Chapter 18

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'Well, that's a fucker' I huffed, chucking clothes on to my bed. 'Not trying to sound ungrateful for you bringing my clothes but why did you not pack any nice stuff'

Darcy walked over, picking up the jogging bottoms and over sized t-shirt.

'Umm, honestly, I didn't pack them. Mattheo and Reid did.' She laughed and chucked the items back down.

'Oh of course they did' I rolled my eyes. They had packed me the least sexy items they could. Nothing to wear for the party.

'Ask Reid to take you back to the Manor to get the dress you want. He will do anything for you right now, even if it was to go against Mattheo' Darcy winked at me and I knew she was right but I didn't want Reid to get hurt.

'Wait! Pansy to the rescue' Pansy jumped of her bed and ran to her wardrobe. Rummaging inside, she pulled out a short, black, figure hugging dress. 'Try this on'

She thrust it in to my hands and pushed me towards the bath room. I took my dressing gown off and pulled the dress on over my underwear. I reached for the zip at the back but couldn't quite get it to the top.

'Panz' I walked back in to the room. 'Can you just zip me up'

She ran the zip up my back and then picked up the red heels of the floor and handed them to me. I slipped them on and looked in the mirror.

The dress was perfect, it hugged all my curves and wasn't too short, coming down mid thigh. The red heels accentuated my bare legs. My red curls hung loosely, skimming the small of my back.

'Daymn girl, you look hot' Pansy grinned.

'All you need now is your signature red lipstick' Darcy added.

'Ohh that is the one decent thing they actually packed' I laughed, moving the clothes on my bed to the side and picking up the black tube of my lipstick. Quickly running to the mirror, I applied a thin coating and finished off my classic make up look.

'I'm actually looking forward to a night with out the boys' Pansy smiled, taking a swig from the bottle of wine she had bought with her and then passed it to me.

'I know, no drama, just us girls having fun' Darcy raved. 'I can't believe they aren't going and leaving us be for once'

'Ohh before I forget, I need to give Felix his hoody back' I quickly grabbed it off the side and drank from the bottle Pansy had passed me.

'Right girlies, let's get going'


We walked in to the Ravenclaw common room. There were many people there already, dancing and drinking. The first person I clocked staring at me was Harry. He made a bee line straight for me and I felt Darcy grab my hand.

'Maybe this wasn't a good idea coming with out the boys' Darcy whispered.

'Girls, trust me. I can handle this' I smiled and Harry stopped in front of me.

'Clary, I just wanted to say sorry. I don't know what came over me that night' He shook his head and looked down. 'I had too much to drink and I shouldn't have done that to you'

I passed the hoody I was holding to Darcy and smiled sweetly at Harry.

'I've got a lot of forgiveness in me Harry' I ran my hands up his chest to the lapel of his jacket. 'I seem to be forgiving a lot of people lately'

He smiled back at me as I gripped the material.

'But Harry, you're not one of them' Bringing my head back, I swung it forward. My forehead collided with his nose and I heard the crack. Letting go of his jacket, he fell back, clutching his nose. I grinned as I saw the blood seep out between his fingers.

'We may need to wipe the blood of your face' Darcy laughed and I laughed too, watching as he stumbled away. Looking back in front of me, my smile faded to a glare. Across the room, standing with the others that weren't meant to be there, Mattheo was grinning at me. He had obviously watched the whole scene and I was glad he saw that I didn't need him, I could handle things myself. But I was pissed off that he was there.

He nodded at me, still grinning and I flipped him off, walking straight to the bath room with Pansy and Darcy following me.

'Why does he have to be here?' I protested, leaning against the wall as Pansy wiped the blood of my face with a cloth.

'Just ignore him. We will ignore them all.' Darcy said, sitting on the closed toilet seat.

'No loving for any of them tonight'

'I can't ask you two to ignore Draco and Blaise' I chuckled, shaking my head.

'You don't have to; we wanted a girls night and those fuckers couldn't even give us that. That automatically puts them in our bad books' Pansy laughed and chucked the cloth in the sink. 'Right, that's all of it'

'I'm so proud of you though, that was brilliant.'

'I know! It kind of hurt my head though' I rubbed my forehead and we all laughed.

'Let's get back to the party' Darcy handed me Felix's hoody and we walked out of the bathroom.

