Chapter 12

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Clarissa's POV

I woke up with my head still on his chest. His arm was still wrapped round me and I didn't want to move but I also really wanted a drink. I tried to wriggle gently away from him. Careful not to wake him, I slipped a bit lower but his grip got stronger around me. I smiled in to his toned abs and waited a few seconds before trying again. I managed to get away with out waking him. Slowly opening the door, I slipped out and walked down the hall. I wasn't sure what the time was but the winter sun was shining through the frosted windows. I made my way down to the kitchen and saw my mother and Voldemort eating pancakes.

'Hey mum' I smiled at her. 'Hello Sir' I nodded politely to Voldemort. He smiled at me and mum got up from her seat, pulling me in for a cuddle.

'We are going to kill him' She whispered in my ear. I pulled away and stared in shock at her for a second. How did she know already?

'I don't really want to talk about it mum' I said quietly, side glancing to Voldemort and she let go of me. She nodded and walked back over to her seat and added pancakes to another plate.

'Join us' She smiled, placing the plate opposite her and I sat down.

'I'm guessing my son is still asleep?' Voldemort asked, not looking up from the newspaper that he was reading.

'Yes Sir' I nodded, adding a piece of pancake to my mouth.

'Please, call me Tom' He gave me a dashing smile and my stomach flipped. Mattheo definitely got his good looks from his dad.


'My name is Tom Riddle. Family only call me Tom' He grinned.

'Umm Si- Tom... We are not related, are we?' I started to panic.

'No.' He chuckled. 'But I have a feeling we will be family soon.' I looked at him confused and he went back to his reading and coffee, having already finished his pancakes. The door opened behind me and I heard someone walk in.

'I wondered where the fuck you had gone' I turned to see Mattheo glaring at me and I chuckled. He was so cute when he was angry with me. His face softened when he heard my chuckle and he sat down beside me.

'I was thirsty' I smiled at him and shoved more pancake in my mouth. 'And hungry' I added.

'Now you are home, at some point I would like to take you shopping for a dress' Mum smiled at me.

'Dress?' I asked, looking up at her.

'For the yule ball that is held here every year' Mattheo answered and grabbed himself some pancakes.

'Oh, when is it?'

'Christmas Eve' Tom smiled and stood up. 'Come Bellatrix, Snape has some news to tell us' Mum stood, gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head then followed Tom out of the kitchen. I looked at Mattheo who was still eating.

'So, what is the plan today?'

'What ever you want Love' He leaned back stretching. 'I'm not sure what time the others are getting here though' He looked at the clock on the wall and it was 10.30.

'Oh, is everyone coming here?' I smiled, I loved it when we could all chill as a group.

'Yeh, the girls are bringing all your bits' he leaned across and kiss me then stood up. 'Better actually clear you some drawers'

'Wait a minute' I picked all our plates up and took them to the sink.

'That's what we have house elves for Clarissa' Mattheo frowned at me but I ignored him as I rinsed the plates off. I heard him huff as he picked up a tea towel and started to dry them. I smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes.

We walked in to the bedroom and I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a wash. Mattheo walked over to his drawers and opened the first one.

'How many drawers do you think you will need?' He asked.

'Depends how much they are bringing' I called back.

'Enough to last you the holidays' He started taking bits from the drawer and placing it on top as I walked back out and sat on the bed.

'Then I'm going to need the whole set'

'What?' He turned to look at me shocked then looked back at his drawers.

'I could always use my room that mum set up for me when I first stayed here?' I smiled sweetly at him and he glared at me.

'No, I'll think of something' I rolled my eyes at him and he walked over to me. Pushing me back on the bed, he leant over me and kissed my forehead. 'Clarissa, can we talk about last night?' He looked serious. I stopped smiling and nodded. He got off me and sat at the end of the bed. I crossed my legs and started playing with my hands in my lap.

'He was out side of potions while we were in there and heard everything. He heard everything you said to me and then he heard us doing other stuff.' He turned round to look at me, shocked that he hadn't seen him. I carried on. 'When you left, he must have waited for a bit. He came in and locked us both in the room.' I saw him tense as he knew I was getting to the part when it happened. I looked down, determined not to cry this time but he lifted my chin as a tear fell down.

'You can stop if you want' He wiped the tear and I shook my head.

'I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen. I could hear people trying to get in but the spell that Harry used on the door was the same I used that night we argued.'

'It was Reid, Draco and Blaise. They found you. I wasn't there to protect you' He looked away from me but I grabbed his face gently, bringing him back.

