Chapter 5

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Clarissa's POV

It was Halloween and being with friends this year made it more exciting. Pansy and Darcy had been going on about the annual Halloween party all week, making it really hard to concentrate during lessons. We had already got out costumes delivered and had spent all of the time on the Friday getting prepared for that night, thankful that we had the day of no lessons. We only had our costumes left to get changed in to.

'You would have made a better Harley, what with you chucking daggers at people and that' Darcy joked, pulling up her sparkly hot pants.

'Our own little psychopath' Pansy giggled, zipping up her leather cat suit.

'It was one time' I rolled my eyes. 'Besides, no one would look as hot as you in that outfit'

'Yeh, I do look pretty good' she pouted, looking in the mirror and doing some poses. We laughed and joined her, all looking at our reflections.

Harley Quinn, Cat Woman and Poison Ivy. Darcy had on the official Daddy's Monster costume, her hair put up in high bunches and the tips dyed blue and pink. Pansy had a full black leather cat suit on. Her hair was long and straight with two little car ears pinned to the top and a lace black mask covering her eyes. I wore a short green body con dress with ivy wrapping round it. Green strappy heels with a vine going up one of my legs and down the opposite arm. My already red hair was loosely curled with ivy placed throughout.

'I'm actually looking forward to seeing your home Darcy' I said, adjusting one of the ivy leaves in my hair.

'Umm about that' I watched as she glanced at Pansy then looked at me. 'The venue has changed... it's now at Riddle Manor. Mattheo's.'

'What? Why didn't you tell me?' I whined.

'Because we knew you wouldn't come Clary, you've been avoiding him since last weekend and I didn't want us not to have a good night' she quickly said, walking over to me and grabbing my hands.

'Fine,' I sighed. 'But I'm staying with you the whole night.'


We walked up to the big oak doors of Riddle Manor. You could already hear the music playing loudly from the inside and the lights flashing through the windows. Darcy took a step forward and the doors opened revealing her parents and brother on the other side. They pulled her in for a cuddle and Pansy went straight to Draco who planted a kiss on her lips.

'Ahh, you must be the famous Clarissa' Mrs. Malfoy beamed, pulling me in for a cuddle too. 'Darcy has told us so much about you'

I looked at Darcy, shocked at how lovely her parents were being after all the horror stories I had heard about the death eaters.

'Clary, before we go to the party... The Dark Lord would like to meet you.' Draco cut in.

'Oh... um, ok' I quietly said and started following him to a side room from the entrance hall that we were in. Panic washed over me as I tried to think of reasons why he would want to see me. Was it because of mine and Mattheo's fighting, was he about to punish me for it? Or because of the kiss?

We walked through the door in to a little room that was dimly lit by an open fire place. There he stood, Voldemort. He didn't look as scary as people made out. To be honest, he looked nothing like anyone had made out. I was expecting a grey skinned, snake like, old man. Instead, in front of me there was a young man who was quite good looking. He had similar features to Mattheo but was obviously older. His hair was less curly also but still hot. Stop! I shouldn't be thinking like that about a man that was probably about to kill me. He was standing beside the fire with a lady that I recognized from the news papers as Bellatrix Lestrange. Mattheo was sitting forward in a high-backed chair the other side of the fireplace. When he saw me enter, he looked down at his hands. Shit, he had told his father about the fighting, I was sure of it.

'Ahh Clarissa, I-' Voldemort begin before I stupidly interrupted.

'Are you going to kill me because I threw a dagger at Mattheo?' The words left my mouth really quickly before I could even stop them. Every one stared at me for a few seconds, shocked, not knowing what to do with that piece of information, before Voldemort faced his son.

'She threw a knife at you?' His voice sounded mildly impressed. Mattheo rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

'It's a long story father that I'm sure you will enjoy me sharing with you at some point' he said, sounding bored.

