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Z e r o : Tell Me When it Hurts 

"All Dominates to the Buying Center"

Liam Payne's chocolate eyes travel around the room with disdain at the number of people in the room, a frown spreads on his features.

He scolds himself for being disappointed, he really should've known when Harry asked to save him a seat he wouldn't be on time.

After all the years of business, the two had together Liam would think he'd know better by now. Sighing Liam adjusts his jacket folding it over his arm, he steps forward from his spot with one last passing glance to the glass doors wishing Harry would step through them in the very second.

The second passes, and Liam's validated his initial thought of walking in alone. Greeting the woman he offers her a smile letting his falter at her snarky appearance, "Where's 'ya dom?"

"I-I am a Dom," Liam remarks adjusting his tie, he clears his throat, "I'm Liam Payne, Dominate."

She raises an uncaring, and suspecting, eyebrow at him before glancing down at her clipboard lifting three papers, "Got you marked in, row six-seat 90."

"The seats are assigned?"She pokes her tongue in her cheek uncapping her marker, "Mr.Payne what did I just tell 'ya?" Liam backs away pressing his lips together as he takes the entry ticket from her outstretched hand, "Row 6 seat 90, got it. Thanks."

Turning towards the doorway leading into the stage area, Liam takes one last scan around the room for his friend before heading inside to his seat.

Forest green eyes that could only belong to such a hardened soul skim the room, he's a bit offended Liam isn't to be found and the man didn't return one of his six phone calls.

Glancing down at his watch, Harry feels a grimace appear on his face. "Are you checked in?" A lady calls, she's collecting papers and pens from the sign-in table, a signal that she's cleaning up for the day showing how unfashionably late Harry was.

"Afraid not, ran a bit late today. Harry Styles,"

"Ah, yes. Here you are," She scribbles the seat selection on the ticket handing it to the man with an encouraging smile, "Hope this one lasts,"

"Condesening Bitch" Harry mutters rolling his eyes, he takes the ticket into his own hands with a passing glare stepping past the guard with a simple nod in greeting.

Slipping into the bidding room eyes widened at the anticipation bouncing off the walls. The blatant sign on each of the walls brings an eye-roll in response, All Electronic devices should be silenced, he had to remind himself this wasn't a piece of his upper-class world.

At the Auction, everyone attending was in person, there weren't those from across the country or even the dominant bidding from their vacation home.

It also answered his question as to why Liam seemed M.I.A.

The stage lights were on and burning the empty black stage top. Harry can practically smell the fear, nervousness, and somewhat anxiety of the newer Dominates that sat closer to the stage.

He uncaringly glances at the seat assignment with another eye roll, Row twenty-eight seat 12, the back row was considered twenty-seven.

The Government had made it quite clear to Harry that the idea of him owning another submissive was frowned upon, yet technically allowed as long as they passed the mental check-up.

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