Chapter 8

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Clarissa's POV

I opened my eyes as the winter light hit them. Mattheo was still sleeping with his arm around me. I smiled and nuzzled in to him, completely content and not wanting to move. I felt him stir under me and then turn so his body was facing me and his other arm was wrapped around me.

'Morning Love' His morning voice was sexy and I could listen to it all day. He kissed my forehead and I looked up at him, bringing my lips to his. 'Sleep well?'

'Better than I ever have' I smiled. 'what's the time?' He rolled over and picked up his watch.

'Shit!' He jumped out of bed. 'Get up, we're late for class'

'Since when does that bother you?' I sat up looking at him questionably. He leant over and kissed me.

'As much as I hate thinking about it, you have a task to do and today you need to invite the Chosen One to the common room party tomorrow.' I laughed lightly at how childishly he had said the chosen one. He grabbed my arms and dragged me from the bed.

'Umm... Mattheo, I don't have my uniform here.' I waved my hand up and down my naked body and he stood back to admire me for a few seconds.

'Right' he shook his head, bringing himself back. 'Go wash up and I'll be right back.' He quickly chucked on some grey jogging bottoms and apperated. I rolled my eyes and picked up my wand, heading for the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I looked in the mirror. My hair was such a mess. I pointed my wand at it and muttered a spell to loosely curl it and added a green silk headband. I applied a light coating of mascara and my favorite strawberry lip balm. I loved the fact that Mattheo had left my bits in his bathroom from when I last stayed, it made it more convenient.

I walked back in to the bedroom to see him doing his tie, already dressed in his uniform. My uniform was placed neatly on his bed and I walked over, picking up my black lace bra and matching panties.

'Really?' I looked at him, raising my eye brows and held them up to him. He brown eyes looked up at me through his long lashes and he grinned but didn't say anything, just kissed my cheek then walked in to the bathroom. I sighed and slipped them on then picked up my tights. Only it wasn't tights that he had bought back for me. It was lace stockings.

'What the actual fuck Mattheo' I turned towards the bathroom and saw him leaning against the doorframe, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth but still grinning. He turned back round and returned to the sink. I sat on the bed and rolled them up to my thighs, still cursing him under my breath. Typical he would choose my wrap over pleated skirt to wear too. I rolled my eyes and wrapped it round my hips then pulled my shirt on and added my tie.

Mattheo walked back in to the room and stood staring while I sat on the bed doing up the straps of my shoes.

'Ready?' He asked.

'You're lucky my skirt covers the lace' I glared at him as I stood up grabbing my robe.

'It doesn't when you're sat down' He smirked and held out his hand for me to take.

'You're such an arse' I took it and hit him playfully at the same time. He pulled me closer and kissed me gently. I smiled up at him as he apperated us back to Hogwarts.

'We've missed transfiguration but Harry is in herbology with you. I'll see you in potions.' He quickly looked around to make sure no one could see and kissed my forehead.

'Not at lunch?' I frowned.

'No, I've got to meet my father' He kissed me again then walked down the hall, disappearing around the corner. I made my way out of the school towards the greenhouses. I was a bit early to this lesson so sat on the wall waiting.

'Clarissa!' I heard Darcy scream as she came running to me. She grabbed my hand and looked at the little moon on my wrist. 'Draco told me everything'

'Everything?' I asked, pulling my hand away.

'Well, he told us that Mattheo gave you a different kind of mark and that it was like you was dying when you got it'

'Oh brilliant' I scoffed jumping down from the wall.

'Yeh, he explained that's why you weren’t here this morning' She pulled me in for a hug and it made me smile.

'Did he tell you anything else that happened last night?' I questioned, wondering if they had actually heard us.

'No, he said that they all left as soon as Mattheo took you up to bed.' I was relieved that we hadn't been heard. More people started queuing up outside of the classroom and Professor Sprout opened the doors for us all to enter. We sat down at the long table ready to start repotting dittany. I noticed Reid talking to Neville and Neville hand him something. So that is who the boys got their weed from. Reid saw me looking and gave me a little wink before putting the quite big bag inside his robe. I smiled and looked round the rest of the class.