'You didn't know that was going to happen.' I smiled at him to show I didn't blame him at all, it would be silly to.

'What else happened Clarissa?'

'After slapping me to the floor, he also punched me because I tried getting him off. I felt too weak to keep trying and his fingers... ' I stopped, not wanting to say what he did but Mattheo knew. His eyes went darker and his expression was murderous. 'He didn't go any further than his fingers because something happened that caused him to fly off me' He didn't say anything. He knew something had happened last night but I think hearing it actually come from me was too much for him. He moved quickly, jumping off the bed but I leapt forward to grab him.

'Mattheo! Wai- Arghh' I lost my balance trying to grab him and fell head first off the bed. He turned round to see me in a heap on the floor and I burst out laughing. I could see he was still angry but he looked down at me amused. Shaking his head, he bent down and stood my back up. I stopped laughing and rubbed my head. 'Oww. Please don't go' He sighed and pulled me close to him, kissing the top of my head.

There was a knock at the door and Mattheo let go of me to answer. Darcy and Pansy came running in and both cuddled me tight.

'Girls, I can't breath' I chuckled. They let go and when they saw me smiling that started smiling too.

'The boys are bringing your bags. Oh, and Blaise isn't happy with Nacho' Pansy smirked

'Why?' That kitten was a little shit sometimes.

'Umm his arm got shredded when he tried to put him in the carrier' Darcy said then pressed her lips together to stop herself from laughing as the boys walked in carrying my bags.

'How much do you need?' Mattheo looked at the six bags full then over to me.

'That isn't even half of her clothes. We didn't bring it all' Darcy laughed.

'We did pack something else we found though' Pansy looked at me and gave me a little wink. I tilted my head to the side, wondering what she was going on about. Mattheo looked at me questionably and I shrugged.

'Boy's, come help me with something' He walked out the room and the three of them followed leaving Pansy, Darcy and I together. We all say on the bed and got comfy.

'We're not going to ask you about last night chick but if you want to talk to us about it, we are always ready to listen' Pansy put her hand on my leg and gave me a reassuring look. Darcy nodded agreeing with her.

'Thank you, girls. You are both my best ones and I love you so much' I smiled at them both.

'And we love you' We all hugged and fell back giggling.



'What was that?' Darcy said, sitting back up. Pansy and I sat up too listening. There was another bang.

'I said to the left' One of the boys shouted.

'Get out the fucking way then' Mattheo shouted back. There was a thud of something hitting the wall.

'Why didn't we just use magic for this? Reid said quietly but we could still hear him.

'Because we are men and men can do this' Mattheo growled. I threw my hand over my mouth, stopping myself from laughing. The girls did the same. There was a louder bang and a screech.

'The fuck was that?' Draco shouted.

'Mattheo stood on Nacho's tail' Blaise laughed

'I'll tread on its fucking head next time!'

'Boys?' I called out. 'Are you ok?'

'No. Fuck off!' Mattheo shouted back and us girls burst out laughing. The door opened and Reid came through first with his back to us holding a set of drawers and Mattheo was holding the other end.

'Me to you, to me, to you' Reid navigated as they got it through the door.

'This isn't fucking chuckle vision, shut the fuck up' Mattheo glared at him. Draco and Blaise stood behind them shaking their heads, trying their hardest not to laugh but the girls and I were too far gone and couldn't stop. They moved it beside Mattheo’s drawers then stood back to admire their hard work.

'Drawers' Reid pointed to them and looked at me.

'Well done' I laughed.

'I need a joint' Mattheo turned round and leaned over the bed to kiss me. 'I'll see you downstairs when you're ready'

'Thank you' I giggled.

'And stop laughing' He closed the door behind him as they all left.

'They really are something else' Darcy laughed and went over to one of my bags to start unpacking. I followed her and started putting my underwear away. As I was taking my underwear out the bag, I came across the thing that Pansy had included.

'Why Panz?' I laughed holding up the clit stick. Darcy burst out laughing and Pansy looked at me, smirking.

'Just in case babes, just in case' She winked at me. I rolled my eyes and hid it in the drawer. After we had finished unpacking all my bits, we sat on the bed talking.

'Girls, I need your advice about something.' I looked at them both nervously.

'Oh, I'm intrigued' Darcy grinned at me.

'If it's to do with sex, I'm pretty sure you don't want me to go in to detail about what I do with your cousin slash brother' Pansy smirked. Darcy hit her arm playfully looking disgusted.

'Eww no' I gave her a disgusted look too. 'We are fine in that department thanks' I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. 'I'm late.' There was silence.

