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F i v e : Tell Me When it Hurts

Liam had yet to be filled in on Harry's side of the fight, Kerri doing enough ranting for the both of them that when the next day of work rolled into existence Liam debated calling out so he didn't have to face Harry.

Niall pokes his head around the doorframe, "Work today?"

Liam had yet to remove himself from his bed, he's quite content with the idea of being at home all day with his submissive. Squinting at the harsh light of the sun, Niall giggles pulling the curtains open further in an attempt to draw his dominant from the bed, "What's on your mind?"

Huffing, Liam moves to a sitting position staring at the cerulean eyes of his submissive, "I want to love you,"

"I want to love you too," Niall hums in assurance intertwining his hands with Liam's that rest on his lap where the sheets pool, "Is that something doms and subs don't do?" Niall furrows his eyebrows at the question, "Well, some don't. But, a lot do. My mother was dominant and my father was submissive."

Liam nods chewing his bottom lip in thought, being from money, everyone in Liam's life had been dominates, the only submissives he knew of were the ones that either cleaned the house or had parts in raising him as his nanny.

Releasing Niall's hand, Liam cradles his cheek, "Would you consider it?"

"Is this your proposal?" Niall muses his eyes crinkling as he laughs at the man, Liam chuckles as well shaking his head, "No, not yet."

"Well then yes, I'll consider it." Pressing his lips to Liam's to end his confusion about the future of their relationship, Niall pouts when Liam pulls away first, "If it were my proposal would you have said no?"

"Probably." Niall admits winking as he smirks removing himself from the bed, "Do you plan to go to work today?"

"I don't know."

Would it be admitting defeat if Harry said he almost missed Kerri?

He didn't realize how much he'd come accustomed to having someone there at all times of the day. That's what having a submissive is for.

Adjusting his tie in the mirror he gasps when Louis steps into the room without knocking passing by the man as he yawns sitting on the bed, Harry furrows his eyebrows watching him, "What are you doing?"

Louis snaps his look at him tilting his head to the side in silent question, "Why aren't you dressed?"

"N-no sir," Louis replies rubbing his eyes to rid them of sleep, "Louis that response doesn't match the question, I'm not asking if you are or aren't dressed I'm asking-" Harry pauses from his quick lesson as he watches Louis uncaringly tune him out staring at the man's phone on the nightstand that vibrates excitedly.

He wants to scold the submissive for not listening yet he too has now given more attention to who the hell was calling him so early, "Go get dressed," Harry commands taking the phone into his hand pressing TALK,

"Do you want me to place the ad?"

"The ad for what?" Harry retorts wanting to end the call as quickly as it started, he loathed having to deal with HR, and often thanked the heavens he had Kerri to handle that for him, "For your new PA, although this time I suggest a submissive, skips are unreliable."

Cassandra Burns was the HR (Human Resources) Representative for Styles Inc., if she wasn't so damn good at her job Harry would've fired her years ago for simply getting on his nerves. She was blunt, to put it nicely.

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