Darcy and Pansy headed straight for the drinks table and I started to follow before being intercepted by Felix.

'You came' He beamed down at me.

'Of course I did, I had to bring this back' I laughed and handed him his hoody. He took it from me and threw it over his shoulder.

'Ah yeh, thanks' He smiled. 'Um, you have a bit of blood there' His thumb went to my forehead, wiping a stop that Pansy had missed.

'Oh, thank you' I could feel myself blush slightly. 'I thought Pansy got it all'

'All? How did you get blood on you?' He looked concerned and I smiled at him to reassure him I was ok.

'I think I broke Harry's nose'

'That was you?' His eyes widened in shock then let out a laugh. 'I'm impressed'

'Just proving I can take care of myself' I chuckled.

'I bet you can' He gave me a wink and I felt myself blushing again. 'So save me a dan- Uhh Mattheo' He bowed his head slightly and stepped back away from me.

'Felix' I heard his harsh voice behind me and closed my eyes, fearful of what he was about to do but he didn't move. 'Thank you for keeping my fiancée warm last night, with out you she may have froze to death' The venom in his tone was clear and made me shudder.

I opened my eyes to look at Felix, praying he didn't say anything to provoke him and he didn't. Fear was in his eyes as he backed away further.

'I'll leave you two to talk' He turned on his heel and disappeared in to the crowd.

I took a deep breath and turned to face Mattheo.


'Felix? Fucking Felix?' His eyes burned in to me as he tried to keep his voice low, not to draw attention to us.

'He was being nice to me?' I pouted, crossing my arms.

'Did you sleep with him?' He snarled and my mouth dropped open in shock.

'You honestly think I would do that?' I almost laughed but held it in. 'What would happen if I did?' I tilted my head to the side and smirked at him. His hand grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him so our bodies were pressed against each other. He leaned down, his lips close to my ear and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. Once again, my heart beat betrayed me and I held my breath, hoping that he wouldn't notice the sudden increase

'How many times you had sex with him would be how many times I would stab him' His voice was low and husky. I tried to regain the control that he had just taken from me and stepped back out of his grip.

'You have a serious problem Mattheo'

'That's one of the reasons why you love me' He grinned, 'If you didn't, that ring wouldn't still be on your finger'

'hmm' I looked down at my hand, playing with the ring 'You're right, I do still love you. There is no denying that' His grin widened and I smiled up at him.

'But I would never marry a monster like you' I pushed the ring against his chest and he grabbed hold of it before it fell to the floor.

His grin vanished and was replaced with pure rage. I stepped away from him as quickly as I could and Draco grabbed hold of him before he could move towards me. I hadn't realized before but Draco and Reid had been listening and watching the whole thing. Reid stood in between us, blocking us both from each other.

'Calm down' Draco warned Mattheo as his eyes looked daggers at me. I grinned at him and gave him a wink before walking away to find Pansy and Darcy at the bar area. 

'Well that wasn't pretty' Pansy laughed.

'What did you say to him?' Blaise asked, his arm draped over Darcy's shoulders.

'I'm sure you will find out soon' I nodded towards Draco who was signaling for Blaise to join them.

'Fuck sake' He rolled his eyes and kissed Darcy before quickly following him out the Ravenclaw common room with Blaise and Mattheo.

'Yeh, my no boy night went down the drain as soon as he walked over' Darcy chuckled watching Blaise leave. I laughed, knowing she wouldn't have been able to stick to it all night anyway.

'Dance?' Pansy asked and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the others dancing before I could even answer.


It was about 10.30 and people were already passed out on the seats around the room. A few even passed out on the floor. Felix had avoided me for the rest of the night and to be honest, I didn't blame him. If I wasn't so certain Mattheo would never kill me, I wouldn't want to get on his bad side either.

'Clary?' Pansy set her plastic cup down on the little table and looked at me.

'I know. You want to be with Draco to see New Year in' I said

'Yeh but I'm not leaving you and I completely understand if you don't want to go back yet' She quickly said, taking hold of my hands. I grabbed Darcy's hand too, knowing she wanted to be with Blaise.

'Let's go back to our common room and be with our boys' Smiling at them both, I started to stand up. They both looked at me confused.

'Our boys?' Darcy repeated, questionably.

'Draco, Blaise and Reid are kind of my boys too' I laughed.

