Chapter 14

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Clarissa's POV

It was the day of the yule ball. Everyone was rushed of their feet preparing, buzzing around excitably. The hall had been off limits for the past couple of days as the event designers went in to work their magic and the tables were all set out. All of us had been banned from going in there by my mother and aunt.

As soon as the winter morning light entered through the gaps of the curtains, I opened my eyes, smiling. Mattheo was still asleep beside me but I was too excited to leave him peacefully. I reached my hand to his chest and rested it there gently for a second before running my fingers down towards the waist band of his boxers. I saw his mouth twitch as he tried to hide that he was now awake. I moved my hand lower, putting pressure on his already hard cock through the thin material.

His eyes opened as he side glanced at me, grinning. I bit my lip, not saying anything. In one movement, he rolled on top of me, between my legs and used his arms to balance. Leaning down, he started kissing my neck, nibbling at the tender skin. One of his hands found its way under his top that I now claimed as my own and cupped my breast, running his thumb over my erect nipple.

The door swung open and two hyper girls jumped on to the end of the bed.

'Honestly, the fact you two are no longer scared I will kill you is quite irritating' Mattheo grumbled, removing his hand from under my top and pushing himself back to laying beside me. I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh as Darcy and Pansy's faces came in to view. They giggled nervously. I knew they were still slightly afraid but they knew deep down he never would, even before I came along.

'What if I was naked?' He tilted his head to the side, smirking at them, hoping to cause some embarrassment but Pansy was quick to reply.

'Then we would know if Clarissa is exaggerating or not' She looked down at the bulge under the blanket and her eyes widened, her hand flew over them as she quickly turned her head away. 'And I just see she was not'

I burst out laughing as Mattheo chuckled, chucking at pillow at her.

'Get out now' he said sternly but the amusement still slightly there.

'Fine, but Clary, mum and Bellatrix are waiting downstairs for us. we have nails to get done' Darcy smiled, getting of the bed and heading towards the door, dragging Pansy with her, who still had her hand over her eyes.

Once they had left and shut the door behind them, I turned to Mattheo smiling, 'I would say pick up where we left off but...'

'But you don't have time' He groaned, watching me as I climbed out of the bed and headed for the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and brushed through my hair that was still straight from the day before. Mattheo walked in and leant against the side, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste.

'So how long do you have before you have to go?' He asked, grinning before starting to brush his teeth.

'About fifteen minutes, give or take' I replied, not looking away from my reflection.

'Hmm' He shrugged and walked back in to the bedroom, still brushing his teeth. I quickly splashed water on my face and dried it with one of our fluffy towels. Applying a thin coat of mascara, I paused, watching Mattheo walk back in to the bathroom... naked. I couldn't take my eyes off his toned physique. My eyes drifted down and he knew I was staring but walked past me and turned the water on in the shower. I turned back to the mirror, applying my lip balm. I watched his reflection as he walked up behind me, grinning. Pressing him self against my back, I felt how hard he now was. He reached over and rinsed his toothbrush off then placed it back in its holder. His hand skimmed my waist as he pulled it back, but instead of stepping away he reached his hand down and ran it up my inner thigh.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now