Voldemort turned back to me and gave me a toothy grin. 'No one is going to kill you my dear, I just wanted to be the first to welcome you to our extended family' He stepped forward towards me and awkwardly wrapped his arms around me before stepping back again. 'And I would like to introduce you to someone, Bellatrix Lestrange, your mother'

I looked at the woman standing beside him, shocked. She put her head down but stepped forward and I took a step back, feeling faint and bumping into Draco. He caught hold of me and steadied me by placing both hands on my arms gently. I felt his fingers softly rub up and down, trying to calm me.

'How?' I whispered. She looked up at me and her eyes were bloodshot.

'They took you, as soon as you were born, they took you from me. I... I thought you was dead.' she took another step forward.

'I can't do this right now' I said shaking my head. This was just too much. I never really wanted to know who my birth parents were, as far as I knew, they didn't want me. But to learn I was taken was too much. This was sprung on my too quickly.

'Of course, go drink with your friends, have fun, kill someone. Take your time'

'I'm pretty sure as my mother you shouldn't be telling me to kill someone' I chuckled lightly.

'It's probably because I am your mother that I am telling you to kill some one' she chuckled back nervously. There was a small pause, I didn't really know what to say to her.

'What a perfect family reunion' Voldemort spoke up, braking the silence. 'Why don't you spend the weekend here Clarissa, then you and your mother can get to know each other before lessons resume.'

'Umm sure, ok' not daring to say no.

'Ughh' the sound came from Mattheo who looked annoyed at the fact I was about to spend the weekend in his home. I grinned at him, happy that I had pissed him off and also now the fact that he definitely wouldn't kill me.

'What are you grinning at' He snarled

'The fact that how ever much you want to, you wont kill me now'

He swiftly moved across the room and thrust his hand around my throat, pulling me close to him. Bellatrix stepped towards us but he shot her a look that made her recoil. Drawing me closer and pressing his fingers in further, I could see the anger in his eyes. I felt excitement run through me.

'I may not be able to kill you Lestrange but I can still cause you pain.'

I bit my bottom lip and grinned more. He let go, pushing me back slightly and growled in frustration.

'Lovers quarrel I assume?' Voldemort interrupted the tension. 'I almost thought you was girlfriend and boyfriend' he added sarcastically.

'If you were my girlfriend, I would put poison in your drink' Mattheo growled through gritted teeth.

'If you were my boyfriend, I would drink it' I growled back, really enjoying the fact I was getting under his skin and the fact his father was also enjoying it. Mattheo glared at me for a couple more seconds before he stormed out of the door behind me.

'They have a love, hate relationship' Draco announced.

'This may be an interesting weekend with our little guest. Now take her to the party Draco.' Voldemort sighed and Draco took my hand and led me out the door.

'Now I know that was a lot to take in but just incase you wanted to know.. we are cousins'

I burst out laughing at the latest bit of news he had just gave me. He looked at me, surprised with my sudden outburst of laughter but considering everything that had already happened, laughing was the best way of dealing with it. The whole evening seemed surreal and all I really wanted to do was find my girl friends, get drunk and dance.

Draco took me to the main hall and when he opened the doors it was already packed full of people dressed up in costumes. Everyone was dancing and laughing with each other. I really couldn't believe the sight I was seeing after all the stories I had been told about these types of people as a child. These types of people that had become my family.

I found my friends by the open bar and explained what had just happened with Voldemort and the news about my birth mother.

'Oh, my lord, that means we're-'

'Cousins, I know. Draco already told me' I laughed.

'You need a drink and a dance' Pansy shouted over the music and reached over the bar to grab a bottle of red currant rum. She winked at the barman and walked towards the dance floor. We followed her and started dancing to the music, taking it in turns to drink from the bottle till it was nearly gone.

I felt someone put their hands on my hips and pull me back into them. Not really thinking much of it I stepped forward, separating us. He did it again and the girls both grabbed my arm, pulling me towards them. We carried on dancing and once again I felt the same hands pull my hips back into them. I pulled away and turned around ready to tell this man to fuck off but he grabbed at me again. Pulling me closer, I could feel his breath on my neck and smell the alcohol. 