'What about Mattheo?' She grinned and I rolled my eyes.

'I promise that I will not argue with him for the rest of the night and if he tries to provoke me I will ignore him.' I held up one hand and placed the other on my heart causing them both to laugh.

We walked out the Ravenclaw common room and headed towards our own, passing a couple of drunk professors on the way.

Walking through the door, we say the boys sitting on the sofas, smoking. As we walked over, Draco and Blaise looked at Mattheo who was staring at me but didn't say anything. Reid was looking at his phone and didn't even notice us walking over.

Pansy walked straight to Draco and say on his lap, curling herself in to him. His arm wrapped round her and he kissed her forehead. I found my self smiling at how cute they looked.

Darcy slid between Blaise and Reid, making him look up finally.

'What are you doing back so early?' He looked over at me curiously as I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table.

'We wanted to be with our boys' I gave him a wink and he laughed.

'Well sorry to disappoint you but Isobel just messaged inviting me to her room so..'

'Ditched on New Years Eve' I joked, holding my hand to my chest, faking my heart brake.

'I'm sure you will be fine with other company' He smirked and I stuck out my tongue to him, knowing who he was on about.

'Do you want some Clarissa?'

'Huh?' I faced Mattheo who was holding out the joint to me.

'Do you want some?' He wasn't smiling at me but his eyes were a lot calmer than they were at the party.

'Thank you' I smiled, stood up and walked over to him. Taking the joint, I sat back down but in front of his chair. Both Darcy and Pansy were looking at me, smiling at the little olive branch exchanged between us but I ignored them and started smoking.

'I'm off' Reid said, standing up. 'She's putting Dirty Dancing on and if I get there in time I might be able to try some of the moves.'

'Like the lift?' Darcy laughed knowing that wasn't what he meant.

'I've always wanted to try the lift' Pansy said excitably.

'Do it' I said breathing out the smoke.

'Yeh, do it with Draco' Darcy grinned, encouraging her.

'Fuck off, you do it'

'Blaise?' Darcy looked at him hopeful and he downed the drink in his hand.

'Fine, let's give it a go' He stood up and help her to her feet.

'On that note, I'm going' Reid walked towards to door.

'Bye Reid'

'We will miss you'

'Use a condom'

The door slammed shut as us three girls giggled. Blaise moved to the empty space of the common room.

'Come on then' He bent his knees slightly, clapped his hands together then held them out for Darcy to jump in to. We all watched silently as she ran in to his arms with such force. Instead of lifting her, he fell backwards, taking her with him. I threw my hand over my mouth to try to stop myself from laughing but Mattheo and Pansy were in hysterics, making me snort in to my hand.

'Oh shit' Draco cried out, laughing hysterically at his sister in a crumpled heap on top of Blaise. 'You ok?'

'Yeh' Blaise groaned and Darcy crawled off him.

'You was meant to lift me, you absolute idiot' She snapped at him

'I know that now' He snapped back, standing up and helping her to her feet.

Darcy glared at us all as she walked back over to her seat and we stopped laughing. 'You try it?' She looked at me.

'I've got no one to try it with so will have to give it a miss thanks' I laughed.

'Try it with Mattheo' She smirked

'He would probably drop me on purpose' I scoffed and Mattheo started laughing again.

'Yeh, I probably would'

'I think you two would be able to do it' Draco joined in.

'fine' I stood up and Mattheo looked at me, shocked that I was agreeing to doing this with him but stood up anyway. He walked over to the spot where Blaise had just been.

'Honestly if you drop me out of revenge or something then that is definitely it for us' I pointed at him, keeping my voice stern.

'I'm not going to drop you Clarissa' He grinned.

'I'm only doing this because I really want to see if I can, I still hate you'

'Just run and jump Clarissa.' He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I ran towards him as fast as I could. Just as I got in front of him, I jumped and he caught me, lifting me above his head.

Everyone cheered around us and I started waving my legs and arms about excitedly.

'Keep still or I will drop you' Mattheo laughed.

'We did it' I squealed. Slowly, he started lowering me back down. My body glided down his as he still held on to my waist. As he set me down on the floor, we stayed there, still touching. His hand reached up, putting my hair behind my ear and then glided back down my cheek to his side. Just one touch is all I needed for my stomach to start flipping nervously and my breath hitched. I pulled away quickly, not wanting to get carried away. 