'Late?' Pansy repeated.

'As in monthly late?' Darcy asked, looking concerned.

'No, late to lesson' I fired sarcastically. 'Yes, period late.'

'How late?

'Only a week but I've never been late. I'm on the pill so I can't be pregnant.' I added quickly at the end seeing their worried faces.

'Darling nothing is 100%' Darcy said quietly.

'It could just be the stress of everything that had been going on this past month to be fair' Pansy said, trying to put my mind at ease but I was now panicking.

'We'll go to town tomorrow and get a test to be sure' Darcy suggested and I nodded.

'I don't want anyone to know yet. The last thing I need is for Mattheo to worry about this too' I looked at the girls worried and they nodded in agreement. 'I'm just a little late, I'm going to do a test to be certain and everything is going to be fine' I smiled.

'Right, let's talk about something else' Darcy shook her head.

'The Yule Ball' Pansy's eyes lit up and we started talking about the sort of dresses we wanted to wear.

Mattheo's POV

We were sat in the drawing room smoking waiting for the girls to finish. I was still before noon so we had all afternoon to just chill before that nights meeting that my father had called because of certain circumstances.

'Have you both spoken about last night' Draco asked me. I nodded, not going in to detail with him. He nodded too not asking any more questions about it.

'So, what's everyone’s plans for the holidays?' Blaise asked.

'No idea, got the Ball and that's the only event.' Draco shrugged. They looked at me.

'Clarissa wants to see her adopted parents at some point but I'm not sure they will be happy with me not leaving her side' I shrugged.

'Shit, I left my wand in that room. I'll be back in a minute.' Reid got up and left the room.

'Are you ever going to let her go anywhere on her own?' Blaise asked

'Yeh, as long as she is with one of you or the girls then she can go where she wants.' I took another drag of my joint.

'Does she know this?' Draco laughed.

'She doesn’t have a fucking choice' I smirked at him and he grinned back.

'Has she explained what spell she used to knock Harry out?' As soon as Draco mentioned his name, I could feel myself tense up, the urge to go back to the school and kill him was strong.

'No, but I think I know what it was' I answered and looked away. I'm pretty sure she had used Fae magic with out realizing. But I would talk to her about it that night.

'That girl is definitely safe now, he wont touch her again.' Blaise nodded

'He wont get the chance. I will always protect Clarissa'

Reid walked back in to the room shaking his head.

'What's up with you?' Draco asked him

'Girls talk about weird shit' He shrugged and sat down opposite me.

'You were listening in on them? Mate, that's weird.' Blaise laughed.

'No, no' He quickly shook his head. 'I was walking past and heard Clary say something about being late and having to do a test. I thought she would do the same N.E.W.Ts as us.'

'She's late?' Draco looked from him to me. I tilted my head wondering what he was getting at.

'She's doing a test?' Blaise looked at me, raising his eyebrows smirking. Then it hit me. I stood up and walked to the door.

'Where you going?' Draco called. I turned to face him, walking backwards still.

'I'm on my way to murder Clarissa' I snarled. None of them moved and didn't dare follow me up the stairs. Why the fuck didn't she speak to me about this! I could hear them giggling as I got closer to the door. I opened it and saw them all sitting on the bed.

'Are you pregnant?' I didn't even hesitate.

'Wait, what the fuck?' She looked at me confused.

'Are you pregnant?' I said it slower.

'I- I'm a little late but I'm on the pill so probably a false alarm' She looked me in the eyes and I didn't take mine of hers.

'Nimsey!' I called. In seconds the house elf stood beside me. 'Go to the shop and get a pregnancy test' I didn't take my eyes of Clarissa

'Please!' She scolded me for not being more polite and I could hear the annoyance in her voice but I didn't care.

'Now' I growled and Nimsey left. 'You two, out!' Darcy and Pansy looked at Clarissa apologetically and walked fast out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Clarissa glared at me. 'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Oh, I'm sorry. We only just got back together last night and a lot has fucking happened since then.' She smiled sarcastically at me and I glared at her.

'So, if we didn't get back together then you wouldn't have told me at all?'

'No, because there is nothing to tell. I'm a little late and that is all' She raised her voice getting more annoyed. Nimsey appeared beside me again and handed me a small box. I took it from her and looked at Clarissa again. She nodded towards Nimsey and frowned at me. I rolled my eyes.

'Thank you Nimsey. You may leave'

'Thank you, Sir.' She left and Clarissa gave me a sarcastic smile. I walked up to her and handed her the box.

'Go on then' I side nodded towards the bathroom and she stood up.