'Hey Darcy?'

'Hmm?' her focus stayed on the pots in front of her.

'Which one is Harry Potter?' She looked up at me and pointed to the boy with glasses standing next to Hermione. I remembered him from when I first joined Hogwarts and he had been at a couple of out parties.

'Why?' Darcy asked

'I'll explain later' I walked away from her and over to Hermione. It would seem less strange if I was to talk to her first. 'Hey Hermione' I smiled sweetly.

'Clary, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages' She smiled back.

'We're having a little party this weekend, just 7th year students are invited. Do you fancy it?'

'Yeh of course, can't say no to a party. I'll let the others know' She turned to tell Seamus and Dean.

'You'll be there wont you Harry?' I touched his bare arm lightly and looked in to his green eyes then bit my lip gently.

'I- Uh- Yeh I'll come' he stuttered.

'Good' I smiled and turned, walking back to Darcy.

'What was that about?' She asked, looking over at Harry then to me.

'Is he still looking?' She looked behind me and then nodded. Good, I had got his attention. That was the first step. 'I'll explain everything to you later but you have to swear not to tell anyone'


I stood outside potions, waiting for Snape to open the door. The rest of the class was patiently waiting too. Mattheo stood beside me, smoking a cigarette, as I leant against the wall.

'You should put that out before Professor Snape gets here.' Hermione stood in front of him, looking at him disgusted.

'Fuck off Granger' He growled, blowing the smoke in to her face. She waved her hand, clearing the smoke then walked of to join Harry and Ron. Harry was staring at me and I gave him a sweet smile.

'Try it on with me' I quickly turned to Mattheo.

'What?' he looked at me shocked.

'Harry hates you right?' He nodded. 'so if he see's you trying it on and me rejecting you, it will make him want me just to piss you off' I smiled lightly up at him as he grinned at my plan. He got closer to me, putting his hand on my hip and pulling me in. I could feel my heart beginning to beat faster as his lips got closer to mine. Oh, how I wanted to touch him.

'You're meant to be stopping me' He smirked. Oh shit! I pushed him back away from me and he glared at me. Giving him a little wink, I turned and walked over to the trio.

'What was that about?' Hermione asked, looking over at Mattheo. I turned my head around to see him leaning back against the wall where I was standing previously talking to Darcy and Draco.

'I don't know, he has taken a shining to me for some reason' I shrugged. I noticed Harry look over at him. 'So, Harry, will you be dancing tomorrow?' I asked, bringing his attention back to me.

'Ughh, I don't dance'

'But you will have one dance with me, right?' I took a step closer to him as he leant against the wall.

'Depends how you dance, I'm not doing any of that ballroom shit' He scoffed, I chuckled lightly.

'No, the dancing I want to do is a bit different' I took another step closer and gently took his hands placing them on to my hips. 'I want your hands on my body while we dance' Harry looked over at Mattheo and then he pulled me closer so I was standing between his legs, body pressed up against his. I didn't even want to think about how jealous Mattheo was getting. I could hear him and the twins talking.

'You ok mate?' Draco asked.

'She doesn't know what she's doing.' Darcy said, probably shocked that I was even doing any of this, not knowing the plan.

'Yes, she does' I heard Mattheo growl, 'She knows exactly what she is doing.'

Harry started leaning in closer to me and I knew that I had to stop him but still keep him interested. I pressed my finger against his lips and pushed him back slightly.

