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T w e n t y T w o : Tell Me When it Hurts

Grunting when the handle of the gun crashes into his head, Harry stumbles backward on his feet as Eleanor sways, wide brown eyes staring at the man with betrayal written on her features. She has blood spilling from the corners of her mouth, her jaw opens as more trickles down her chin onto her clothes, she falls to her knees the gun she had in her grip falling onto the hardwood with a booming thud.

Turning wearily Harry aids Louis, holding the submissive to his chest Harry pleaded for his sobs to cease, begging the man to listen to him and that he was okay. He had removed the restraints and gag from Louis' mouth carrying the wailing boy to the living room, "Baby I have to find the keys, please-please stay here," Stuttering on his words, Harry feels his chest tighten as Louis shakes his head furiously at the idea of being left alone in the house.

Searching the room he sees his phone on the coffee table, retrieving it he dials 911 handing Louis a piece of mail in his groggy state, "He-here, read this to them, get-get help Lou," Harry commands gently shushing the boy once more, he groans softly as the pounding in his head worsens.

Shuffling from the room he flinches hearing Louis continuing to cry out, "Daddy!" he shrieks, Harry rolls his eyes entering the bedroom figuring that's where his keys were with his jacket.

"Wh-where," he mumbles blinking to steady his vision, black spots appearing as they flickered throughout the room, "Daddy!" Louis calls again, footsteps can be heard rushing down the hall, Harry falling to his knees patting the bed for his jacket, "Keys," he whispers sticking his hand in the pocket clutching the metal with a sigh in relief.

"I-I no-no know!" Louis sobs on the phone with the operator, he has the mail clutched in his hand unable to make out the address as he can't read, Harry stands from the floor using the bed to stabilize himself as he sways drunkenly on his feet, "3-312, 312 Ma-Main," Harry manages his footsteps weary, he stumbles forward before crashing to the floor, "L-Louis,"

Groaning softly, it felt as if cement blocks were holding his eyelids closed, forcing them open he gasps squinting at the harsh light in the room.

He can hear soft humming in the room, it overpowers the sound of the beeping from the machines next to his bed.

Harry's emerald orbs travel from the stained white ceiling down the wall towards the window where he sees Luke sitting humming to himself as he sows something together. Turning his head Harry feels his chest tighten seeing chocolate tuffs of hair next to him, he inches closer placing his lips on the hair knowing anyone who willingly snuggled into his side had to be his submissive.

Grunting, he tries lifting his arm, quickly realizing it was held captive by Louis' arms tightened around it. He leaves it to the boy using his other one to push the hair from Louis' brow, peering at the boy's profile.

He could spend forever waking up to Louis' high cheekbones, the plump pout he has when he sleeps, and how rosy his cheeks become when he sleeps on his side.

Using his elbow to prop himself up, he catches Lukes's attention offering a forced smile in greeting, "W-What's going on?"

Luke's lips lift in a genuine smile as he stands from the chair strolling to the bed where he sits next to Louis tucking the bear he was sowing back together between his arms, "Zayn and I were called by the police,"

He informs combing his hands through Louis' hair, "We've been here for three days, waiting for you to wake up," adding the last part softly, the man inhales directing his blue eyes towards the door seeing Zayn enter with a narrowed glance to the now awake Harry, "I'll grab the doctor," he retorts stepping back into the hallway.

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