Mattheo, it's Clarissa. Can I come in?'

I heard the handle move and stepped back. The door opened and he was standing the other side. His face hid what he was feeling as he looked at me.

'Can we talk?'

He stepped to the side, leaving the door way empty for me to walk through. I turned to face him as he shut the door and looked back at me.

'Mattheo, what was that? I said gently.

'That was nothing' He looked away and went to walk past me but I lightly grabbed his hand.

'That wasn't nothing Mattheo. You literally said you didn't care about me and then you nearly killed Reid when we got closer'

He looked at my hand on his then up at me.

'I don't care' He snarled pulling his hand away.

'Oh please, who you trying to convince, me or yourself?' I started to raise my voice.

'What about you? Last night you were all over me and then you're all over him' He raised his voice too.

'Are you fucking kidding me! I walked in to you being a complete jerk but it's my fault' I shouted angrily. 'You have been so fucking intense with me from the start'

'You really want to know; you really want to fucking know what is going on' He shouted back and got closer to me. He was angry but there was something else there too. 'Because I want to fucking know too! I don't know what I feel about you ok! Sometimes I want to kill you, like really hurt you but just to punish you when you talk back to me. Other times I want to fucking kiss you, to fuck you on that bed.' He turned back around and took a few steps away from me as I stood in silence, shocked at what he was now saying

'I want to protect you, kill any man that touches you. I want you to be mine' He was still shouting but now could tell he was angry at himself. He turned back around to face me.

'I don't know what the fuck any of this is between us but-'

I ran up to him and grabbed his head before crashing my lips against his. He pulled away, shocked. I panicked as he looked in to my eyes then down to my lips. One hand grabbing the back of my head and the other wrapping around my waist, he kissed me hard. I parted my lips, inviting him in as his tongue brushed against them. He pushed me back against the door roughly, my hands stayed on the back of his head, not wanting him to stop. He started kissing my jaw then moved to my neck, his kisses were needy, passionate, raw. He had been waiting for this, we both had been.

His hand ran down to my thigh, grabbing it and pulling it towards him. I took the hint and lifted both legs, wrapping them around his waist as he caught me. His lips moved back to my lips and kissed me more deeply. I moaned in to his mouth as he pushed me harder against the door. I wanted him.

Not breaking the kiss and still holding me tightly, he walked over to the bed and placed me gently on to it. He was above me, between my legs. His arm steadied himself as his other hand found its way up my thigh. He stopped and pulled away a bit, studying my face. I tilted my head slightly, wondering what he was doing. Did he really want my permission to carry on? To answer his question, I grabbed his hand and placed it between my legs. He grinned devilishly and leaned forward to kiss me again. Moving my pants to the side his fingers slid over my wetness.

*Knock knock*

Mattheo quickly pulled his hand away and looked at me shocked. I couldn't help but chuckle at the look of frustration on his face.

'What?' He called out.

'Is Clary with you?' It was Darcy.

'Yeh, I'm here, what's wrong?' I tried to keep my voice as neutral as possible but I could still feel my heart thumping in my chest.

'We are going to bed now and wondered if you are still coming?'

Mattheo buried his head in to my neck and groaned in annoyance and I had to stifle my laughter. He got up off me and helped me to my feet. I quickly straightened out my PJ shorts and opened the door.

'You OK? You look a little flushed' Darcy asked, frowning at me.

'Yeh we were just finishing our little argument' I turned to Mattheo who was sitting on the edge of his bed with a big smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes.

'See you in the morning Mattheo' I waved, he didn't say anything, just sat there smirking and gave his hand a little flick as a way to say goodbye.


It was a Thursday evening and I put my quill down, finishing my transfiguration homework finally. I loved being back at school but didn't miss the amount of homework I needed to complete. I had agreed with my mother that I would go back to visit her for half the Christmas holidays and then visit my adopted family after. Mattheo hadn't returned to school with us, He had some jobs that he needed to do with his dad and to be honest I didn’t mind. Things were a bit awkward between us, neither of us truly knew where we stood and we didn't want to talk about it in front of the others but hadn't had the chance to be on our own either.

