Final Chapter

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Three Months Later.

I laid in my usual position on the bed. My new daily routine consisted of waking up around noon, wondering to the kitchen to pick at the food Darcy stocked up on and then back to bed. I would still shower daily but mainly because it was easier to wash away the tears and make others believe I was getting better.

In reality, I wasn't. Each day was a struggle to go on. I lost the man who was a brother to me. I then watched as my husband died in my arms and vanished with no explanation.

But I didn't just lose my husband that night. I lost my best friend, my protector, part of my soul.

Each day, I would think of all the memories I had with him, not wanting them to fade. If I didn't and they did fade, he would be truly gone and I couldn't accept that. Not yet.

Darcy walked in to the room and I rolled over, not wanting to talk again. I felt the bed dip beside me as she sat down and heard the sound of fine china being placed on the bedside table.

'Sweetie, you have to get up and eat something' She moved my hair that had fallen over my face but I ignored her. 'Come on Clarissa, please'

Rolling over slowly, I started to sit up.

'Thank you' I tried to smile when I saw the sandwich on the side. She smiled back, thankful for my cooperation.

'How is little Riddle doing?' She asked and tenderly placed her hand on my stomach. My heart ached as the thoughts I kept pushing away, crept back. Mattheo didn't just leave me. He left his child. He would never get the chance to see them grow, laugh, smile. Their first steps, first words.

Tears pricked my eyes and I fought them back. He would have been a brilliant father; I just knew he would have.

'I think I felt her kick earlier' I said quietly and placed my hand over hers. 'I was probably imagining it though' I shook my head and took my hand back off.

'No, I bet it was her.' Darcy smiled. 'Telling her mummy to look after herself' I smiled back at her, a genuine smile. We didn't know if our baby was a girl but we had a feeling. Draco and Blaise were determined it was a boy though.

'Pansy and Blaise will be here soon' Darcy said, starting to stand up. 'Why don't you come watch a film with us tonight? Get you out of this room for a bit'

I nodded and reached for Mattheo's hoody, slipping it over my tank top and shorts. It still smelled of him and was the only comfort I had left.

Standing up, I froze. Something was happening. A familiar feeling was rushing through my body. It warmed me through out.

My eyes widened and Darcy looked at me confused. Lifting the sleeve of Mattheo's jumper, I gasped. The little Fae mark that he had given me months before was glowing. I looked back up at Darcy who was just as shocked as I was.

'Darcy...' I whispered.

'What does it mean?' She whispered back, taking hold of my wrist and bringing it close to her face for a better look.

'It means he needs me' I breathed out, heart racing.

'Clarissa!' I turned to the door, the sound of Draco calling me coming through. 'Clarissa, get down her now'

Darcy let go of me and I raced to the door. I ran down the hall way towards the stairs as fast as I could. As I reached the stairs, I saw Draco at the bottom, smiling up at me. His head turned towards the door at the front on the entrance hall and my gaze followed his.

Standing in front of the big oak doors, covered in blood, was Mattheo.

My Mattheo.



Thank you to everyone that has read my story. I hope you all liked it as much as I loved writing it.
I will be back soon with book two, where you will find out what happened and I will be introducing some new characters.

Thank you again for reading, I really do appreciate it so much

Nicole xx

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now