'Umm, well done for not dropping me' I smiled awkwardly.

'The temptation was there' He joked.

'Yeh the temptation to head-butt you was there too' I chuckled.

'Speaking of head-butts, I saw you and Harry' Amusement filled his eyes and I bit my lip, grinning at the memory.

'Surprised you didn't get there before me'

'Oh, I nearly did. But I see you were handling it on your own' He laughed.

'Sorry to interrupt but you two are on weed duty' Draco cut in.

'Weed duty? My attention turned to him

'We've just ran out and I've messaged Nev to tell him you two will meet him and pick up some more' He smirked and I knew he had done it on purpose.

'Where?' Mattheo asked.

'Near the kitchen' Draco winked at him. I rolled my eyes. Mattheo wasn't dumb, he knew Draco was saying it to get us alone but it didn't bother him.

'Think you can spend that long with me alone?' He grinned at me.

'We'll soon find out' I turned and walked to the door. He didn't move, just watched me walk away.

'Come on then' I snapped but smiled at him too.


We both walked down the halls in silence. As we got closer to the kitchens the silence was so awkward that I couldn't take it any more.

'Isn't Neville meant to be here?' I asked looking up and down the corridor.

'Wait here' Mattheo moved ahead of me towards the kitchen door and I leant against the wall, thankful to rest my feet.

I waited for ten minutes, twiddling with my hair and Mattheo walked back out the door.

'Ready?' He asked, shoving a little bag in to his pocket. I nodded and pushed myself off the wall. We walked a little more in silence till Mattheo stopped.
I stopped too.

'What are you doing?' I asked, looking at him confused.

'Clarissa, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything' He shook his head, looking down at the floor.

'Honestly Mattheo, can we just leave it for tonight.' I sighed, not wanting to see the New Year in crying or arguing and that would be where this would end up going. 'We will talk properly in the morning ok?'

He nodded and carried on walking again with me to the common room.

When we got back to the common room, it was empty.

'Where have they all gone?' I looked from the sofa to Mattheo.

'No idea' He looked just as confused as I did so I knew this wasn't some part of a plan they had cooked up.

'Umm well, I'm going to go to bed then. Starting to get a bit of a headache' I lied but I didn't want to risk us talking and then arguing.

'Yeh ok' There was disappointment in his voice but he still tried to smile at me. I smiled back and walked towards my dorm. As I got to the door, I turned back round to say something, anything to Mattheo but he was already gone.

Turning back to the door, I pushed the handle down and opened it. I wasn't prepared for what was on the other side. Draco's bare arse and Pansy's legs in the air. Quickly but silently shutting the door again, I walked away. I couldn't go back in there while they were at it. I laughed lightly and walked towards the boys dorm. If Reid was with Isobel for the rest of the night, he wouldn't mind me sleeping in his bed.

As I got closer to the door, I heard the soft moans from my other best friend.

'Oh for fucks sake' I cursed and walked back to the common room. Sleeping on the sofa was the only other option and thankfully my favorite blanket was still slung over the back of it. I took my shoes off and laid down.

After a few minutes I realized that I was still in my dress and that was not how I wanted people to see me in the morning. I got up and walked to Mattheo's room to get my PJ's that I knew were still in one of his drawers.

Knocking on the door, I stepped back and waited for him to answer hoping he wasn't asleep already.

The door opened and my eyes were automatically drawn to his bare torso and grey joggers. I quickly looked back up and bit my lip, hoping he didn't notice.


'Sorry, but is it ok if I grab my shorts and top. Pansy is shagging in my room and I can't really get them' I moaned

'Yeh, ok' He chuckled, moving to the side and letting me in. 'Where are you sleeping if they are in there then?'

'I was going to sleep in the boys room but Darcy and Blaise are currently going at it' I walked over to the drawers and started getting my shorts out. 'So I'm going to sleep on the sofa in the common room' I moved more clothes about but couldn't find my top

'No your not' He moved closer to me and opened another drawer, pulling out his own top. 'You can sleep in here, I'll sleep there' He nodded at the small sofa on the opposite wall to his bed. He handed me his top and moved away.

'No, I really don't mind sleeping out there' I quickly said.