'I'm not that easy' I winked at him. He laughed lightly and nodded. The class room door opened behind us and everyone started walking in to their seats. I took mine next to Mattheo and Harry continued walking to the front, smirking at Mattheo as he walked past. We sat in silence as Snape spoke about what we would be doing then got our books out to copy down the potion instructions from the chalk board. I think I had taken it a step too far and I'd really pissed Mattheo off. I looked over at him but he kept his head down, writing in his book. I opened my mouth to say something but didn't know what so closed it again and went back to writing. I felt something warm grip my thigh gently and looked down to see Mattheo’s hand slowly rubbing up and down. I smiled, letting out my breath slowly. His hand slid higher up my thigh, grazing past the lace till he hit bare skin. I let out a soft gasp as he made contact moving his hand round to my inner thigh, brushing past my clit. I looked at him. He was grinning but carried on writing acting like nothing was going on. I shook my head and tried to focus on my own work. His fingers gripped my inner thigh harder, making me squirm in my seat. I looked around quickly to see if anyone noticed but everyone was doing their work. I looked back at Mattheo who was now staring at me smirking. His fingers found their way back to my clit and started circling through the lace. He applied more pressure and I closed my eyes, biting my lip, stopping my moan from slipping out. I could feel my stomach tighten. The feeling of him touching me mixed with the risk of being caught by anyone at any second was tipping me over the edge.

'Miss Blackwood' Snape called from the front of the classroom. Mattheo ripped his hand away. 'Are you sick? You look flushed' Everyone turned to look at me and I felt heat rising around my neck and cheeks. Mattheo turned away, silently shaking with laughter. I couldn't help but glare at him before I replied.

'I think I may have a slight fever Sir. May I be excused?' Snape nodded and I stood up, quickly adjusting my skirt to make sure everything was covered. I picked up my books and robe then walked out of the class room. Leaning against the cold wall of the dungeons I let out a sigh of relief, glad to be out of there. The door class room door opened again and Mattheo walked out, shutting it behind him.

'Waiting for me?' He grinned.

'Don't flatter your self' I glared at him. 'What the fuck was that about?'

'Just a reminder that you are mine.' He shrugged

'In the middle of fucking class with the boy I'm meant to get close to at the front' I almost shouted but ended up smiling at his stupid smirk. 'You're insufferable' I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine, wrapping his arms around my waist and pushing me back against the wall. He pressed more kisses against my jaw and worked his way down to my neck. Every kiss sent butterflies to my stomach. Reaching down his hand to my thigh, he pushed it back up my skirt.

The door of potions class started to open again and Mattheo grabbed me, pushing me in to the little store cupboard next to us and quickly shut the door. He held a finger to my lips, telling me to keep quiet. His other hand returned to under my skirt, pushing my lace underwear to the side and circling around my clit again. Voices came from outside the door and my eyes widened, knowing that we were certain to be caught. Two fingers swiftly entered me and before I could gasp in shock, Mattheo crashed his lips in to mine, muffling the sound.

'Do you think I should check on her?'

'Harry, she's probably gone to sleep if she felt bad'

Mattheo curled his fingers up inside me, pumping in and out at a steady pace, hitting my g-spot and using his thumb to rub my clit.

'He left at the same time. What if he went after her?'

'She don't like him mate, she made that clear earlier'

Mattheo got faster. I gripped on to his shoulders, digging my nails in, trying to concentrate at being quiet.

'You actually like her don't you'

'Corse I do, have done for a while. She never noticed me though.'

I felt my stomach tighten as I drew closer to my end. I started to clench around his fingers and my mouth fell open. He pushed his free hand over my mouth, stopping any sound coming out. His fingers carried on pumping in and out as I reached my high, my nails dug in more and he let out a low growl pushing his hand down harder on to my mouth. I was panting as he slowly pulled out. My knees buckled and he quickly caught me, bringing me close to him again and started chuckling in to my neck.

'I'm going to kill you' I whispered in to his ear.

'Strange, usually I'm thinking that about you' He smirked and I hit him playfully. 'Come on, I think they've gone' He opened the door slowly and peeked out. After making sure no one was there, he took my hand and led me to the Slytherin common room.


'So, are you going to explain to me why you were all over Potter earlier?' Darcy asked, putting her Astronomy book down. Her, Pansy and I were all sat around the little table in the common room doing our homework. It was quite late in the evening and the only other students in the room with us were a couple of 5th years. The boys had gone to Riddle Manor to get the alcohol ready for tomorrows party.