'Arghh, you're so frustrating' She shouted and slammed the door. I smiled to myself and sat on the side of the bed waiting for her to come out. I wasn't actually bothered by the fact she could be pregnant; it was something we would work through. I was more pissed off with not being told that she thought there was a possibility. She walked back out and sat down beside me.


'It doesn't work that quick. You have to wait 3 minutes' She pouted, still annoyed. The test was upside down on her lap. We sat in silence as we waited. Her leg started bobbing up and down, she was getting nervous. I was nervous too at that point. I placed my hand on her thigh and noticed she was shaking too.

'Hey, no matter what the result, we will do this together' I said calmly, cupping her face with my other hand and kissing her. She smiled as I pulled my lips away resting my forehead against hers. 'Do you think it's been long enough?' She nodded and I held my breath as she turned the test over. Not Pregnant.

'Oh, thank god' Clarissa sighed in relief and I let out the breath I had been holding.

'Next time tell me if you are late' I demanded, she rolled her eyes at me and I pulled her on to my lap kissing her.

'It really wasn't that big of a deal' She sighed as I kissed her jaw. 'I'm probably late due to stress' I started to kiss her neck. 'And plus, I never once missed a pill' Still kissing her neck I started pulling at the end of my top that she was still wearing. I was getting hard and I know she would have felt it between her legs. I lifted my head up to look at her. She was rolled her eyes smirking at me.

'I need a shower' She smiled and started getting off. I groaned and fell back on the bed. I heard the water starting to run.

'Are you coming?' I sat back up and saw her naked by the door. My eyes lit up at the sight of her and I stood straight up, taking my top off. I didn't need to be asked twice. She giggled as she stepped back and I followed her in to the bath room. She stepped in to the shower and I watched as the water ran down her body. I took my joggers off and stepped in too. She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, standing on her toes to kiss me. My hands rested on her lower back as I kissed her back then made my way down lower, cupping her curves and pulling her closer to me. I kissed her neck and she let a moan slip from her lips. I slowly moved my hand round but stopped before touching her there. I looked in to her eyes, trying to read her expression. I didn't want her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. She bit her lip then roughly kissed me again. I took that as a yes and pressed my fingers against her. She gasped in to my mouth and I couldn't help but grin. I gently rubbed my fingers around her clit as she moaned in to me. I eased my fingers in to her entrance, taking it slow and seeing how she would react. She let out another gasp, digging her nails in to my back as she held on. I pushed them in and out whilst circling my thumb over her clit. Her breathing hitched as she started to clench her legs together. I pulled out softly and grabbed her thighs.

'Jump' I whispered in to her ear and she did as she was told. I caught her, lifting her up and pushing her against the tiled wall as she wrapped her legs around me. She crashed her lips in to mine and I pushed my tongue in, playing with hers. I eased myself in to her, getting deeper. She dug her nails in once again and I let out a low groan. I held on to her waist with one arm and placed the other on the wall, trying to balance us whilst I thrust in and out of her. I looked down at her body, water was still pouring on us. Dripping of my hair on to her breasts. I looked up and her eyes were closed and mouth slightly open. I grinned. Every time I thrust in, she let out a moan, bringing me closer to releasing inside of her. She was close too. Her thighs gripped round my waist tighter as she drew nearer to her orgasm.

'I'm cumming' She gasped out and I felt her clench around me. Just watching and feeling her cum tipped me over the edge. I held on tighter, digging my fingers in to her side as I cum. I kissed her as we both finished. She smiled up at me and I pulled out causing her to groan. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

'I love you' She whispered as the water still fell on us.

'I love you too' I lifted her chin and kissed her lips. 'We best hurry before they think I've killed you' I placed her legs down gently and she continued to lean against the wall. She smiled and grabbed the shower gel.

'Wash my back?' She asked. I grinned and took the bottle off her, turning her around.


We sat at the table, waiting for my father to speak. Every one had turned up apart from the three girls that were in the drawing room waiting for us.

'I've called this meeting for one reason' My father looked at me and then back at his guests. 'We are going to kill Dumbledore. As soon as he is out of the way it will be easier to get to Harry Potter.' I felt my blood start to boil at the mention of his name again. Looking across at Bellatrix, I saw her jaw tighten. My father must have shared the news with her. I was actually surprised she hadn't tried to kill him yet but she was like my fathers little lap dog and did what ever he told her to do.

'What is happening with the girl and Potter? Wasn't she meant to be closer to him?' Yaxley asked.

'The girl has a name' Reid snarled at him. If Yaxley wasn't so scared of the twins, he would have probably cursed Reid for talking to him like that. I grinned at my friend’s boldness.

