Chapter 13

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Clarissa's POV

There was only a week left till Christmas and everyone was rushing around getting prepared for the Yule Ball. Mattheo and I hadn't really done much about the new power I had but to be honest I was a bit nervous about it so wanted to leave it as long as I could. Nothing would happen unless I actually concentrated and I was happy with that. He had asked a couple of times if I wanted to try again but respected my decision when I said no.

Every one had stayed at the Manor with us. Tom didn't seem to mind all us young teenagers running around, he said it livened the place up. Mattheo was a lot more at ease too. He was still moody at times but I had my ways to get him out of it.

'So, what's the plan for today?' Blaise asked over the table where we were all eating breakfast apart from Reid who hadn't got out of bed yet.

'I'm going to visit my mum for the day' Pansy answered, grabbing some more toast.

'Darcy and I are going to look at dresses with our mums in the hall when the seamstress get's here' I smiled at him. Mattheo side glanced at Draco who grinned.

'We've got to go to town for suits' Draco declared. Mattheo nodded and carried on drinking his coffee.

'Didn't you get your suits last week?' Blaise questioned

'We need them altered' He kicked him not very subtly under the table and then looked at Mattheo. 'Time to go?'

'Yep' He shoved the last bit of toast in his mouth and stood up. I looked at him, he was being weird. He kissed my forehead, picked his jacket up of the back of the chair then followed Draco out the door. I looked over at Blaise who quickly looked at his plate. Pansy stood up.

'I better get going too' She rushed out the door before anyone could say goodbye. Reid walked in past her, already fully dressed but hair still a mess.

'I'm going to town with the boys, I'll see you tonight.' He gave me a quick hug and nodded his goodbyes to the others.

'What you doing in town Reid?' I asked, seeing if he would tell me the same as Draco.

'Oh um, we are getting some new-'

'Getting your suits altered aren't you Reid' Blaise glared at him.

'Yeh, mines too big' He laughed and kissed my forehead then left to go to Mattheo and Draco.

'Nice try' Blaise smirked at me and Darcy laughed. I scrunched up my nose and stuck out my tongue to him. He got up and kissed Darcy then left too.

'Then there were two' Darcy sighed. 'Come on, let's get ready before we are late.' I smiled at her and followed her out the kitchen, still wondering what the boys were really doing.

'Darcy, has Blaise told you what is going on because the boys are acting weird' I asked her as we walked up the stairs.

'I try to stay out of their weird antics' She chuckled but avoided looking at me. She knew something but wasn't going to let slip. I continued walking in to mine and Mattheo's room, shutting the door behind me. quickly, I washed and changed in to my fluffy bath robe, something easier to slip on and off for a day of trying on dresses but also took my black cord skirt and bottle green knitted jumper with me to change in to after.

The seamstress had just turned up and was setting out all her dresses when Darcy and I entered the drawing room. Our mums were already waiting for us. Narcissa was sitting, sipping from a glass of red wine and my mum was pacing backwards and forwards.

'All these are disgusting!' Her hand flew dramatically through the air as she faced the seamstress. The poor woman bowed her head in shame, too scared to retort. 'There is nothing here good enough for a Lestrange.' she screeched. I quickly made my way over to where she was standing.

'Mum, they all look stunning.' I placed my hand on her arm reassuringly.

'I just want the best for you.' Mum smiled at me but then backed away, sitting next to her sister and picking up the other glass of wine.

Darcy and I started looking through all the gowns. They truly were stunning. There was a wide range of styles and all the different fabrics were luxurious. We both picked up many and took it in turns trying them on with the seamstress helping us. We spent hours picking the perfect ones that suited us. Lunch and dinner were bought in to us as we all got carried away. Even my mum loosened up and looked like she was having fun. Darcy walked behind the curtain to try on a black gown with layers upon layers of tulle and a laced-up corset. I walked out in a dress that I had fell in love with as soon as I had tried it on. It was simple, nothing too over the top and that was how I liked it. The red silk hugged my figure and flowed to the floor from my thighs. The thick straps were off the shoulder and the sweetheart neckline was shaped perfectly over my chest.

