Chapter 9

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*Knock Knock*

I rolled over, nudging myself closer to Mattheo who had his arm around me.

*Knock Knock*

I groaned and wriggled out of his grip gently, trying not to wake him. He stirred but rolled over, not opening his eyes. I couldn't help but smile down at how cute he looked with his curls messily falling down near his eyes and his soft lips slightly open. I climbed out of the bed and chucked the top on that he had given me the night before.

*Knock Knock*

'Fuck’s sake' I cursed under my breath walking over to the door. I quietly opened it to see Reid on the other side. 'Hey, what's up?'

'You do know what the time is right?' He looked me up and down smirking. 'It's 1.30 in the afternoon.' He pushed past me gently and walked in to the room then sat at the end of the bed.

'Unless you are a hot as fuck red head with an attitude problem, get the fuck off my bed' Mattheo growled low from under the covers and kicked Reid softly in the back. I smiled at how grumpy he was with others.

'Dude, we need to pick up the drink. And you need to get out of this room.' He nodded at me. 'You weren't in the hall for breakfast and lunch, either of you, and certain people were asking questions.' I rolled my eyes.

'I'll quickly run to my room, was there anyone in the common room?' I asked Reid

'No, only Pansy and Draco. We got rid of that spider by the way' He winked at me.

'Oh, my hero' I said sarcastically remembering how amusing he found it the night before. I walked over to the bed and pulled the cover from over Mattheo’s head. His eyes were still closed but he smiled at me.

'Get up' I said, kissing him gently then walked out the room.

The common room was empty as I walked through so Pansy and Draco must have gone somewhere else. Darcy was in our bedroom listening to music.

'Hey whore'

'Harsh' I laughed and sat down beside her. 'What you doing?'

'Trying to find a song for us to sing' She handed me a little list. 'I've narrowed it down to these' I looked at the list, recognizing a couple.

'I like this one' I pointed to the second one down on the list.

'Good choice, I'll see what Panz thinks' she folded up the paper and put it in her pocket. 'What you doing now anyway?'

'Going to have a quick shower then go down to the kitchens and convince one of the house elves to give me some food' I laughed. She smiled at me then walked out the room. I quickly showered and washed then slipped on my ripped jeans, baggy white t-shirt and trainers.

Even though the kitchens were the same level as our dorms, they were still the other side of the castle. I had managed to make one of the elves take pity on my and she gave me a little roll and some crisps to eat. I sat with her for a little while, talking about random things and she actually agreed to help me make brownies for our party that night. I wondered if I could convince Reid to get me some stuff to make them a little magical but then thought better of it. After we made the brownies, I thanked her and left holding the tub with them in. I walked through the dungeon halls towards my common room when I felt hands wrap around my waist. I stopped and smiled.

'Some one might see us' I whispered.

'Let them' It wasn't Mattheo’s voice. I turned to face Harry.

'Oh Harry' I tried to hide my shock but he moved his hands away.

'Who was you expecting?' He frowned

'I thought you was Panz, no worries' It was a lame excuse, why would Pansy put her hands around me. In fairness, I should have known they weren't Mattheo's hands. Mattheo's were larger and no matter what he was doing, his hands were always warm. Harrys were not, they were cold and felt out of place touching me.

'What's in the tub?' He looked down at what I was holding and I was thankful he changed the subject.

'Brownies for tonight, want to try one?' I quickly took one out and shoved it towards his mouth. He took a bite and his eyes lit up.

'These are actually amazing' He blurted out; mouth still full of brownie.

'Don't sound too surprised' I couldn't help but chuckle as he swallowed. 'I'm actually a good baker if I try... and the house elves helped me'

'What you doing down here Potter?' I knew the voice was Draco's. I turned to see him, Mattheo and Blaise walking out of the common room and towards us.

'I'm came to check on Clary' Harry stood his ground and pulled me close to his side.

'Slumming it now are ya Clary?' Blaise laughed and I glared at him, knowing he was in on it but still pissed me off because I would rather be anywhere else. Mattheo ignored us and walked past with the two goons following closely. I turned to back to Harry who had his back to them and smiled.

'Sorry about them' I said softly.

'It's fine, not everyday you see a Slytherin getting with a Gryffindor' I chuckled at his reply and looked over his shoulder at the boys who were standing at the end of the hall, finishing their cigarettes. Mattheo was staring at us and when he noticed I was looking, he winked. Fuck that boy did something to me every time. I bowed my head quickly to hide my smile. Harry lifted my chin up and looked in to my eyes.

