Chapter 2

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This chapter contains abuse, alcohol and drugs.

 Clarissa's POV

We were sitting on the sofas, enjoying an iced butterbeer by the time the boys entered the common room. Mattheo was at the front of them, blood splattered over his clothes and marring his face.

"What happened to you?" Darcy asked, her nose scrunching up in disgust.

Ignoring her, he shot me a look of pure irritation and carried on towards his dorm. I looked at the other guys questionably as they sat around us.

"What did I do?"

None of them answered me but each had a small smirk playing on their lips. Draco glanced at Darcy, a silent twin telepathy conversation happening between them. She then looked over to me, then to the door Mattheo had just left through, then back to Draco who nodded. Her eyes widened while a grin formed on her lips.

"Well shit." She breathed out.

"Yeah." Blaise said, wide eyed too and nodding his head.

"Can someone explain to me what's just happened?" I asked, feeling a bit put out.

"Mattheo just killed that man who touched your arse." Draco looked at me pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up.

"He just killed someone?" My voice was an octave higher than it normally was.

"Yeah but we're not shocked about that." Reid said, shrugging at my astonishment. "It's Mattheo, that's what he does."

"What we are shocked about is that fact he killed someone because of someone else. He doesn't tend to do that. Not saying he's a shit mate because I don't fancy getting killed now and there are ears everywhere," Blaise glanced around the room, lowering his voice. "But Mattheo doesn't defend anyone. He will let us sort out our own shit. You..." Leaning forward he gave me a dirty smirk. "Well for some reason, he felt the need to defend your honour."

I sucked in my bottom lip, rolling it between my teeth. What should I do? Thank him? Ask him why he did it? It felt rude to ignore it had happened at all. But still, he had killed a man. Why didn't that bother me as much as him actually doing it for me did?

Standing up I walked towards the door that Mattheo disappeared behind.

"Where are you going?" Pansy asked, moving herself to sit beside Draco.

"I'm going to speak to him." I carried on walking towards the door, my stomach swirling with every step.

"When you go through, go to the door on the right. Mattheo has his own room." I heard Reid call.

Of course he did, I rolled my eyes to myself, no less for Voldemort's son.

"Good luck!" One of the girls shouted out but I was too lost in unease to know who. This was either going to go really bad for me or it was going to be a quick thank you and then never speak of it again.

The little corridor was dark and there were only two doors. I walked up to the one on the right and knocked lightly. There was no answer so I knocked again a little harder and it opened. Stepping in, I looked around. The room was surprisingly big with large black tiles on all four walls. In the centre of the rear wall there was a large bed that looked bigger than the standard king size. The green silk sheets looked pristine and unslept in.

On the right side there was an open fireplace that was already alight. The only other source of light was a dim ring of it surrounding the door to the left side of the room. I took a couple of slower steps into the room. The door slammed shut behind me causing me to spin around, my heart thumping against my ribs.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now