Chapter 6

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Clarissa's POV

The sun was bright for a November morning as it shone through the gaps of the thick black drapes in the room and then through my eyelids. I groaned as I rolled over, burying my head in to the pillow. I heard the door open but refused to look up.

'Miss Lestrange, I have your breakfast here'

I turned over and sat up to see a house elf walk in to the room holding a little tray with a teapot, cup, sugar pot, mini jug of milk and a round of toast.

'Oh, umm, thank you'

She passed the tray up to me then took a step back, bowing slightly.

'Master Riddle told me to let you know that your mother will meet you in the drawing room'

'Ok, thank you'

She walked back out the room, leaving me by my self again. I set the tray beside me and picked up the glass of water from the side, drinking that instead. Standing up, I headed towards the bathroom, just outside was a chair with some of my clothes on that someone must have bought there from school. In the bathroom there was everything I needed to get myself ready. I showered quickly, waking myself up a bit more. Once I was out, I brushed my teeth and hair then went back in to the bedroom to get dressed. My outfit was cute and I silently praised who ever had picked it out. A short, skater style black skirt, black strappy top and black tights. To keep me warm they had included a slightly cropped burgundy knitted jumper and wedged ankle boots. Grabbing my wand, I used my favorite charm to dry my hair and decided to leave it curly. Adding some mascara and a deep red lipstick, I was finally ready to have the talk with my mother.

Walking into the room I had been the night before; I saw Bellatrix sitting in one of the chairs at the far end. I walked over and sat opposite. We sat in silence for a few minutes just looking at our hands resting in our laps.



'I'm sorry, you first' I quickly got out.

'No, no. You first. I'm sure you have loads of questions' she smiled at me.

'Going to be honest, I don't. I really don't know what to say.' I looked at her confused as she looked down in to her lap again. Taking a deep breath, I decided to let it all out.

'Please don't get me wrong, I will probably have loads of questions over time but right now I'm still in shock. I mean look,' I waved my hand around the room. 'I'm in Voldemort's house, the person who I was meant to fear growing up. Only to find out that Bellatrix Lestrange, the woman who is feared probably just as much, is my mother. It's a lot to take it.'

'Yes, yes, it is' she nodded. 'Let's have a drink'

'Probably a bit too early for me' I smiled.

'Tea then' she flicked her wand and two mugs of tea appeared on the table. 'Milk?'

'And two sugars please' I nodded. She tapped the mug with her wand and then sat back with her own. I picked mine up and cradled it in my hands for a while.

'Who is my father?' I asked looking up at Bellatrix.

'He was the love of my life' a sad smile formed on her face 'a powerful wizard. Unfortunately, before he even knew about you, he was killed by Aurors.'

'So, I am a pureblood then? Both parents’ wizards?'

'Not exactly' she leant forward. 'Your father was part Fae'

'Fae? Like a fairy?'

'No, a fairy is an annoying little bug that needs to be crushed under one's boot.' she scrunched her nose up in disgust and I realized that was where my reaction came from. 'A Fae is a powerful creature, mischievous and dangerous.'

'And you decided to reproduce with one' I couldn't keep the shocked expression of my face.

'As I said, he was part Fae so I didn't realize at first' she pouted.

'Ok, does him being a Fae affect me at all?' I asked, slightly worried.

'I'm not sure, he could shape shift and control one of the seven elements. So, unless you changed in to someone else recently, I'm sure you don't have to worry' she smiled.

'Hang on, seven elements?'

'Yes, Nature, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Darkness and Spirit. Your father controlled fire'

'Well, I definitely don't have that power, I regularly burn myself on candles by accident.' I said leaning back, wide eyed at the information she had just given me.

'Oh, there is so much more that your father shared with me. How most of the ones that could control the elements died out and there was only a few left. A prophecy about the ones who could control light and darkness. Also, about magic that only Fae's could do' She took a sip from her mug but kept her eyes on me. 'He definitely came up with some good stories'

We spent the next few hours laughing at the stories my father would tell her and all the things they got up to together. They did seem like a perfect couple at the start and I felt a pang of sadness that I had never got to experience growing up with them both. The more she kept talking about their life together, the more I realized she really wasn't that bad of a person. Most of the things she had ever done bad was out of love and to be perfectly honest, I would have probably killed too to protect someone. She asked loads of questions about my life, about my adopted parents. Even though I could tell it was hurting her, she was glad that I had a loving home and good upbringing.