'Hey, honestly, don't worry about them' He leaned in closer about to kiss me but I moved my head back.

'Maybe we can do that later' I took a step back and he smiled.

'See you tonight then' He turned around and walked towards the boys then disappeared round the corner. Mattheo eyes were still on me. I blew him a kiss and turned to walk in to the common room.


I looked in the mirror at my outfit. I had borrowed Pansy's burgundy button front cord skirt and added a simple thin knit black jumper. I left my legs bare for the night and wore my black court heels. My hair was put back in a messy high pony tail and curly with a big black bow. I had light make up on again but added a darker shade of red that matched the skirt perfectly. I wasn't too dressed up but dressed up enough, a sentence that made sense to a lot of girls.

Pansy walked in to the dorm, letting the music pour in behind her.

'Girl, you looking hot' She smiled walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

'So do you' I laughed. She had on a cute green tartan mini with a black shirt and boots. Reid stood in the door way and knocked on the wood, letting us know that he was there.

'you two joining us for shots'

'Think I'm going to need more than that to get me through tonight' I sighed.

'Then you best smoke a bit of this too' He put the blunt in his hand to my lips and took a big drag letting it go to my head. I smiled at him and he held out both arms for Pansy and I to link in to. 'Come on bitches, let's paint the common room green' We laughed, placing and arms through his and he led us out the dorm and down to the common room.

The room was full of 7th year students, all smoking, drinking and dancing. I spotted Harry straight away, standing with a couple of other boys from Gryffindor. Pansy spotted Draco disappeared through the crowd to get to him. Darcy was on the sofa with Blaise waiting for us to take shots with them. Mattheo was standing my the drinks table, talking to a girl with long blonde curly hair. She was laughing at something he had just said and touching his arm. I felt a ping of jealousy but let it slide. He hadn't noticed me looking yet as he smirked at her and rubbed her arm gently. Reid read my expression before I could hide my annoyance.

'Hey, you ok?' He asked

'Who is that girl with Mattheo?'

'Lavender, I know it looks bad but just remember he has to pretend he isn't with you. Besides, she goes through all the boys and he's not in to that kind of thing' He gave me a reassuring smile and led me to the sofas to do the round of shots. Draco and Pansy were now waiting there for us too and as we got there Mattheo joined us.

'You look beautiful' He whispered in my ear as he walked behind me.

'Where's Lavender?' He looked at me shocked for a second realizing that I had seen them but then grinned.

'Jealous?' I rolled my eyes at him then turned my attention to the table that was lined with shots.

'Right... we all have 5 shots each and the one that finishes first has to kiss the loser.' Darcy announced to our group. We all stood in front of our lines of shots. 'When I say go... GO'

I quickly flung each shot back, one after the other. Banging the last glass down, I was just a second before Mattheo meaning I had won. He glared at me and I glared back pissed that he had tried to win to kiss someone. Pansy was the last one to finish her shots and I was thankful it wasn't one of my cousins. Every one cheered as we kissed but it was just a little peck as Draco pulled her back just as our lips connected. I laughed and picked up a plastic cup filled with fire whisky and downed it.

'Fuck this, I'm dancing' I grabbed the bottle of fire whisky and walked to the dance floor. I swayed to the music, drinking and moving my hips. Cold hands wrapped round my waist and I could smell the same shitty cologne from earlier. I rolled my eyes before turning round and smiling sweetly up at Harry.

'You came' I flung my arms round his neck, nearly hitting him with the bottle.

'I promised you a dance' He smirked down at me.

'That you did' I winked and moving my body closer to his. We danced for a few more songs, grinding up against each other. The more I drank the easier it became. I noticed my bottle was empty so left Harry dancing with his mates to get another drink. Mattheo was sitting in his usual chair with Lavender sitting on the floor in front of him. I got to the drinks table and took another bottle of fire whisky downing some right there.

'Woahh, don't you think you should slow down chick' Darcy said coming up behind me. 'You and Potter seem to be getting closer though'

'That's the job' I raised the bottle, congratulating my self for doing well. 'Not his job to get close to some one though is it' I tilted the bottle towards Mattheo and Darcy followed my gaze. Lavender was now running her hands up and down his thigh, he wasn't touching her but he wasn't stopping her. 

