Chapter 11

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Mattheo's POV

I walked back in to the common room and it was empty apart from Reid, Draco and Blaise sitting on the sofas.

'Where is everyone?' I asked, walking over to them.

'The girls are in the kitchens getting munchies' Draco laughed. 'Everyone else left soon after you did. Oh, and I'm not sure where Clary is?' He looked at me smirking, he knew. I grinned back and lit up a blunt. At least when she got back, we didn't have to pretend.

'Do you think we should go get the girls, they have been a while' Blaise asked and Reid nodded. They stood up but I didn't want to go.

'I'll wait here for Clarissa' They walked out and I leaned back in my seat letting the smoke back out of my lungs. It had been 10 minutes and Clarissa still wasn't back. She might have seen the boys and gone with them. I sighed a bit annoyed but then laughed and shook my head. I stood up, ready to go down to the kitchens but the common room door opened. Reid walked in holding an unconscious Clarissa. Her body was limp in his arms and as he got closer, I noticed the redness on her cheek where something had hit her and her lip was bleeding.

'What the fuck' I ran over to him and grabbed her from his arms. She was still breathing thankfully but she was in a bad way. I looked at Reid and his face was drained of colour. I laid her on the sofa and turned back to face him. 'What the fuck happened?' I growled through gritted teeth.

'We walked past potions and we heard her screaming Mattheo. Like really screaming. But we couldn't get in there, we tried everything but he had used a spell that we couldn't brake.' Reid was talking really fast and I was trying to take in what he was telling me.


'Harry Potter' My face changed at the mention of his name and I saw Reid become scared for a split second before becoming angry too.

'What else happened Reid?' I snarled.

'We see the light from under the door, it was so bright. She must have used a spell to get him off her, but I don't know what spell would knock them both out.' I knew of a couple and one of them wasn't human.

'Where is he?'

'Draco and Blaise have him in the room still. I don't know if he is still passed out.'

'Stay with her. I wont be long' He nodded and sat down beside her placing his hand on hers. She was safe.

I walked out of the common room door and towards the potions class room. When I got there Blaise and Draco had their wands out pointing them at Harry who was now awake. As soon as he saw me, he grinned.

'How's Clary?' He smirked at me and I flew forward at him, punching him in the nose. I heard it crack as blood sprayed everywhere. He spat out some of blood that had fallen in to his mouth. 'I wonder if she enjoyed me touching her more tonight?' I looked at him confused and Draco pulled me back.

'Didn't Reid tell you what we found?' I just stared at him. 'Mattheo, she didn't have her underwear on when we finally got in' Something clicked inside of me, that was why they heard her screaming. I grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt and kept repeatedly punching him. He was just conscious when Draco and Blaise pulled me back and I let him fall to the floor.

'You can't kill him Mattheo' Blaise shouted.

'But I can!' I growled and went for him again. Draco pulled me back by my top and I swung for him but was actually glad I missed.

'Whoa, mate!' He stepped back. 'She's my cousin, I want to kill him too but remember who he is and who has to.' Draco pointed at the piece of shit that was now struggling to stand.

'Cousin?' He mumbled looking up at us.

'Ohh, you don't know who she really is' Draco laughed at him. I grinned remembering that Clarissa was more special than he ever realized. Draco leant down meeting Harry's level. 'Clarissa is a Lestrange. Bellatrix Lestrange is her mother. Clary isn't just a friend, she is family.' Harry looked from him to me and I couldn't help myself. I hit him again and he fell back down to the floor, passed out.

'Seriously?' Draco frowned standing up beside me.

'He isn't dead' I shrugged. 'Just leave him there. The sooner my father kills him the better.' We all walked back to the common room leaving him in the classroom.

Clarissa was still laying on the sofa when we got there and Reid was still sitting beside her. I looked at her. He had forcibly touched her and I wasn't there to protect her. I was never going to leave her again unless it was with someone I trusted. She was too precious to me.

Reid stood up when he saw me.

'Is he dead?'

'No, we stopped him before he got that far' Draco said and sat on the sofa. I sat on the floor next to Clarissa and lit up a blunt from my pocket. Reid joined Draco on the sofa and Blaise sat in one of the chairs.

'I'm taking her to Riddle Manor if she wakes up tonight' The boys nodded as I breathed out the smoke and leant my head back. I was going to take her out of this school and away from him. The common room door opened and the girls came running in with arms full of food, giggling like maniacs. They stopped and looked at us then at the sleeping Clarissa.

'Did she drink too much again?' Darcy laughed and walked closer to us. She stopped when she saw Clarissa's face. 'What the fuck happened?' I inhaled more of the blunt, not really knowing how to explain. No one else said anything.

'Someone wants to start fucking talking!' Pansy shouted. 'Did you do that to her?' The comment was fired at me and I glared at her. Draco quickly stood up and pulled her to the side before I could say anything.

'Don't be fucking stupid Panz' He motioned for Darcy to join him too and started telling them what had happened. I didn't listen. I didn't want to hear it all again. I wanted her to tell me what he had actually done to her but when she was ready. With out realizing I had already smoked half the blunt, I passed it over the table to Reid.

'That absolute cunt, I'm going to kill him!' Darcy shouted. They walked back over to us and sat down. 'Has she not moved at all?' I shook my head.

'She is ok though right?' Pansy asked looking worried.

'I don't know, but we are not staying here.' The girls looked at me confused. 'I'm taking her to mine as soon as she wakes up. You lot can come stay tomorrow if you want?' I knew Clarissa would want that; she was happiest when she was with her friends.