'Oh, I love it' Mum gushed, bringing her hands to her mouth. She rushed over and started finger brushing my hair back in to a loose braid. 'I would love to do your hair on the night, if that is ok with you of course?' she smiled looking down at me.

'I would love that mum, thank you.' She pulled me in for a cuddle and we stayed there for a while, enjoying the moment.

A loud knock at the door bought us back and we stepped apart.

'What?' My mother screeched across the room and I chuckled at how her attitude changed instantly.

'It's me, I'm coming in' Reid opened the door and walked in covering his eyes. 'Clary, Mattheo wanted me to let you know we are back. He had to see his dad though.' He carried on walking forward, banging in to the small coffee table that had been moved to make way for all the dresses.

'You can open your eyes Reid, we are dressed' I laughed. 'Well Darcy isn't but she is hidden' He removed his hand from his eyes and looked up from the coffee table.

'Oh... wow!' He whispered, looking me up and down. 'You look stunning, I mean not that you don't normally but... wow' I felt my cheeks heat up as he stood there staring.

'Thank you, Reid,' I smiled at him and he quickly shook his head, eliminating any thoughts that he had in his mind. 'Let me get changed and we'll go watch a film if you want, get the others to join'

'Yeh ok, but not a rom com... I'm not sitting through 'how to lose a guy in 10 days' again.'

'Oi, that film is brilliant and you know it Carrow' I scowled jokingly at him and he winked then left the room.

I took the dress off then waited for Darcy to remove hers. Our mums spoke with the lady, sorting out any alterations and anything else we needed while we got changed in to the other clothes we had bought in with us and we slipped away.


'Hmm' I looked at Darcy as we made our way to the kitchen to get the popcorn.

'Are you worried about Mattheo and what he has to do?' the question took me by surprise.

'What does he have to do?'

'He hasn't told you?' She looked at me concerned.

'What does he have to do Darcy?' I took hold of her hand, stopping her from walking any further.

'I can't say if he hasn't already. He will kill me!' She put her head down, avoiding my stare. 'I wasn't even meant to know but Draco let slip.'

'Darcy Malfoy, you better tell me what the hell that boy has got himself in to now.' It came out more panicked than I wanted it to but I needed to know. Especially after asking me if I was worried.

Darcy looked up, finally making eye contact. 'He has to kill Dumbledore'

'What?' I let go of her hand, stepping backwards, eyes wide. fear swept over me. Killing Dumbledore would be an impossible task. Aside from Voldemort, Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard. Mattheo would be risking his own life, even just attempting to do it.

'Why does he have to do it?' I asked, keeping my voice low.

'Because if Dumbledore is still alive, our Dark Lord can't get in to the school to kill Harry.' Darcy sighed. 'Draco did say that Mattheo seems quite confident in doing it'

'Of course, he does' I whispered angrily. 'That boy doesn't think he can be touched.' I didn't know what to do, I needed to talk to him but I couldn't do it in front of everyone. 'Get the popcorn and I'll meet you in the sitting room with the others. I need to find Mattheo.'

Darcy nodded and walked in to the kitchen whilst I turned and headed towards the sitting room to see if he was in there already. Blaise and Reid were both sitting on the sofa arguing over what film to put on.

'We really int putting it on' Reid snarled at his friend, aggressively.

'Oh, come on mate, we put this on and the girls will be in the mood' Blaise reasoned.

'Zabini, I am not sitting through 356 days for Clary and Darcy to then fuck off with you and Mattheo and I'll be on my own'

'You will have Draco to keep you company.' Blaise pointed over to the blonde sitting on one of the giant cushions on the floor.

'I love you mate, but not enough to give you the sort of company you want' Draco grinned up at him. Reid kicked him causing him to laugh but move further away.