Nacho was curled up, sleeping at the end of my bed purring to himself. He was such a mischievous kitten but also so adorable. I gave him a little tickle and got of the bed stretching. It was quite late in the evening but I wasn't ready for bed yet. Darcy and Pansy were both asleep already and I didn't want to wake them. I quickly threw a jumper over my shorts and tank top then walked out my dorm and into to common room. There were some first years sitting in the corner doing homework together and a couple of fifth years by the window, smoking. Reid was sat on the sofa on his own so I made my way to him and sat beside him.

'Hey, how you feeling?' I asked, looking at the little scar on his face that had healed quite well thanks to his father.

'ok' he smiled at me and held out his arm for me to curl in to. I leant in to him, bringing my legs up on to the sofa. He grabbed the blanket from the back and flung it over us.

'I'm sorry for what he did' I whispered. I knew that I didn't have to apologize but I felt partly responsible for Mattheo getting angry.

'It's fine, not your fault your boyfriend is a dick' Reid shrugged then chuckled.

'He isn't my boyfriend' I sighed. 'To be honest, I don't even know what he is. The whole thing is just a massive headache.'

'Clary, I need to tell you something' He leant forward, moving his arm away from around me. I sat up and looked at him. He seemed to struggle to get the words he wanted out so I placed my hand on his, hoping to calm him a bit. He turned to face me. 'Look, I-'

'Well, this is cozy.'

We both turned towards the voice to see Mattheo standing by the common room door. Reid quickly pulled his hand away from mine and stood up.

'You both have been called for tonight’s meeting' he continued staring daggers at us both.

'Me? why me?' I asked nervously. He shrugged and then apperated on the spot, leaving Reid and I alone together again.

'I have been meaning to ask, how do you lot even do that in the school?' I looked up at him.

'Apperate?' he asked, holding out his hand to pull me up. I nodded as he lifted me from my seat. 'We have the dark mark so there are certain things it allows us to do'

'Oh ok' I put my head down, wondering why I was being called for the meeting. I was a worried, I didn't have anything to offer to help them in any way with their little plans. Surely they didn't want me to start doing stuff for them.

'hey' Reid lifted my chin up so his eyes could meet mine. 'You will be fine.' Holding on to my hand he apperated us to Riddle Manor. We were in front of the double doors that led to the hall where the Halloween party was the previous weekend. Reid reached for the handle and I grabbed his hand pulling him back.

'I really don't want to go in there' I voice started trembling.

'Clary, you are a Lestrange. What is the worse that could happen' He scoffed and opened the door anyway. I stepped in to the room after him. Everything from the previous night had been removed and there was a long table with many seats either side. I saw Draco with his family and Blaise with his. There was an empty seat next to Reids family and the last one was beside my mother. Voldemort sat at the end of the table facing everyone and Mattheo sat beside him. I stood frozen as everyone had there eyes on me. Reid took my hand and gently pulled me towards the table then sat beside his dad. I continued walking to my mother and sat down bowing my head slightly.

'Ahh, lovely of you to join us Clarissa' Voldemort smiled at me. I tried to smile back but I was too nervous. 'Now to get straight to the point, I have a task for you' Fear washed over me, I looked over a Mattheo and he avoided looking back. This was bad. 'I want you to get close to some one. Once they trust you, I want you to break them, isolate them from everyone, make them weak emotionally. Then I will finish the job' I nodded, that didn't seem to bad.

'Who do I have to get close to?' I asked quietly

'Harry Potter' There were slight hisses round the table at the mention of his name. I nodded again not 100% sure who he was but I would find out. 'Now, about your dark mark, come here.' I stood and walked over to him.

'I don't mean to be rude sir but do I have to have the Dark Mark?'

'And why wouldn't you want it?' I tried to quickly think of an excuse. I couldn't exactly say because it is ugly, because I didn't want to go through the pain of it burning every time he pressed his. I had to come up with a good excuse.

'Because if you want me to get closer to some one, wont they run a mile if they see the Dark Mark on my arm?' I said quickly, thinking that was a pretty good reason. He tilted his head a little, thinking about what I just said.

'May I make a suggestion father?' Mattheo spoke up, coming to stand beside me. Voldemort nodded for his son to continue. Mattheo leaned closer to his father and muttered something in his ear. Voldemort nodded again and smiled up at me. Mattheo turned to face me.