'You can not repeat this to anyone' Both Pansy and Darcy got closer to me. 'Last night, as well as the new mark, I got given a task from Voldemort' They both looked at each other, shocked but then back at me. 'I have to get closer to Harry and make him fall in love basically then isolate him and brake him emotionally'

'oh wow' Pansy whispered raising her eyebrows.

'That does explain a lot' Darcy laughed. 'Well you seem to be doing a good job. When you left potions earlier he seemed quite worried and you should have seen his face when Mattheo followed. Him and Ron made every excuse they could to leave too' I smiled remembering the moment well.

'What was wrong with you anyway?'

'I just felt a bit under the weather Panz, I'm fine now' I smiled at her. I couldn't tell her about Mattheo and I yet.

'So we have two missions' Darcy said sticking up 2 fingers. 'Mission bone Potter and mission talent show' Both Pansy and I burst out laughing.

'Excuse me what? Bone Potter' I cried

'Oh darling.. Girls don't bone' Pansy laughed

'Hey, we don't know what kind of freaky shit the chosen one could be in to' She winked at me

'I'm leaving if this conversation don't change' I smiled, closing my book and placing it on top of hers.

'Ohh yeh, he might like a bit of pegging' Pansy added, trying to be as serious as possible.

'Right, Nope. Fuck this, I'm out' I stood up to leave as the girls roared with laughter. The common room door opened and the four boys walked in heading towards us.

'Hey, did you get the drink?' Pansy called over to them.

'Yeh that's all sorted' Reid answered. He sank in to the chair behind her while Blaise and Draco sat on the sofa. Mattheo stood in front of me, grabbing hold of my head and roughly crashed his lips in to mine. I froze for a second before placing my hands on his chest and kissing him back. He pulled back, grinning, with his hands still on my head.

'Umm..' I looked down at his lips then in to his eyes that were bright and alive.

'I told the boys' He whispered and kissed my forehead. I turned to face Darcy and Pansy who just sat on the floor gawping up at me.

'So, I've got something else to tell you both' I smiled nervously. Mattheo say down in the chair and I sat on the floor between his legs, leaning against it.

'Finally' Pansy wildly screamed, I laughed at her reaction.

'But sweetie, he isn't your mission' Darcy said, faking concern.

'To be fair mate, isn't this going to be really awkward. Her all over Potter' Draco said directly to Mattheo but nodded towards me.

'As long as she doesn't kiss him or go any further, it will be fine'

'While you are around anyway' I joked and he squeezed my shoulder giving me a warning.

'I've already told them but ladies, no one can know about us, no one at all' Mattheo said directly to Pansy and Darcy. They both nodded at him then turned to me grinning.

'You need to tell us everything'

'Like how?' Darcy waved her hand between Mattheo and I.

'Let's go to bed and I'll tell you everything.' The three of us stood up and I walked round the back of the chair to get my robe of the side. Mattheo leaned his head back and I quickly kissed him goodnight

'You can come back to my dorm if you want?'

'You really don't understand girls do you' I smiled. 'You just dropped the bomb tonight and now I need to tell them all the gory details' I kissed him again and followed the girls to our dorm.

We all sat on my bed and Nacho jumped down, clearly annoyed at us for disturbing him.

'So..?' Darcy started

'When did it all happen?'

'umm the night he attacked Reid I guess' I replied.

'Dammit' Pansy dug in to her robe pocket and thrust some galleons in to Darcy’s hand. I looked at them both questionably. 'Darcy said after Halloween, I thought Halloween night.' she shrugged and I laughed.

'Oh my god, that's why you looked so flustered when I came to get you.' Realization hitting Darcy.

'In fairness, we only kissed that night. More would have happened if you wasn't such a cock block though' I shot at her and we all laughed. I carried on as they hung on to my every word. 'We didn't talk after that night, neither of us really knew where we stood. Then last night, after getting the mark, we just.. yeh.' I finished what I was saying.