'It wasn't a request Clarissa' He faced me and raised his brows, daring me to argue against it but I didn't have the energy. I shook my head at him and walked to the bathroom to get changed. Pulling the door to, I looked in the mirror. I wasn't drunk, just slightly tipsy. But even like that I didn't trust myself alone in his room with just him.

I reached for the zip of my dress but couldn't quite get to it. Groaning, I knew I would have to ask for help. I opened the door again and walked out. Mattheo was laying on the sofa, reading from the potions text book and I made a mental note that I still had homework to completed for when lessons started in a few days. He looked up at me as soon as I entered the room.

'Umm, can you unzip my dress please?' I asked. He sat up and placed the book beside him. I turned my back to him and moved my hair to the side so he could easily get to the zip.

I felt his hands at the top of the dress. Even though his hands were warm, my breathing hitched slightly at his touch. I gently pulled the zip down and pushed the back of the dress open slightly, running his hand back up my back. I could feel the warmth of his body on me and I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing.

Slowly I turned around but his hands didn't leave my body, instead they rested on my hips. We were close, dangerously close. I looked down, avoiding his eyes but his hand left my body and his finger bought my chin back up.

'Don't' I whispered.

'Don't say don't' He voice was low and pleading 'Please' His face got closer to mine and I wanted to kiss him. To touch his lips again. But my anger still prevented me from doing it. I shook my head and stepped away from his embrace, a tear falling down my cheek. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

'Don't leave me' He begged and stepped closer to me. I didn't back away and let his hand reach for my hip. 'I know you can't forgive me but please don't leave me'

I took in a deep breath, trying to control my heart beat, but it was racing. His eyes searched my face, searching for any sign of what I wanted but I didn't even know.

He moved a loose curl behind my ear and I lightly pressed my cheek against his hand. He looked down at my lips and I knew he was desperate to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. I leaned forward slightly and he responded, running his fingers through my hair to the back of my head and pulling me to his face. As soon as his lips touched mine, I knew I had been defeated. I wanted him and there was nothing I could do about it. My heart had betrayed me and I knew I was his again.

His hand left my hip, moving to the small of my back, pulling my body against his. My own hands slid up his chest towards his neck. I pushed harder in to his lips, deepening the kiss and it was all he needed to know what I wanted.

His hands pulled at the dress and I released my arms from it, letting it fall to the floor. His hands gripped on to my thighs, picking my up and leading me to the bed, not breaking our kiss. Laying me down gently and laying between my legs, he began kissing my jaw, working his way down tenderly to my neck. His hand caressed my naked breasts and lowered to my underwear.

As he touched me through the thin cloth, a gasp slipped from my lips. My own hands fumbled around the waist band of his joggers, trying to pull them down. He realized what I was trying to do and looked at me.

'I need you, inside me, now' I demanded and he obeyed. He pulled my underwear down, removing them and then removed his joggers.

As he pushed the tip in, I gasped again. He pushed it in further, filling me and I moaned against his lips. Keeping his body pressed against mine, he started pushing in and out. His lips pressed against the sensitive skin of my neck and another moan slipped from my lips. I could feel his smile against me and he pushed harder but still at a steady pace.

With every push, another sound slipped out. He loved it. He loved the fact he finally had me where he wanted me again and I wasn't going to fight against it. I had had enough of the fighting. I just needed him now and he knew that. Everything else could wait till the morning.

He leaned up slightly, using one hand for balance while the other grabbed my thigh, pulling it up. The slight change of angle forced him in deeper and my back arched in to him. He started pushing in faster and our breaths quickened.

I grasped on to the sheets as I felt myself getting nearer to my high and his thrusts got even faster. I reached my hand round to the back of his neck, pulling him down. His lips pressed against mine, enjoying the mixture of my kisses and moans.

My stomach tightened as I clenched around him, digging my nails in to his back as he fucked my through my high.

'Fuck, Clarissa' He released in to me burying his face in to my neck.

We laid still, his body still on mine. I knew he didn't want to move from me, worried that if he did, I wouldn't want him to touch me again.

'Mattheo?' Slowly, he lifted his head to look at me. His eyes full of worry and fear that I was already regretting it. 'I'm yours'

His eyes closed as he let out the breath he had been holding and his body relaxed, becoming heavier on mine. His leaned his head forward, kissing me with such passion. There was no doubt about it, this man could do anything and I would still be his. He was all I had.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now