'Hey, you guys seen Mattheo?' I quickly asked before they could continue their bickering.

'He went upstairs I think' Draco answered.

'Clary, before you go. What film do you want to watch?' Blaise pressed on with their current issue, now involving me.

'365 days' I grinned and he laughed, smacking Reid on the shoulder. Reid groaned, flinging his head back in mock despair. I walked out the room smiling to myself passing Darcy on the way.

'I'll be back in a minute' I smiled and she nodded. I made my way up the stairs and to our bedroom. Mattheo was standing beside his drawers, putting something away and when I entered, he quickly shut the drawer.

'Hey love' He smiled, pulling me close to him and kissing the top of my head. I pulled away slightly and looked in to his dark eyes.

'Is there something you want to tell me?' He looked at me, confused with my question but didn't say anything. 'About Dumbledore?' I continued. His eyes widened for a second as he realized what I was talking about and took a step back. Running his fingers through his hair, he let his hand rest on the back of his neck, looking at me. The movement made my stomach summersault and I couldn't help but want him.

'I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry'

'Oh, so I was just going to find out when you were dead?' I shot at him.

'I'm not going to die Clarissa' He looked like I had just insulted him and turned his back to me.

'Is that what you all went to town for today?' I looked down, thinking. The question wasn't really aimed at him to answer but mainly me figuring stuff out. 'You had to get something to help you kill him?'

'What? no!' He turned back round to face me, then shook his head. 'Actually yes' he said it too quickly, like he was hiding something.

'So, what is it, yes or no?' I put my hands on my hips, furrowing my brows. He didn't answer, just stared at me with his infamous blank expression. 'That's why you were all so sketchy this morning. I swear Mattheo, if anything happens to Draco, Blaise or Reid bec-'

'Oh, should have known you would bring Reid in to this.' He rolled his eyes.

'Don't you dare!' I growled. 'You know I care about Reid as a brother, like the others'

'God forbid anything happen to him!' He started to raise his voice, throwing his hands in the air.

'Don't turn this around' My voice started to get louder too as I felt the anger inside.

'What is the point of this anyway? Are you telling me not to do it or are you telling me that you don't want them to get hurt?'


'When are you going to get it in to your fucking head who I am! I'm Voldemort's son' He walked back grinning, arms lifting out, presenting himself. 'This is what I do Princess and you knew that when you got with me'

'You do things, not caring if you live or die. If you go after Dumbledore the risk of dying is a lot greater than what it is with anyone else.' I could feel my emotions getting the better of me as tears started to fill my eyes. 'I thought that being with me would make you care more about whether you live you die'

'I'm not going to die!' He stepped forward; his face hard. 'Don't you get it, once he is gone, Harry is next' I felt my body tense at the mention of his name and Mattheo noticed too, taking hold of my hands.

'And what happens if it doesn't go to plan?' His eyes darkened, annoyed that I hadn't finished lecturing him. 'What happens if you do die and then Harry is left to do what ever he wants with me?' It was a cheap shot but had the desired effect. He imminently let go of my hands and looked at me disgusted.

'That wont happen?' He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at the floor angrily. I could see his eyes darting from left to right as he was thinking. 'I'll kill him first' he said it more to himself rather than at me.

'That's not what I was getting at' My eyes widened as him stormed towards the door and I grabbed his hand but he yanked it away not looking at me.

'I'll kill him now' He growled as he reached for the door handle and I panicked realizing what he was leaving to do.

'Mattheo, wait' I screamed, holding up my hand. A white ball of energy fired towards the door, narrowly missing Mattheo's head. He turned, looking at me stunned. I stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide with shock and my hand still held up.

'What the fuck was that for?' He took his hand away from the handle.

'I- I'm sorry, I don't know how I even done that' I looked down at my hands, not knowing what I expected to see but there was nothing different.