'Hey what about a game of truth or dare, people are starting to leave now anyway so wont be many of us' She smiled, taking my hand and dragging me to the sofas. I sat down next to Reid and watched as others started to join. Harry sat at the far end of the little table next to Hermione, Pansy sat with Draco on the sofa opposite and Darcy on Blaise's lap. Darcy did her usual explaining the rules and the game started.

'Who wants to go first?' She asked, looking round at everyone.

'I will' I leant forward and look straight at Lavender. 'Truth or dare?'

'Umm truth'

'Is it true you're a slut?' There was an awkward silence for a few seconds and Darcy shot me a warning glare to not start. 

'Wow we went straight in there' Draco laughed

'I'm sorry what?' Lavender looked at me shocked.

'Oh, I'm sorry, did you not hear me. Is it true you are a slut?' Blaise hid his face in to Darcy's neck, trying not to laugh. 

'No, I'm not'

'Take a shot for lying' I smiled sarcastically at her. Draco poured her a shot and I smiled at my cousin for having my back.

'Clarissa!' Mattheo growled at me through gritted teeth but I glared at him.

'Hey princess,' Reid leaned in close and whispered in to my ear 'Your Lestrange is showing.' I shrugged and leant back. Everyone carried on playing as I drank more from my bottle. Blaise had just asked Mattheo truth or dare

'Dare' His expression was blank

'Ok, I dare you to-'

'Kiss Lavender' I finished what he was saying. Of course I didn't want him to kiss her and I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth but I wanted to test him. He still had the choice to take the forfeit. But he didn't take it. He leaned down and kissed her. Not just a light peck but a full opened mouth kiss. It hurt to watch them. A tear ran down my face but luckily only my 5 best friends saw who were all looking at me to see how I would react. I quickly wiped it away and started downing the rest of my drink. I felt Reid squeeze my hand, trying to comfort me but at that moment I didn't care anymore.

He stopped kissing her and looked at me. He was angry with me but not as much as I was with him. Hermione was next to ask someone.

'Clary, truth or dare?'


'I dare you to kiss you're crush' I smirked at Mattheo who glared at me, knowing exactly what was about to happen. I stood up and walked over to Harry who had his legs laid out, leaning back on his arms. Kneeling down, placing a knee either side of him, I took hold of his face and pressed my lips against his. He grabbed my head, kissing me back. He wasn't a bad kisser, just a bit too wet. But he didn't make my stomach flip like Mattheo did. His touch didn't feel like electric going through my body, He voice didn't send me crazy, wanting him every second of the day.

I pushed back off him and looked in to his eyes for a second. I couldn't even bring my self to smile at him, I didn't want to be near him.

'You have to go.' I stood up and walked over to the sofa, falling and but Reid to caught me, standing up to hold me.

'Clary, are you ok?' I heard Harry ask.

'Time to go Potter, she's had too much to drink.' Draco told him.

'I'll stay with her' Harry tried to get closer to me, reaching out and touching my arm. I pulled away as tears filled my eyes.

'No, she will talk to you in the morning when she has a clear head' Draco held up his hand pushing Harry back slightly.

'Come on Harry, she will be fine.' Hermione took his arm and I heard the common room door shut as they left. Reid sat me on his lap as I cried silently. Pansy sat beside me and Darcy knelt down in front.

'Hey, what happened?' Pansy asked, stroking my hair.

'I couldn't do it' I shook my head. 'I wanted to do it, I wanted him to feel what I did when he kissed her but when I kissed Harry, I just felt sick'

'I think you need to talk to him' Darcy smiled up at me.

'Where is he?' I sat up on Reids lap, looking around the room that was now empty apart from out group. Mattheo was no longer there either.

'He left as soon as you walked over to Potter' Darcy shook her head, 'he couldn't watch it'

'He went to his dorm I think Clary' Blaise added. I slowly stood up and headed to his room. I knocked but he didn't answer so I knocked again but a bit louder. The door opened and Lavender stood the other side. My mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say. I looked in to the room and saw Mattheo with his top off. He turned and saw me standing there, his eyes widened.

'Well, this is awkward' Lavender giggled. I turned my attention to her.

'Did you...' I couldn't get the rest of the question out. Bile rose in my mouth and I wanted to scream.

'No, but if you hadn't of knocked, we most definitely would have' She smirked at me, she knew! She knew there was something going on between us, that is why I acted the way I did earlier. She knew and now she was trying to piss me off. It was working.