'Do you trust me?' I wanted to say no but I would be lying.

'Yes' I whispered not taking my eyes of his. His hand reached down and took hold of mine bringing it up to in front of us.

'This is going to hurt Clarissa' He warned, still staring in to my eyes. I gulped and inhaled then breathed out slowly, preparing myself. Still holding my hand, palm facing up, he used the thumb of his other hand to press down on my wrist. Muttering some words that I didn't understand, I felt a little pinch under his thumb. If this was the pain he was on about then it was pretty pathetic. Immediately after I thought that pain shot through my arm like fire, my whole body suddenly felt like it was on fire and my head felt like it was going to explode. I closed my eyes, wishing the pain away but it got worse. I heard screaming and I was certain it was coming from me. My legs started to give way beneath me as I felt my self sinking. I felt Mattheo let go of my hand and quickly catch me, holding me close to him, but the thumb of his other hand remained on my wrist. The pain was too much and I could feel myself losing consciousness but he held my close, stopping me from falling.

The pain and the screaming stopped. I couldn't open my eyes though; I was too tired. Mattheo kneeled down, taking me with him and sitting me on his lap. I was aware of other people standing around him but didn't know who.

'Is she ok?' it was Reid. His voice was urgent and worried.

'She will be fine, she will just be weak for a bit' Mattheo said quietly still holding me.

'I'll take her home' I sensed Reid lean down, getting ready to pick me up but I gripped on to the blazer that Mattheo was wearing and pulled my self closer to him, not wanting to leave him. His grip got tighter around me.

'No, she isn't strong enough to apperate. I'll take her too her bed to rest' Mattheo stood back up, bringing me with him and carried my bridal style out of the hall and up the stairs. He laid me down on a bed and gently placed the cover over me.

'Mattheo?' I slowly opened my eyes; it was dark but I could still see I was in his room again.

'Shh, just rest' he had stepped away from the bed.

'Mattheo, what did you do to me?' I pushed myself up so I was leaning against the headboard. My whole body ached but it was slowly fading.

'I gave you a mark but not the one my father gives' he sat on the edge of the bed beside me. I looked down at my wrist and in the center was a small black crescent moon. 'It's a Fae mark, when I gave you yours, one appeared on me too. You took all the pain and I'm sorry for that but that is the only pain you will ever feel from it. My father wont be able to contact you at all through it but I will. It wont burn when I press mine but you will know that I need you. Do you want me to show you?' I nodded and he pressed down on his mark. I felt a wave of warmth wash over me and I looked down to see the mark glowing slightly on me. Looking back at him, I smiled but he was looking at the mark shocked.

'What? is it not meant to do that?' I said, quickly looking down at my glowing moon.

'Umm... In every book I've ever read, it's never mentioned that. It doesn't hurt though, does it?' He took his thumb of his and reached for my wrist. The glowing stopped.

'No, it doesn't hurt at all.' I shook my head. He tilted his head to the side, thinking. 'What's wrong?'

'Nothing, get some sleep.' He stood up to leave but I quickly took his hand.

'Please stay with me'. I shifted my self to the other side of the bed and patted where I had been sitting. He rolled his eyes but smiled and sat down beside me. We sat in silence for a little while. 'Mattheo?'


'If I pressed my mark, would you know that I need you?'

'Err, yeh. It's a two-way thing' He replied, looking at me confused.

'Oh ok' I lifted my hands of my lap and pressed down on the little moon with my thumb. Mattheo watched as I did it then looked back up at me.

'What are you doing?'

'Letting you know that I need you' I smiled softly and bit my lip. His hand reached up and cupped my chin pulling me closer to him.

'Fuck’s sake Clarissa' he kissed me gently. I kissed him back as my hand ran up his chest towards the back of his head. Our kiss deepened as his tongue found mine. Quickly pushing the blanket off, I swung my leg round, straddling him. I could feel how hard he was beneath me and grinded down, rubbing against him. He grinned against my lips, bringing his hand down and wrapped it round my waist under my jumper. Just touching my bare skin sent vibrations through my body. I started undoing the buttons of his shirt, still kissing him but he let go of my waist and took hold of my wrists, stopping me.