'You could have fucking killed me' He shouted.

'I couldn't control it' I looked at him, scared of what I had just done. His eyes were full of rage as his fingers quickly wrapped round my throat. I gasped as he spun me around, pushing me against the wall hard. All his pent-up frustration was now coming out.

'You need to remember who the fuck I am Clarissa, I let you get away with a lot of shit that others wouldn't dare do' He growled in to my ear. I felt the pulse in my clit start to pump and hated that this Mattheo turned me on just as much as the other.

'I remember you telling me you liked my hand around you throat' he smirked, looking me up and down. I let out a soft moan as his fingers dug in harder and his other hand found its way to my thigh. 'What else do you like Clarissa?'

'I... I'

'Use your words Clarissa'

'I- I don't know?'

'Do you like it when I cause you pain?' I bit my lip, not wanting to admit what he was saying was true but he grinned, knowing already. His hand left my thigh and went to retrieve the flip knife from his jean pocket. He bought the blade to my throat, removing his other hand.

'I remember your smart mouth in potions' He pressed the blade harder. 'I wanted to fuck you right then and there on that desk' I felt the excitement build in my stomach. He stepped back, taking the blade away from me.

'Take your clothes off.' I swallowed hard but did as I was told, removing my jumper and bra then my skirt, leaving just my lace black underwear.

'Lay on the bed' His eyes were still dark and there was no emotion there at all. I took a second, questioning if he was too far gone in to his rage. 'Now!' he growled. I moved to the bed and laid in the center but propped my self up with my arms, watching what he was doing. He took his top off and my breathing started to get more rapid. He moved closer, leaning over me and pushing me back down.

'Listen to me carefully' he growled low, 'If you move even an inch, this blade is going in' He ran it down my cheek. 'Keep still.' He moved the blade down to my neck and then towards my chest. My breathing hitched as the cold metal touched my nipple, circling it. He then moved it lower, running it down over my navel, pressing down harder but not breaking skin. The trust I had in him kept all the fear I would have in others at bay.

'How much control I have over this blade, is how much control I have to have every day' he moved it even lower, over the lace of my knickers, to my inner thigh. 'Sometimes, when people test my patience, I lose that control' He dug the blade in and I felt it break the skin so slightly.

My leg jolted at the sudden force but he grabbed it, steadying it. 'I said don't move Clarissa' He glided the blade down, dragging it across the sensitive skin. The pain was sharp but mixed with the pleasure, it was sending me over the edge. I could feel the warm blood trickle down towards the sheets. He took the blade away and ran his hand over the fresh cut, letting his thumb glide over my clit. A moan slipped from my lips.

'You're wet already' He looked at me grinning devilishly.

'Mattheo, please' I begged, wanting him inside me. His hand reached for my throat as he leaned over me again.

'Begging is pathetic' once again his fingers tightened, making me gasp for air as his other hand removed his jeans with ease. He pulled my underwear down off and I lifted my hips, making it easier for him.

Lining him self up to my entrance, he rammed himself in hard. His lips crashed down on to mine and I could taste blood where he had just split my lip open slightly. his pace got faster and he kept pushing harder. His hand left my throat and rested beside my head, balancing him as he reached down and used his thumb to circle my clit. I started to reach my orgasm and as I clenched around him, he let out a groan. He pulled out with out warning and I looked at him, the disappointment clear as my high faded.

'Turn over' He commanded; eyes full of lust. I obliged, turning over to my front. He pulled my hips down roughly, sliding me to the edge of the bed so my feet were touching the floor and he is standing behind me. Lining himself up and placing his other hand on the small of my back, he rammed in to me hard. His thrusts relentless as his rage and frustration released from him.

My orgasm hit as I clenched around him once again, crying out as the pleasure rolls through me. He cried out too, the feeling of me tightening around him bringing out his orgasm. His fingers dug in to my hips as he pushed deeper in, cumming inside me as my orgasm left me twitching round him.