It was early evening when my mother said she had to go to a meeting with Voldemort but promised we would carry on talking about everything the next day. Before she left, she handed me a small dagger. The handle was black with a ruby resting at the tip.

'My mother gave this to me when I was about your age and I want you to have it. I heard you like playing with daggers' She smiled at me and I felt my cheeks blush as I remembered the incident with Mattheo. I took it from her and she pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around me.

'I'm so glad you are finally home' she kissed me on my forehead and then left the room. I stood in silence for a little while, staring at the black dagger and thinking about the information she had given me. The door opened behind me and I turned to see Mattheo enter the room.

'Aren't you meant to be in a meeting' I asked, slipping the dagger in to the waist band of my skirt and made a mental note not to bend over while it was there. He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

'Want to go for a walk?' I nodded and followed him out to the grounds. As we walked, I told him what my mother had shared with me but he didn't look surprised.

'You knew?' I questioned.

'Of course I did' He smirked. 'My mother was part Fae'

'Oh my god, really? Do you have any of the power things?'

'I don't need a wand to do magic'

'That one I figured out' I smiled.

'I can also do this' He stopped walking and turned to face me holding out his hands. A dark energy orb started to form, hovering just above his hands. I looked at him, my eyes wide.

'Darkness Fae?' I asked, shocked at a magic I had never seem before. He nodded and then clapped his hands together, causing the energy ball to disappear. 'Does anyone else know?' Why hadn't the girls mentioned this to me? I guessed it was because I was still new really.

'Only my father, the rest of the death eaters and now you. No one else knows.'

'Why show me?' I looked at him confused, we had such a strange relationship, surely he didn't trust me.

'Your part Fae, only other person I know like me' he shrugged, turning away and carried on walking. I followed him.

'How did you learn to do it'

'Self taught' 

The wind had started picking up as we reached the lake at the back of the manor. It was starting to get colder too.

'Let's head back' Mattheo said, turning to walk away.

'Wait' looking out in to the lake I noticed a little rowing boat. There was a net hanging of the side and something was caught in it. It was ginger and furry although it was soaked from the water. 'Mattheo, I think its a kitten'

'Where?' He turned back around and looked to where I was pointing. I walked down the Dock a little bit to get a better look but the boat was floating further away.

'Mattheo it is a kitten'

'It's probably dead' he said looking towards it disgusted.

'You need to get it' I turned pleading to him.

'Why me?'

'I don't have my wand and you can do magic with out it' I started to raise my voice.

'It's dead!' He shouted.

'Fine' I started to unzip my boots and walked to the far end of the dock.

'What are you doing?' He sighed following me.

'If you won't get it then I will' I took the dagger out and placed it inside one of my boots.

'Can you even swim?' He really didn't look amused.

'We'll soon find out'

Mattheo's POV

'We'll soon find out'

I watched as she dived in to the cold water, waiting for her to remerge but she didn't. Fuck’s sake, the currant must have pulled her under. Running to the edge I dived in after her. Going under, I looked all around me trying to see her but I couldn't. I came back to the surface to catch my breath and dived back under. The water was murky and I started to panic with not being able to see her. Coming to the surface I called her name.

'Mattheo, what are you doing?' I turned towards the voice to see Clarissa standing on the dock. She was dripping wet and holding a ginger rat!

'What the fuck!'


I stormed into the entrance hall first, dripping water over the marble tiles. My father was standing near the stairs with Bellatrix, welcoming the Carrow twins and Reid. I walked towards them, running my hand through my wet hair.

'What happened to you?' My father asked, looking confused.

'Ask your dickhead of a fucking daughter' I snarled at Bellatrix, unable to stay calm. As if on cue Clarissa walked through the door, equally just as wet but holding the kitten close and grinning widely.

'We got a new kitten' she stated sweetly. We all watched in silence as she skipped towards the kitchen. Then something happened that shocked us all. My father laughed, a full bellied laugh that took us all by surprise.

'She's definitely keeping you on your toes isn't she' He smiled at me.

'I'm going to fucking kill her' I walked past him following her in to the kitchen and Reid followed me chuckling softly. I tried to stay angry but then I saw her sitting on the side with the kitten wrapped in a tea towel and tears falling down her face.

