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F o u r : Tell Me When it Hurts

"This is a crayon, this is paper, what do you do with these two things?"

"Yes sir,"

"No," Harry sighs, "Louis this is the fourth time I'm going to tell you before I punish you, with a crayon, you color on paper. So, if this is a Crayon, and this is a sheet of paper, what do you do?"

"N-no sir,"

The threat falls flat, Harry being dosed on his pills this morning keeping his temper in check as he hands Louis a stack of paper and the box of crayons he had Kerri purchase to keep the boy entertained to leave Harry alone while he joined him at work.

It was day Six with Louis, and day three of the pair attending work together, on the second day Harry broke down and finally realized his submissive might not be capable of murder but Harry is and would if the damn boy didn't stop asking questions every five seconds.

Thankfully Kerri used the same tactics that kept her nephew busy to give Louis something to do.

In the six days the two had been together, Kerri had been there all of them. It worried Harry that soon she wouldn't be, and he'd be left babysitting his submissive alone.

"S-sir?" Louis calls standing from his knees, Harry wants to scream knowing if he answered this one question there would be a million more to follow. Knowing he had to complete work today Harry ignores his submissive staring at his computer hoping Louis would take the hint.


Harry rolls his eyes typing nonsense on the keyboard wanting to seem busy.

"Master sir?"

Grunting softly at the name that made no sense Harry wanted to give in, however, he knows to break the habit he must stay strong,


His knees hit the bottom of his desk, his chest tightening as he chokes on his own spit, the files he had near the edge of his desk flying to the floor.

Somehow he manages to not fall out of his chair as he whips around wide-eyed at the boy that had just so loudly called him "Daddy".

"What?" Harry asks breathlessly, Louis stands anxiously playing with his fingers in the room chewing on his bottom lip, "D-do you-you 'ant some?" Doe-like cerulean eyes stare innocently at their master who's attempting to hide his boner while figuring out what the fuck Louis had to share with him.

"Some of what?"


"No Louis, those are just for you." The boy nods returning to the coffee table where the crayons and papers sat discarded. He sits on his knees with his back towards his master beginning to color quietly.

Without knocking Liam Payne enters the room waving politely towards Louis who pays him little attention, "He's quiet today, what'd you do to him?" Liam jokes, Harry glares at him placing a finger over his lips, "He's entertained and silent, shut the fuck up before you jinx it. Kerri had this idea that if we keep him busy he'll leave me the hell alone."

The man rolls his eyes with a smile, "Well I came to inform you that Niall and I are going out for lunch and you're invited to come if you want."

Harry grimaces, "I don't really feel up to third-wheeling with you and Niall-"

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