'So did you..' Pansy took her finger and started pushing it in and out of her fist.

'Yeh Pansy, we had sex.. twice.' I rolled my eyes at her and we all started giggling like immature children.

'How was it?' Darcy asked, getting closer.

'It was like..' I paused trying to think of the words. 'He was..' I grabbed a pillow from behind me and screamed in to it.

'That good hey' Pansy laughed and I nodded biting my lip.

'But enough of this, what was that you said down stairs. About a talent show?' I said, turned to face Darcy.

'Ooh yeh, every year just before the Christmas holidays, we have a talent show in the grand hall. Obviously we have to think of something that all 3 of us can do'

'What do people normally do?'

'Magic tricks mainly. The smart ones usually use it to show off what they have leant and the idiots use it as an excuse to, well.. be idiots' Pansy said

'Can you remember a couple of years ago when the Weasley twins accidently set fire to the whole stage' Darcy giggled.

'Yeh, that was really bad' Pansy laughed.

'Why don't we do something different to magic to stand out more' I thought out loud. If everyone else was up on stage doing spells and things like that, doing something normal would surely be more out of the ordinary and more surprising.

'Hmm, I'm intrigued. Do tell?' Pansy rested her chin on her hand.

'What if we sang?' They looked at me frowning. 'Hear me out. No one will expect it so it will give the shock factor and because it's not the same as every year, we may stand a good chance of winning. We could use magic for the lights and even confetti or something.'

'Ohh, I actually like this idea' Darcy said excitedly. The door creaked open and we watched Nacho return from his little wonder.

'What song shall we do?' Pansy asked as Nacho jumped on the bed. I started stroking him thinking of songs that would be perfect for us. There was loads that I loved but we needed one that fitted us all perfectly.

'Umm, what's that in Nachos mouth?' Darcy asked leaning back slightly. I looked down and saw something long and hairy poking out. Giving it a pull, Nacho opened his mouth, causing what was inside to fall out. A massive spider!

'ARGHHH!!' We all screamed scaring Nacho, who ran back out of the door. Pansy and I leaped over the gap between our beds so we were now on hers and Darcy dived on to hers.

'Is it dead?' Darcy shouted.

'I don't fucking know!' Pansy shouted back. It's legs started twitching.

'ARGHH No, it's moving!!' I screamed, pointing at it. The boys came running in to the room, Mattheo at the front, all looking worried and panicked.

'What's happened?' Draco shouted, pushing past Mattheo, pointing his wand around the room.

'There is a fucking tarantula on my bed' I shouted at him, pointing towards my bed. The boys walked closer and then started laughing.

'If you're not going to help then fuck off' Pansy glared at then and they all shut there mouths trying not to laugh.

'I'll get rid of it' Draco pointed his want at it and muttered a charm but at the same time Blaise nudged him, causing the spell to miss and sending the spider through the air.


'What the fuck is wrong with you!!' I screamed at Draco. The spider landed on the floor and scurried under my bed. I looked over at Mattheo who was trying his hardest not to laugh. 'Don't' I pointed at him and he could see I was pissed off 'Don't you dare fucking laugh' He shook his head and turned away from me so I couldn't see his face any more. Reid made eye contact with him and that set them both off in fits.

'Right, I'm not sleeping in here tonight' Darcy stated

'Me either' Pansy copied, 'I'm staying with you Draco'

'That's fine if it's ok with the boys' Draco looked at Blaise who nodded, picking Darcy up from her bed. He looked at Reid who was still laughing with Mattheo.

'I'll sleep in the common room tonight' He smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mattheo with his stupid grin plastered on his face.

'Can you get my shorts out of my drawer then please' I asked, still annoyed that he was finding this so funny.

'I'm not going in your drawers, that's your private stuff' He shook his head and I knew it was because he knew what underwear I had on under my uniform and he didn't want me covering it up.