He pulled out gently and pulled me up by my waist so my back was against his hard chest, holding me close. He gently kissed my shoulder then turned me around to face him. running a thumb over my cut lip, he gave me a sheepish smile.

'Let's get you cleaned up' I nodded and he led the way to the bathroom, not letting go of my hand. As we reached the sink, he lifted me on to the side. the tiled surface was cold against my bare skin but it was welcomed after what had just happened. He softly opened my legs and I was aware of how exposed I was but that wasn’t what he was concentrating on. I looked down at the cut he had made and the blood smeared round it. He silently wet a cloth with warm water then pressed it against the open wound. It wasn’t deep but the contact with water stung. I took a sharp intake of breath and his eyes shot up to mine, full of concern, then to my lips. I turned to look at the damage in the mirror. my lip was only cut slightly but was a bit swollen. There was also bloody finger prints round my neck from his hand. I liked it. A lot. 

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you' his voice was low. I watched in the mirror as he hung his head down in shame, closing his eyes. I turned my head back round and lifted his to face me.

'If that's what it takes for you to not kill someone, I will go through that again' I paused, thinking about what I just said. 'Actually, I would just happily go through that again' I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as he furrowed his brows in shock then grinned at me.

'You continue to surprise me Clarissa' He chuckled lightly, finishing wiping the blood away then lifted me back down from the side. We walked back in to the bed room and got dressed in a peaceful silence. After he had finished putting his grey joggers and black top on, he sat on the bed, watching and waiting for me.

'I'm sorry I nearly hit you with that thing' I said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

'You need to learn to control that before you end up killing me instead of Dumbledore' He grinned

'Really, Mattheo? Really the time to joke about it so soon?' I shot him a dirty look, annoyed that we still hadn't sorted the cause of all this out.

'I know, I know. I'm sorry ok.' He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender. I crossed my arms and pouted at him as he pulled me on top of his lap so I was straddling him. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me in. 'Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. in all honesty, I'm not used to sharing anything with anyone else. Obviously, the boys knew but they were there when I was told.'

'Just be careful' I sighed, admitting defeat. There was no point arguing anymore about it, he would do what he wanted anyway. And he was right, I knew exactly who he was when we first got together, I didn't want him to change.

He softly pressed his lips against mine and I ran both of my hands round his neck, running my fingers through his hair. He pulled my body closer, one hand wrapping round my waist while the other moved to the back of my head. His kiss deepened, becoming more needy. I pulled his hair back, making his lips leave mine.

'Getting distracted Riddle?' I gave him a devilish smirk and his eyes darkened

'So... umm... Do you want to go down and watch a film with the others?' I quickly asked, remembering that was what we were meant to be doing.

'I would rather do something else' He grinned back down at me and I got the usual flutters in my stomach as the excitement grew.


'You know, when you said something else, I really was hoping it would be something else' I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest and rubbing the tops of them, trying to keep warm.

I had been dragged past the welcoming warmth of the sitting room with all my friends inside, to the crisp winter air outside.

'Just half hour and then we will go back in and do what ever you want' He backed away from me. 'We can even use that clit stick' He winked and then laughed as I blushed.

'Wait, how did you know?'

'Pansy asked Draco if they could use one. He wasn't that impressed to hear she got the idea from his cousin' He laughed and I laughed too, imagining his face.

When he had got far enough away from me, he turned and smiled. 'Right, just throw something at me'

'You are kidding right?' He shook his head and I gawped at him. 'You do know I didn't mean to do that in the bedroom so I don't know how I did it' even with the distance between us and lack of light in the early evening, I saw him roll his eyes.

'Remember what I said, imagine it in your hand, feel it.'

I closed my eyes, imagining the light in my hand, feeling the warmth from it.

'That's it!' I heard Mattheo shout. I opened my eyes and looked down. resting in my hand was a little ball of white energy.

'Umm... what do I do now?