'Clarissa, wait' His eyes were looking over my face, searching. Did I do something wrong? 'You sure you want to do this? Your body is still weak after that spell' I smiled at him and kissed him again, hoping that my answer was clear. It was. He kissed me back harder, then pulling away again just to remove my jumper and top. His eyes widened at the sight of my naked breasts. Kissing me again he flipped me over so I was on my back and he was between my legs. Undoing the rest of his buttons, he took his shirt off. He leant forward, kissing and nipping at my neck as his hand ran down my body. He grabbed at the elastic of my shorts and pants and started to pull then down, I lifted my hips slightly making it easier for him. His fingers brushed against my clit and a gasp escaped my lips. I felt him smirk against my neck and he fingers went back to my clit and started circling. I let out a light moan and his lips returned to mine.

'You're mine Clarissa' He breathed in to my ear, his fingers moving faster against my clit. I let out another moan as my stomach tightened, getting wetter and wetter. 'No one else is going to touch you like this again'

'No one ever has'

His fingers stopped and he took them away from me.

'Have you never been touched?' He looked surprised. I shook my head shyly. 'I best be gentle then' The grin on his face made me chuckle as his head got lower down my body. He moved to my inner thighs, kissing them gently, working his way back up. I gasped as his tongue suddenly pressed against my clit. I wrapped my fingers through his curls, pulling gently, causing him to moan in to me, sending vibrations to my clit. I moaned louder as his tongue licked up and down my slit then entered inside me then pulled out. He pushed two fingers inside me, making me gasp again. He curled them, pushing further and hitting my g-spot repeatedly as he sucked at my throbbing clit. I couldn't handle the pressure building in my stomach and tried to close my legs but held them in place with his free hand.

'Mattheo, fu-' I arched my back as his tongue rapidly moved around my clit, working me through my orgasm.

He moved up my body, kissing my stomach as I caught my breath then pressed his lips against mine. I reached down to undo his belt and he pulled back.

'Ready for more already?' He grinned, looking down at me. I nodded, biting my lip with anticipation. He stood and removed his trousers and boxers. My eyes widened at the size of him, he was huge! 'I'm going to get a condom out of the bathroom'

'I'm on the pill' I looked up at him, licking my lips, not wanting to wait any longer.

'Even better' He smirked and climbed back on top of me. 'You sure you still want to do this'

'yes' I smiled. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down slightly then lined himself up to me.

'If you want me to stop at all, tell me and I will'


He leant down and kissed me, pushing the tip in. I gasped and he pulled his lips away, seeing if I wanted him to go further or not. I pulled his head back down, kissing him again. He pushed further in slowly, letting my body adjust to his size. I felt a slight pinch of pain and winced but pleasure was taking over. He pushed further till he was fully in and I heard him groan against my lips. I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his waist, making him go deeper and making myself moan louder. He started slow, watching me beneath him, making sure I was comfortable. He started getting faster, hitting my g-spot again and again. Pain was mixed with pleasure and it felt amazing.

'Does it feel good?' he grinned

'Yes' I moaned not able to get any other words out. His pace quickened as his hand grabbed my thigh. I moaned uncontrollably as he rolled his hips, pounding in and out of me harder and faster. I could feel my stomach tightening again.

'I'm- I'm close' I gasped.

‘Cum for me' He murmured into my ear then pressed his lips against mine, muffling the sounds of my moans. I felt my self clench around him and he groaned in to me, fucking me through my orgasm. The feeling of me cumming helped him to finish inside me. I felt him become heavy as we both laid there panting.

'That was-'

'Amazing' I finished his sentence. He chuckled and kissed my forehead before rolling over and laying beside me still out of breath.

Something was playing on my mind. What now? Neither of us had spoke about what was happening between us and now we had just had sex. I had just had sex for the first time. Where did this leave us? I also had this task to complete of getting closer to someone else.

'Umm... Mattheo?'


'What is going on between us?' He sat up and I did too, pulling the blanket over my legs.

'I want you Clarissa, I think that is pretty fucking obvious.' He reached over to his night stand and got a cigarette of the packet then lit it up inhaling and blowing the smoke out slowly. 'I told you the other night that I wanted you'

'I want you too and only you' I whispered looking at my fingers. Mattheo didn't say anything for a little while. He finished his cigarette and ran his fingers through his hair.