'Young Clarissa will no longer be doing any tasks to do with Harry Potter' My father answered Yaxley, not giving any explanation, then looked at me. 'I want you to kill Dumbledore' I nodded. As soon as Dumbledore was dead, it would be easier for him to get to Harry.

'There is also the matter of you all getting in to the school unnoticed. Although the Dark Mark works for the students, it doesn't always work with the others.' Snape spoke up.

'There is a vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements. Reid, Draco and Blaise. You three will find it and make sure it works. As soon as it is safe, we will go all go to Hogwarts.' All three nodded at my father. 'You will have to kill Dumbledore just before, if not he can prevent this.' I nodded. 'And Mattheo, no theatrics, just use the Avada spell.' He grinned at me and I grinned back.

'As soon as you are all in the school, we will find Potter' He continued to the table. 'No one can kill him, only me' He gave me a stern look and I rolled my eyes. 'Now, let's move on to the Yule ball'

'Everything is prepared for that, My Lord' Narcissa, Draco's mum, smiled. 'All invites have been sent'

'Perfect. And what abo-' He paused 'What is that sound?' Every one was silent trying to hear what he had just heard. Music was thumping lightly but then got louder. I looked down at my lap smiling trying not to laugh.

Where you think you're going baby

The girls started singing. Loud.

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy

'What is this?' My father asked, looking round the table.

But here's my number, so call my, maybe.

'I believe it is a song called 'Call me maybe' My Lord' Snape muttered and Blaise snorted. I looked at him and he hid his face away. Draco had his head up towards the ceiling with his eyes closed, pressing his lips together trying not to laugh. Reid was looking at his lap, shaking with silent laughter. I had to look away before I laughed. The girls were continuing to sing and everyone else was still silent.


'Yes father' He looked at me and I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from laughing and to take it seriously. This girl was literally going to get me killed one of these days.

'Can you and your friends please tell the girls to quieten down' He frowned at me.

'Mhm' We all stood and left the room.

'Things have definitely got more entertaining since Clary started staying here' Reid laughed. We walked in to the drawing room to find the girls dancing around with glasses of fire whisky. Clarissa was spinning fast, her dress flaring out. She stopped when she noticed we can come in and wobbled a bit but found her balance. I walked over to her but couldn't keep the smile of my face at seeing her so happy.

'You do know we can all hear you in the meeting' I wrapped my arms around her waist as hers went round my neck.

'Oops' She giggled. 'Sorry' I shook my head and kissed her.

'Game of cards?'

'You can play cards?' She gave me a condescending smile

'Shut up, come on' I laughed and dragged her to the little table. We all played a few rounds of bullshit, keeping the girls quiet. Clarissa wasn't too bad but was also a sore loser. I may love her but I wasn't going to let her beat me. After she was done with getting beat, we all went up to our rooms.

'Clarissa?' I asked shutting the door and turned to her. She was already getting changed in to her shorts and top.

'Hmm?' She chucked her dress in the wash and went in to the bath room to wash up.

'The spell you used the other night in potions class' I began. 'Do you know what one you done?' She shook her head and carried on brushing her teeth. I joined her and had a quick wash too then got undressed.

'Can we try something?' She asked, taking my hand.

'Oh yeh?' My eyes lit up and looked her up and down hungrily then grabbed her hips. She chuckled and shook her head.

'No' She slapped my chest lightly. 'How did you make that dark energy ball?' I stepped back and held my hands out in front of me. I imagined the ball there and it was. I had been doing it for so long now it was easy.

'Like that' I closed my hands again and it disappeared. 'Hold out your hands' She held them out in front of her. 'Now close your eyes and just imagine it there' She closed her eyes and I waited but nothing happened.

'Well, I don't have Fae magic then' She sighed and put her hands down. She went to turn back to the bed but I grabbed her hand.

'Let's try together' I took both her hands in mine and she closed her eyes again. I wasn't actually doing anything to help, I just wanted her to try again. A light started forming in her hand. It was bright and getting bigger. 'Clarissa' I whispered. She opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the light energy ord.

'Oh wow' She breathed out

'So, you're a Light Fae' I grinned at her. She was still looking at it in awe and moved her hands, causing the ore to move with her. 'Whoa, careful.'

'What do I do with it?' She looked at me confused.

'Get rid of it for now so you don't destroy our room' She closed her hand and the ore vanished. I took hold of her waist and kissed her. 'I'll help you practice' She smiled up and me and we climbed in to bed.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now