'Throw it at me' He grinned

'What no, I don't want to hurt you' I was shocked that he had suggested that.

'you wont hurt me' He called and I saw his smirk, making my knees go weak. I threw my hand forward, not really knowing what I was doing. The little ball left my hand, flying towards Mattheo but hit the ground a couple of meters in front of him and disappeared. He looked down at the spot it had landed and back up at me, smirking. 'Try again'

'I really don't want it to hurt you' I begged, not wanting to use him as a target.

'Pfft, you would have to actually hit me with it for it to hurt me love' he grinned cockily.

I glared at him and got ready to throw another. this time I used more force, throwing it with more strength. Mattheo's eyes widened as the ball went hurtling towards him and he quickly tried blocking it with his dark magic but wasn't quick enough and flew backwards through the air and hit the ground hard.

'SHIT! shit, shit, shit, shit!' I ran over to where he was laying.

'Yeh that was better' He groaned, clutching his ribs.

'I am so sorry' I fell to my knees, gently placing my hand to his chest. 'Are you ok?'

'Yeh' He started to sit back up 'At least now we know I just need to annoy you to get you to do it properly'

'Can we stop now?' I asked, sitting on the cold grass, beside him.

'If you were anyone else, I would say no but I think my pride has been wounded enough tonight.' He chuckled softly and started to get up, wincing in pain.

'Does it really hurt?' I asked concerned.

'A bit, I just wasn't expecting you to hit me so soon' He smiled and held out his hand to pull me up. 'Maybe soon we can have a proper duel, you have to learn to defend yourself first'

'Is that what you were about to do?'

'Yeh but I'm ashamed to say that you surprised me so I didn't do it in time.' He took my hand and started leading us back to the manor. 'I was protected some what though or that would have hurt a fuck ton more.'

'I'll practice more, I wont avoid it any more' I smiled up at him, making this promise and he smiled back throwing his arm around my shoulders and rubbing my arm to keep me warm.

'Did you pick a dress for the ball?'

'Yeh, it's stunning.' I bit my lip thinking of the gorgeous crimson dress I had picked out earlier that day.

'I look forward to seeing it on and off then' He pulled me in to his arms as we reached the big oak doors and kissed my tenderly.

'Mattheo?' I asked as he opened the doors and led me in to the hall.


'Is there a formal dance at the ball?' He stopped and looked at me.

'Yeh, the first dance is quite formal but then it's just like any other party' He shrugged.

'Yeh... I don't know how to do that sort of dancing' I chuckled but looked down, embarrassed.

'Then I will just have to teach you' He lifted my chin up and winked.

'How do you know how to dance like that?' I tilted my head questionably. he didn't come across as the type of person who would know how to dance but then I also didn't know much about his past.

'This isn't my first ball Clarissa' He rolled his eyes playfully and pulled me towards the drawing room, closing the door behind us. He flicked his hand, causing the furniture to slide to the sides of the room, leaving a decent sized space in the center.

'I really wish that was one of my powers' I muttered, thinking how convenient it would be to use magic like that with out a wand.

'It might be. You might not have activated it yet.' He stood in the center of the room, muttered a spell so music started playing and held out his hand for me to take. I walked up to him and placed mine in his. He placed my other hand on his shoulder then moved his to my hip, pulling me closer to him. I looked up in to his eyes and smiled as he smiled back down at me.

'The man always leads' he said softly, stepping one foot forward as I bought mine back.

'Sexist' I muttered, taking my other foot back as his came forward.

'Traditional' He corrected and furrowed his brows at my attitude, smirking. I followed his lead as we moved to the music around the empty space of the room. He lifted me and turned around slowly then spun me out. As he pulled me back, I found I slotted back in to him naturally, perfectly. He stopped moving and lifted my chin so I was looking in to his dark brown eyes.

'I love you Clarissa Lestrange'

'I love you Mattheo Riddle'

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now