'Yeah ok, we'll pack up her bits tomorrow and bring them' Darcy smiled softly.

'Oh, and we best find Nacho' Pansy quickly added. I let out an exasperated sigh. I forgot that the rat would have to join us. They chuckled and Reid passed me back the blunt. I felt Clarissa stir behind me and quickly jumped up. Her eyes slowly opened.


'I'm here.' I kneeled back down beside her. She tried to sit up.

'What happened?' She looked at me confused.

'What do you remember?' Did she not know what he had done to her?

'I just remember a bright light and then everything went black' She shook her head gently.

'Do you remember what happened in the room after I left?' I didn't want to push her too far but I needed to know what he did to her. Tears filled her eyes as the memory played back in her mind. She looked hurt and scared. 'Hey, hey. We don't have to talk about it now' I took her hands. Everyone else was silent around us. Waiting for some sort of sign to say or do something. Clarissa looked round at them all then back at me. Her bottom lip started trembling and then she broke right there in front of us all.

'I'm sorry' It was almost audible mixed with her sobs.

'Fuck' I scooped her up in my arms then sat where she was laying, holding her close to me. She buried her face in to my neck and I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt. I didn't know what to do to help her. I looked at the others. Darcy and Pansy were silently crying, clearly hurting at seeing their friend like this. Reid had his head in his hands, I knew he loved this girl too and didn't want to see her like this as much as I didn't. Draco and Blaise were looking between their girlfriends and over at Clarissa and I. They didn't know what to do either. None of us did so we all sat there and waited for Clarissa to make the first move.

After a little while the crying stopped but she stayed curled up on my lap.

'Is she asleep?' Reid asked.

'I don't know, I can't see her face' I frowned at him. She shifted slightly on my lap and looked up.

'I'm not asleep' She sniffed. I held her tighter and kissed her forehead. 'I’m going for a shower' She started to stand up.

'Use mine' I told her and she nodded then walked towards my dorm. As soon as she was gone, I looked at the others. None of us knew what to say still. 'As soon as she is done, we are leaving'

'Ok' Darcy stood up. 'We will sort everything out here and bring it with us tomorrow so don't worry about that'

'Just go look after her Mattheo' Pansy gave me a weak smile then followed Darcy to their dorm. I looked at the boys as I got a cigarette out of the packet and lit it up.

'I'm going to bed too.' Reid stood up and I nodded to him as he left the room. Draco and Blaise soon followed. I sat for a bit while I finished smoking then walked to my room. Only the bathroom light was on and the water was still running. I slowly walked over and saw Clarissa standing in the shower, letting the water fall down her body. She turned the water off and I grabbed a towel to pass to her. She jumped a little when she saw me but then took the towel and wrapped it round her. I wanted to hold her again but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable so I just moved out of the way of the door and let her pass. She sat on the bed and I got one of my t-shirts out for her to wear.

'Clarissa, we're going to the Manor as soon as you are ready' She looked up at me and nodded, smiling. But the smile didn't reach her eyes. I turned away as she got dressed, giving her some privacy and I felt her hand touch my shoulder once she was ready. I turned around and she pushed herself against me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. 'You ready?' She nodded and I apperated us to my bedroom at Riddle Manor. She looked up and smiled then climbed on to the bed.

'Mattheo?' She wriggled under the blanket and got herself comfy. 'can I have drink please?'

'Of course, I'll be right back' I smiled and left my room.

The light was on in the kitchen as I got closer. I walked in and saw my father sitting at the island in the middle of the room, drinking coffee. He looked up from the file that he was reading when he heard my footsteps.

'Mattheo, I didn't realize you was back.'

'We just got here' I replied and walked over to the fridge to get two bottles of water.

'we?' he continued to ask

'Clarissa' I shut the fridge door and looked at him. 'She's not doing that task you set her anymore' It came out sterner than I thought.

'I don't think that is your decision' His brows furrowed.

'It is my decision when he probably raped her' My voice got louder as I felt myself getting angry again. My father put his mug down and opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. 'He did something to her and I don't know what yet.' I leant back against the fridge and looked towards the ceiling trying to calm my breathing.

'Where is he?' He stood up and walked over to me

'He's not dead, just hurt' I reassured him but really wished he was dead. He got closer to me. I couldn't appear weak in front of him but I couldn't hold it in. 'I wasn't there... I wasn't there to protect her' I felt the tears fall down my face and my father looked at me shocked. I never cried. He pulled me in to him and held me the way I held Clarissa.

'Be there for her now' He pushed me back to look in to my eyes. 'She is going to need you to get through this. I'm not entirely sure what the relationship is between you both but I know there is something there and she is going to need you now.' I nodded and wiped the tears away on my sleeve. 'She doesn't have to go near him again.' He turned and walked back to his seat; I made my way back upstairs to my room.

Clarissa wasn't on the bed anymore but the light was on in the bathroom. I walked over and leaned on the door frame, watching her stare at herself in the mirror. She noticed a was watching.

'Do you still want me?' She looked back at her reflection.

'Of course I do' I frowned and walked up behind her. I slowly touched her hips, seeing how she would react but she let me do it. I carried on going and wrapped my arms around her waist.

'Even though someone else touched me?' I watched in the mirror as a tear fell down her cheek. I turned her round to face me.

'No matter what happens, nothing could stop me from wanting and loving you.' I kissed her lips softly and she kissed me back. I looked back down at her and she smiled at me. 'let's go back to bed.' She nodded and walked past me then climbed in to bed. I got in beside her and she moved closer, resting her head on my chest. Her breathing got heavier as she fell asleep and I did too.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now