'Didn't stop you earlier when you got these out for me did it' I lifted my skirt up slightly, revealing the lace of my stockings. His grin vanished and Reids eyes widened.

'Yes girl' Darcy called as Blaise carried her out the door, following Draco and Pansy.

'Out, OUT!' He pushed Reid out the door so it was just me and him in the room. 'Do you want me to carry you out like a baby because that's how you're acting'

'I am perfectly capable of making my own way to your bed thank you' I pouted. 'Now please open the door a bit wider' He smiled and shook his head but opened the door up fully then stepped out the way.

'Thank you handsome' I smiled sweetly and jumped of the bed then ran as fast as I could past him, out of the bedroom and down the stairs towards his dorm. 'Shut the door so the monster don't get out' I shouted back and ran into his room jumping on the bed. He came in seconds later and Nacho slipped in before he could shut the door.

'Oh naa, that's not a thing that is happening' He bent down to pick Nacho up and chucked him back out the door.

'Where is he meant to sleep then?' I moaned.

'Reid can use the company' He shut the door quickly and went to his drawer to get me something to wear. Chucking one of his tops at me he walked in to the bathroom. I stood up from the bed about to get undressed but stopped. Mattheo walked back in to the room with out his shirt on, his toned abs giving me flutters

'Sit in that chair' I demanded

'Why?' He frowned, shocked at the forcefulness of my voice.

'Just do it' I rolled my eyes at him and he sat down. I stood in front of him and started undoing my tie.

'In potions, when you was touching me? How did that make you feel?' I asked, starting to undo the buttons of my shirt.

'In control' He smirked. I slowly took my shirt of my shirt.

'You like being in control don't you?' I bit my lip as I undone the buttons of my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. I was standing in front of him, wearing the black lace underwear and stockings he had picked out. He leant forward, reaching towards me but I pushed his hands back. 'No touching till I say' His hand went back to the arms of the chair.

'I don't like not being in control Clarissa' He warned and I gulped lightly but didn't stop. Kneeling down in between his open legs, I started to unbuckle his belt. Pulling his trousers and boxers down, he lifted his hips, making it easier for me. I took them off so he was sitting there naked. He was already hard and seeing him like it made me wet. I ran my hands back up his thighs, putting my head closer to his dick. Looking up at him through my eyebrows I could see his chest rising and falling rapidly out of anticipation. Licking him from base to tip, I felt him squirm slightly and grinned to my self. I put his tip in my mouth, sucking softly and looked up at him again. He had lust in his eyes and I knew how much he wanted to touch my but he was being a good boy. I moved my head forward, pushing him further in to my mouth. He was too big to fit in fully but I work his base with my hand. I got faster and listened to him groan. Just listening to his low moans got me off.

'Fuck, Clarissa' He grabbed hold of my shoulder and squeezed as he got close to releasing. I worked faster, getting him as deep as I could. His hips bucked as his warm liquid filled my mouth. I swallowed and carried on moving my head till he was completely finished. Pushing my self up, I looked down at him. He was slightly out of breath but smirking at me, ready for more.

'You can touch now' That was all the permission he needed. He rugby tackled me down to the bed and ferociously attacked my neck with his lips. Reaching down, he felt how wet I already was and grinned devilishly down at me before pushing his lips against mine. Ripping my pants off he thrust in to me with no warning, filling me fully and not giving me time to adjust to his size. I screamed out in pleasure.


He rammed in to me again, hard. My arms gripped round his neck, fingers pulling at his hair as he pounded in hard and fast. I knew I was going to cum soon but there was no slowing it down. He kept getting faster making me scream louder, pushing me over the edge.

'Fuck, Matt-' My stomach tensed as he continued to pound in to me. He fucked me hard through my high then released himself inside me falling down so our bodies were pressed against each other. We were both breathless. 

'You really are something else Clarissa Lestrange' he whispered in my ear. I turned my head slightly, kissing him on the cheek.

'So are you Mattheo Riddle'

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now