Chapter 4

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Clarissa's POV

After the incident in potions, I didn't see Mattheo much. He didn't turn up to any of the detentions we were meant to do but I wasn't complaining. I tried with everything to avoid him. If he was walking down the corridor I would quickly go in the other direction. If we were in the common room, I would avoid looking at him even though his glare would burn into me.

It wasn't like I was scared of him, well maybe a tiny bit, but I was scared of the person I was becoming around him.

Our small group had really become like a family to me. It wasn't like I was just a new student; they had accepted me as a part of them straight away and I loved them all for it... apart from Mattheo.

Reid and I had become closer, not romantically but he really was becoming a good friend. We would flirt harmlessly together but had the mutual understanding nothing would come of it. Most of the time it was at the weekends whilst our group was having quiet drinks in the common room. He would be sitting on the sofa and I would sit beside him for him to pull me closer. Sharing a blunt (that I had now got used to smoking) then having a quiet giggle.

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It was a week before Halloween and we were celebrating the twins eighteenth birthday. All year sevens from the other houses had come to join us. Drinks were flowing around the common room and the music was loud. Thank God for the silencing charm because I was certain we would have all received detentions for the amount of noise everyone was making.

I danced for what seemed like hours with the girls until Draco took Pansy's hand and led her to the sofa. He pulled her down onto her lap and she kissed him gently before calling Darcy and I over.

"Time for spin the bottle?"

"That didn't end well for me last time." I laughed as I sat down next to Reid and rested my legs on his lap.

Blaise held out his arms for Darcy to sit with him and she obliged, sinking into him. Mattheo had some random blonde from Gryffindor sitting on his lap. Poor girl didn't know what she was getting in to. She did look quite happy with herself though and that kind of annoyed me a bit.

"Right, we remember the rules don't we?" Darcy spoke up. "If the bottle lands on you, you have to do the dare. If you refuse you have to do a worse one."

The game began and the dares started of pretty tame. One person had to keep taking shots until the bottle landed on them again (that person soon passed out), a girl had to remove her bra without taking of her top. One boy had to wear a girls underwear. Nothing too over the top.

Eventually the bottle landed on me and I didn't like the evil smiles my so called friend was giving me.

"I dare you to kiss Reid." Darcy grinned.

Mattheo eyes shot daggers at me as I smiled at the dare.

"Ok." I shrugged.

Swinging my leg over his lap I straddled him. My hands slid over his shirt towards his neck then I leaned in, pressing my lips against his lightly. I felt him grin as his kissed me back. The kiss was only fleeting but when I pulled away his mouth was still slightly open expectantly. A passion shone in his eyes that I really wished wasn't there.

"Just friends." I whispered with a nervous smile.

"Remind me of that again in the morning." He murmured, pulling my head back down to kiss me harder this time. His other hand skimmed down my waist and rested on my lower back. Something hard pushed against my thigh and I pushed myself away from him, chuckling lightly.

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