As I tried to push him away, I felt a hand on my shoulder, roughly pulling me back, away from the man. Mattheo moved past me and smashed him in the face with his fist. The man hit him back hard, resulting in Mattheo getting a cut through his eyebrow. His fist collided with the man's nose and knocked him to the floor then leaped on top of him, repeatedly punching him till he wasn't moving anymore. Everyone was staring but no one would dare stop him before this man died.

I touched his arm that had hold of the man's shirt and he whipped his head round to look at me. His eyes were wide and crazy and he had an evil grin on his face, it scared me. I crouched down to get to his level.

'Mattheo, you need to stop'

He let go of the man and stood up. Looking at me, he smirked then walked out of the hall. I looked down at the man who was now unconscious then over at the girls, wondering what to do.

'Go with him!' I heard Pansy shout to me. Rolling my eyes at her I followed him out of the main hall and across the room towards the kitchen. He was leaning against the sink with the tap running and hadn't seen my enter. I walked over and hoisted my self up on to the work top so I was sitting beside the sink and adjusted my dress that had rid up slightly.

'What do you want Clarissa?' He asked, trying to keep his voice neutral but the annoyance came through.

'To see if you are, OK?' I smiled sincerely. He ignored my question and started rinsing his hands that were bruised and mixed with both his and the mans blood. Touching his head, he felt more blood and rolled his eyes. I wet the cloth beside me and handed it to him. He took it and started rubbing at his head roughly, causing more blood to come from the cut.

'Come here' I sighed, taking the cloth from him and pulling the sleeve of his shirt so he was in front of me. He glared at me but leaned forward slightly, making me chuckle lightly. I dabbed at the cut gently as he stared at me, not talking. It had stopped bleeding but was quite deep. I wiped the rest of the blood from around his face and chucked the cloth in the sink.

'I know a spell to heal it but I don't have my wand on me' I said quietly, placing my hand on his cheek and running my thumb over his eyebrow near the cut.

'Just leave it' He shrugged.

'Mattheo... I... I could have handled that by myself' bringing my hand back down, I looked him in his eyes.

'But you didn't, did you'

'You didn't give me much of a fucking chance.' I answered back, slightly annoyed.

He frowned at me for a second then his face softened.

'Thank you.' The appreciation caught him of guard as he rose his eyebrows. Examining my face for a bit he gave me his usual suggestive smirk.

'I've got to go change my shirt.' He looked down at his white shirt that had blood all over it.

'Don't, you finally look like you are dressed for Halloween' I smiled, touching the blood on his collar and he grinned.

'Come on, let's get back to our friends' He gently grabbed my waist and lifted me off the side then set me down in front of him. We didn't move for a few seconds. There was a strange tension between us but it wasn't bad. I could feel the warmth of his hands through my dress. Even through the thin cloth his touch made my stomach flutter.

The door swung open, breaking what ever was happening between us. We both took a step back as some one walked in to the kitchen to pick something up and walked back out. Poison by Alice Cooper had just started playing and I chuckled at remembering Darcy saying this song was about me tonight when we listened to it while getting ready.

'What's funny' Mattheo asked, cocking his head to the side.

'Nothing' I shook my head, still smiling. 'I love this song though, let's dance'

'I don't dance' He tried to look stern but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

'I am refusing to let you be boring for the rest of the night Mattheo Riddle' I grabbed his hand and ran back to the main hall with him reluctantly following. The body had been cleared like nothing had happened and all our friends were already dancing.

'Come on' I turned to face him grinning, he rolled his eyes but grinned back and walked to the dance floor with me.

Dancing in front of him, I grabbed his hands and placed them on my hips. He didn't pull them away but instead pulled me closer to him. Blaise handed me a bottle of fire whisky giving me a wink as he held on to Darcy. I turned around and bought the bottle to Mattheo's lips. He took it from me and drank some then poured some in to my opened mouth dripping it down my chin. Using his thumb, he glided it over the wetness and was about to wipe it on himself but I placed his thumb in my mouth, sucking the alcohol off. He grinned devilishly at me then drank more.