'Wait, Clarissa, let me-' Mattheo started but I cut him off.

'I'm going to kill you' I looked her straight in the eyes as I said it. She didn't know if I was being serious or not. I pulled out my wand and fear reached her eyes as she turned to run. I ran after her in to the common room and fired a spell at her causing her to trip over.

'Oh fuck' I heard Reid shout. Mattheo ran in shouting at me to stop but I blanked him out. I fired another spell at her as she got up, causing her to fall again. I wanted to see her in pain.


'Clary, NO' Darcy screamed grabbing my wand. I leaped forward ready to gouge her eyes out but Mattheo caught me, holding me tightly to him.

'You fucking psycho!' Lavender screamed at me as she scrambled to her feet. I tried fighting against Mattheo to get to her but he held on tighter.

'Let go of me!'

'Get her the fuck out of here' He shouted to Blaise

'See you tomorrow Theo baby' Lavender winked as Blaise started dragging her from the common room.

'Wow she's got a fucking death wish' Draco muttered to his sister.

'I’m going to slit your throat you fucking bitch!' I screamed after her, still fighting against Mattheo to let me go.

'Definitely Lestrange's daughter.' Reid laughed. The common room door closed and we stood in silence for a bit with Mattheo still gripping hold of me.

'Are you calm now?' He said softly.

'Just let go of me' I growled. He let go and I took a few steps forward before turning to face him.

'Was you going to sleep with her?' I didn't care that our friends were watching this, I wanted an answer.

'No, she followed me to my room' he took as step forward as I took one back.

'Oh, and I suppose you're top flew off in the breeze?' I shouted sarcastically.

'Just let me fucking explai-'

'You kissed her'

'You fucking dared me' he shouted throwing his hands in the air

'but you wanted to, or you would have chose the forfeit'

'And how would that look, I'd been flirting with her all night but I wont kiss her' he yelled

'shouldn't have said that mate' Draco said in a low voice, receiving a stern look from Pansy to stay out of it.

'So, you admit you was flirting with her?' I laughed at how stupid he was.

'You kissed Potter' He was getting defensive.

'And it was fucking magical, made my fanny flutter and everything' I screamed, smirking.

'You're just the gift that keeps on fucking giving aren't you' I could tell he was starting to find it hard to control his anger, he had the same look in his eyes as what he did when he was hurting people. I knew if I kept pushing him, he would end up hurting someone.

'Potter is a fucking job, I don't have a choice but to flirt with him thanks to your dad' I had stopped shouting and could feel my eyes getting wet again. 'You had the choice.' His face dropped. He turned his back to me and didn't say anything. Our friends stayed silent, not knowing if saying anything would make it better or worse. He turned back to face me; his expression was hard to read but he wasn't angry anymore.

'I can't do this anymore' The words slid out his mouth and it broke me. I had pushed him so far that he had given up.

'You can't do this anymore?' It was just audible but he heard. He shook his head, looking down. 'Then it's over.' I turned, grabbed my want of Darcy and ran as fast as I could to my dorm.

'Wait, what?' Mattheo shouted after me but I kept running and locked the door behind me with a spell that I knew magic wouldn't be able to open again without me unlocking it myself. Falling against it I let the tears flow freely. My chest hurt as I realized what had just happened. I always read how much heart brake hurt but always thought it was an metaphoric expression but this pain was real.
the handle moved above my head as someone tried to get in.

'Let me in Clarissa' Mattheo's voice was urgent but I didn't want to see him. I didn't move. 'Clarissa, open the fucking door' I brought my knees up and dug my face in them, shaking from the crying.

'Clarissa, we just want to make sure you are ok?' Reid was with him.

'I'll break the fucking door down in a minute if she doesn’t open it' Mattheo was getting angry again but I still didn't move. 'OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR' He started kicking and punching it, yelling at me more.

'Stop!' Pansy was now shouting, 'Do you honestly think she is going to open the door if you are doing that'

'Just go. You're both drunk. Talk in the morning' Darcy was now on the other side of the door too. Everything went quiet for a little while and there was a little tap at the door.

'Sweetie, it's just me and Darcy. Can you let us in?' I stood up slowly and muttered the counter spell for the lock. Pansy opened the door and as soon as my eyes met hers, I broke once again, collapsing in to her arms.

'Oh shit' Darcy quickly shut the door again and they both led me to my bed. We all laid together and they both just held me while I cried, eventually falling to sleep.

Insatiable Habits ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now