'right' he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him, legs either side. 'we're going to do this ok? You want me and I want you so fucking much' he kissed me gently, resting his forehead on mine. my stomach flipped out of excitement. 'you're mine and I'm yours' he kissed me again. 'But you have a task to do, so we need to keep this between us' I nodded, the last thing I wanted to do was fuck up the task and be on Voldemort’s bad side, at the moment he liked me.

'No one can know Clarissa, not yet' he let go of my chin and pulled away a bit.

'Wont you get jealous, me flirting with someone else'

'of course,' He grinned. 'Look what I done to my friend when you flirted with him. Imagine what I'm going to want to do to the person I hate' his features darkened as he thought about what he was going to him. I laughed lightly at his jealousy and he smirked at me.

'I just wont flirt with him in front of you' I chuckled

'Or don't flirt with him at all' he frowned.

'How am I meant to get him in to bed?' I asked innocently. His hand shot up and his fingers quickly wrapped round my neck.

'No one else is touching you, only me' he snarled pulling me closer to him. I bit my lip, excitement running through me. I loved to push his buttons, and it was the mood I was now in.

'But I need to get close to him' I smirked.

'Don't push it Clarissa' His voice was low and husky but there was a smirk on his face. He knew exactly what I was doing and I could feel between my legs that he was enjoying it.

'What if I done this' I reached down and grabbed his hard cock. He let out a low growl and dug his fingers deeper in to my neck. I rubbed up and down with my hand getting him harder. 'What if I let him touch me here' I lifted myself up slightly and ran the tip of him up and down my slit. He loosened his grip around my neck, getting distracted. I leant forward and kissed his neck whilst grinding my hips, rubbing myself against him.

'I would kill him' Mattheo murmured grabbing hold of my head and trying to kiss me. I pulled away, still grinding on top of him.

'But what if I just let him have it?' I sat up a bit, adjusting my hips then bought myself back down on to his hard cock. He groaned as he entered me fully and I let out a gasp, remembering how big he actually was. His hands grabbed my hips as I lifted them back up and bought them down again hard, letting him fill me.


I smiled as the word left his mouth and quickly pressed my lips against his, letting out another moan as he bought my hips down again. I kept my hips moving, feeling my self getting closer to climax as he kissed and nipped my breasts. Our breath started getting rapid as we got faster and I leaned back a little. He looked at me and grinned, he wanted to be in control. Pushing me back further, I leaned back on my arms and he raised himself slightly then started thrusting hard and fast in to me. The new angle caused him to hit my g-spot over and over. My stomach tensed under the pressure and my moans got even louder.

'oh my- Mattheo' I screamed out as I felt my self tighten around him. My orgasm pushed him over the edge as he reached his. He quickly caught me as my arms gave way and I was about to fall, pulling me close.

'You don't know what you fucking do to me' Mattheo murmured in to my ear and I gave him a light giggle, kissing his soft lips. He gently lifted me off and placed me beside him before standing up and heading towards the bathroom. I heard the water of the shower start to run as he came back in to the bedroom.

'Come on, let's get you cleaned up' He held out his hand, helping me out of his bed. I stood and my legs started to wobble, making me fall back on the bed. He laughed and scooped my up in to his arms and walked me to the shower setting me down gently. The warm water fell welcomely down my body as Mattheo stepped in with me. Seeing him naked in this light sent butterflies to my stomach. I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. The water running over us and his hands sliding over me made me want him more. I deepened our kiss but he pulled away and smirked sexily at me.

'As much as I want to fuck you hard in this shower, you need to rest.'

'hmm' I pouted and put my arms back down to my side childishly. He laughed again and turned me around so my back was facing him then started to wash my hair.

Once we were clean and dried, we got back in to his bed. I laid across his chest with my hand resting on his heart, feeling it beat.

'couldn't we tell our close friends about us? They wouldn't say anything.' I asked

'I forgot to put a silencing charm around the room... I think they already know' I could tell his was grinning and I rolled my eyes. His arm pulled me closer to him and he kissed the top of my head. 'Night Love' I smiled, too tired to say anything and drifted of to sleep.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now