Chapter 3

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This chapter contains violence and blood

Mattheo's POV

She pushed my hand away and I watched as she lost her grip and fell backwards over the railing. What the fuck was wrong with this girl. For a brief moment I was shocked that she was actually dumb enough to even risk her life to prove a point. But then I felt a grin form on my face. This girl was just as crazy as I was and I needed more of it.

I jumped over the edge and dived after her. Her body was splayed out, making my dive faster and I was able to reach her quickly. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I used my other hand to move the strands of hair from her face. Her eyes were closed. She had either fainted from the fear of falling or finally passed out from the amount of alcohol she had consumed. Either way, even falling to her death, she looked at peace. Something I would ruin for her when I got the chance.

We were inches from the jagged rocks before I finally apparated us to my bedroom. Gently laying her on my bed, I took her shoes off and draped a blanket over her.

I sat beside her for a moment, studying at her. Her hair had fallen slightly over her face and I moved it back. Her lips were full but the red lipstick was slightly smudged. A small reminder of what happened earlier. My mouth tilted up slightly but I instantly scowled at the unwanted sensation it had created.

She was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. But she was also unwanted trouble whether she knew it or not.

I swung my legs of the side of the bed and stood up heading towards the bathroom. Filling the sink with cold water, I splashed my face. She may be beautiful but this girl was nothing to me and I had to keep reminding myself that she would be a distraction. There was one thing that did keep me intrigued though. Her birth parents and why that fucking hat was so quick to put her in Slytherin.

I walked back in to my bedroom and picked my jacket up from the chair. Casting one last glance over at the girl, I made she was still where I left her. She was out of it so it wouldn't matter if I left for a bit. If she wasn't there when I got back then that wouldn't matter either.

I paused, staring at her again. If she wasn't where I left her when I returned, I would fucking drag her back. Kicking and screaming.

When I finally apparated to Riddle manner, I was aware I was already late for the meeting. Everyone was seated around the large table including my three friends. They looked up with idiotic grins on their faces, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"You're late Mattheo." My father said, stating the obvious from the head of the table as I made my way to be seated beside him.

"I'm sorry father, I was... held up." I replied calmly.

"Or she was held up." I heard Blaise mutter and Draco chuckle quietly. I glared at them both and they bowed their heads but still had the shit eating grin I hated. Luckily no one else paid attention to what they said. I didn't feel like answering my father's questions over something unimportant.

The meeting was useless to me like usual. Just going through the plan for the year ahead and what everyone had been doing to benefit my father. Or ideas of what I am sure would be more failed attempts to kill golden bollocks boy. As soon as it was over, I pulled my father to the side.

"Father, I'm wondering if you know anything about the Blackwood's and their adopted daughter?" He tilted his head to the side a little and signalled for me to go on. "Clarissa Blackwood was homeschooled but this year they decided to let her attend Hogwarts. I'm curious as to why they would do that when she could have easily continued her studies from home. She isn't lacking in knowledge from what I can tell. Another thing, the hat barely touched her before putting her in Slytherin. It's made me question if her birth parents were also in Slytherin and who they are." I finished.

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