As guests started leaving, we all made our way to the small room where I had been introduced to my mother. Our friends weren't ready to leave yet and as I was now staying the weekend, we decided to have a few more drinks. Mattheo sat in the chair I had seen him in when I first got to the manor. Draco sat on the other chair and Darcy dragged him back out on to the floor and jumped in to his spot. We both started laughing so much that as I went to walk round the little table in front of the chairs I tripped. Before I could hit the fire place, Mattheo caught me and pulled me back on to his lap. I curled up and he put his arm around my waist holding me close. Resting my head in to his neck whilst watching Blaise and Pansy sit down. Reid had been avoiding me all night but as he sat down opposite, I gave him a faint smile. His expression was blank as he looked away.

'How about a game of truth or dare?' He spoke up.

'May as well' Darcy shrugged.

'I'll go first' Reid looked at me. 'Truth or dare'

'Umm... truth'

'What is going on between you too' He wiggled his finger at Mattheo and I. I felt Mattheo tense under me.

'We are getting along for once and tomorrow morning we will probably hate each other again.' I joked then looked at Mattheo, 'right?'

'Right' He laughed, taking a swig from his drink and relaxing again. I loved this Mattheo, the one that was joking with his friends and smiling. He made me feel a different way from the usual erotic excitement that I would never admit to. Reid sat back but didn't seem satisfied with the answer I had given. After that everyone started choosing dares which resulted in all of us getting very drunk.

'Clary, I dare you to dance on the table to this song' Darcy flicked her wand and muttered a charm. The song 'Cherry Pie' by Warrant started playing.

'I love this song!!' I laughed.

Mattheo muttered some words and everything on the table disappeared. I stood up and so did Reid, holding out his hand to help me on to the table.

I started dancing and singing along to the song then dragged Darcy and Pansy up there with me. The boys carried on drinking and smoking whilst we danced drunkenly.

'She's my Cherry Pie
Cool drink of water, Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good, Make a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie, Oh yeah'

I felt my self falling back but I didn't mind, I was laughing while it was happening. I felt strong hands wrap round me as someone caught me.

'I think it's time for bed' I heard Mattheo say.

'Are you coming too?' I purred in to his ear but it came out louder than I had thought. Darcy winked at me as Pansy stepped down from the table laughing.

'No, I'll just show you where it is' He put me down gently.

'I'm not going then' I pouted, sitting on the table and crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes, smirking and wrapped a jacket that he had got from the chair around my shoulders. With out warning, he picked me up into a fireman's lift and pulled the jacket over my bum so it was longer than my dress.

'Help me' I reached out to my girl friends who laughed pretending to reach out for me too.

'Nooo, we love you Clary.'

'Don't leave us'

'Remember me when I have gone!'

'Will you shut up' Mattheo chuckled and apperated to an empty bedroom. He set me down on the bed and walked over to the chest of drawers.

'Here' He chucked a black top to me 'put this on?'

'Is this yours?' I asked, picking the top up.

'Yeh, you are staying in my room tonight.' I looked at him confused. 'You're drunk and I can't trust certain people so my room is the safest because no one would dare come in here' He finished answering my question.

I pushed myself off the bed and wriggled out of my dress and shoes.

'Fuck’s sake Clarissa' Mattheo quickly turned around and disappeared in to the bathroom. Slipping his top on that came down just past my thighs, I sat back on the bed. He walked back in to the room with a glass of water and placed it beside me.

'Lay down and go to sleep.' He said sternly.

'Yes sir' I replied sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. I laid back and closed my eyes, my head felt really light and the bed felt like it was spinning.

'Mattheo, lay with me' I felt the bed move as he laid beside me and placed the blanket over me.

'I like it when you're happy' I whispered, smiling at him but my eyes were still closed 

'Huh' I felt him turn round and his warmth as he moved closer so he could hear what I said.

'I like seeing you laughing and joking with us, it's nice' He didn't say anything. 'I don't mind the choking though' I giggled.

'You're definitely drunk' He chuckled, 'Go to sleep' I felt him get up out of the bed and I snuggled further under the blanket and into the pillow.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now