'I don't think he's breathing' she sobbed quietly, looking up at me. I sighed as I walked over to her, taking it from her hands. Unwrapping it I could just feel a faint heart beat so quickly muttered a charm to bring warmer towels to us. Wrapping it in a thicker towel, I handed the kitten back to her. I wasn't sure it would survive and usually I wouldn't give a shit but I wanted him to, for her.

'He's breathing, just keep him warm.' She nodded at my instruction.

'Shall we take him to your room and set him up a bed?' Reid asked, getting closer to her.

'She's staying in my room' I shot at him and couldn't keep the smirk of my face as his face dropped. She jumped of the side and looked at me, tears still in her eyes.

'That is a good idea though, do you mind?'

'No' I shook my head and watched her walk through the door 'just don't put it in the bed' I shouted quickly.


Reid, Draco, Blaise were sitting in the drawing room with me. It was about 11pm and we had arranged for them to stay in the guest rooms then all return to Hogwarts in the morning.

'What are the girls doing again?' Blaise asked, passing me the blunt.

'With that fucking kitten' I sighed, looking up and blowing out smoke towards the ceiling. Clarissa had been up there for ages and as soon as the girls got here, they had joined her. As far as I was aware, the kitten was fine and drinking but they couldn't leave it at all apparently.

'What's going on between you and Clary' Reid said, leaning forward and giving me a stern look.

'Nothing Reid,' I sighed again, annoyed that he was even asking me.

'You tell us nothing but she is staying in your room and you were all over each other last night.'

'Jealous Carrow' I smirked, leaning forward so we were closer and he glared at me, getting brave.

'In fairness mate, it does look like there is something going on. You dived in the lake after her' Draco chirped in.

'You going soft Riddle' Blaise laughed. I glared at him and he instantly stopped.

'I'm going to say this once and that is all' I growled at them. 'There is nothing between Clarissa and I. She is a pathetic girl that is currently a guest in this house.'

'You won't mind if I ask her out then.' Reid grinned.

'Do what you want, she's nothing to me' I shrugged but really wanted to tear his head off. We sat in silence for a bit, smoking.

The door opened and the girls walked in to join us, in their night clothes. They could obviously sense the tension between us all.

'You all having a lovers tiff?' Clarissa tried to joke but I was too pissed off to deal with her smart mouth.

'Fuck off Clarissa'

'What's stuck up your bipolar arse?' she smirked at me. I glared at her and she glared back.

'We were just discussing how little you actually mean to me' I sneered. I could tell when looking in to her green eyes that what I said hurt but she quickly masked it.

'That's OK then because you won't care that I'm leaving your room tonight and having a sleepover with the girls.' She smiled, sitting down beside Reid who threw his arm over her shoulder.

'Why?' Draco asked.

'Would rather be in anyone else’s bed other than his' she shrugged. That hurt slightly but I did deserve it after what I had just said.

'I'll come find you later' Reid whispered loudly in to her ear, making sure I could hear. I could see her smile at him and my stomach felt like it had fire in it. I wanted to kill him. They sat there whispering to each other for a bit longer and I couldn't make out what they were saying but by the way he was leaning in and she was smiling at him, I knew he was flirting with her. Getting out a cigarette from the pack, I lit it up and inhaled, trying to stay calm. I could hear the others talking to me but I couldn't focus on their words. I looked back at Clarissa and Reid. Their lips were almost touching and I couldn't control myself anymore. Jumping out of my chair, I ripped Reid away from her and chucked him to the floor. As he laid there, I got on top of him grabbing him by the collar of his polo top. With my other hand I pushed my cigarette into cheek. The smell of burning flesh filled my nose as he screamed in pain. The sound made me grin and I stuck my thumb into the wound, causing as much pain as I could.

I could hear Clarissa yelling at me to stop but I wanted to hurt him, badly. Draco and Blaise pulled me back of him and I pushed them away about to leap on to him again but Clarissa stood in front of me. I was so close to accidentally hitting her. I stopped and looked at her. She had fear in her eyes but I didn't know if she was scared of what I would do to her or do to Reid. I didn't want her to be scared of me. Growling I stormed past her and out through the door heading up to my room.

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