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T w e n t y : Tell Me When it Hurts

Pulling Louis' sleeping body closer to his he presses his lips to the boy's temple, "Wake up baby we have to go somewhere,"

Louis grunts wanting to sleep in after having stayed up way past his bedtime with the man as the two watched all the movies and cartoons Louis' heart could desire.

"G-go?" Louis asks softly, "We're going on a trip, I've got your bags packed, but you need to get dressed," Harry that had been awake an hour already wanting to wait until the last second to wake the sleeping monster, couldn't help but coo at Louis's small glare at the announcement of a sudden trip.

Pulling the blankets off the boy Harry pulled him to his feet brushing hair from his forehead, "Your clothes are laid out, we'll eat on the plane,"

"Plane?" Louis questions, "I'll tell you all about it after you're dressed," Harry promises showing Louis his laid-out clothes on the bed, he exits the room seeing an incoming phone call once Louis showed he was awake enough to dress himself.

"Harry Styles,"

"Hey sorry to bother you so early, do we have the green light to publish Louis' marriage?" Harry frowns, "Yes, but make it known I've already asked for dismissal on his records and that he didn't know he was. I want his knowledge, or lack of thereof, public." Quincy hums curiously on the other end, "You want us to harbor on the fact that he's uneducated?"

"Well put a bow on it, and we'll call it uneducated and untrained, speak of his abuse and the self-defense." Harry mutters checking his watch, "Last thing, Collin made us aware that he found Luna,"

"I thought she died,"

"Her background was sealed, she changed her name and revoked her status, and she's living off Stan's lack of fortune in installment payments. Louis' are going to hers as well, Zayn signed that off," Harry nods rubbing the back of his neck with an eye roll thinking of how stupid he was not to think of Zayn before publishing this, "Speaking of, someone needs to make contact with him. He'll be tied into this as well. Stay on Collin's good side and offer the Barron deal if we can get Luna's contact information." the two bid farewell before hanging up with each other, Harry sending Liam a quick text to summarize before opening the bedroom door he'd stepped out of.

"Lou-" glancing up from his phone he can't help the smile seeing Louis dressed but back in bed sleeping soundly.

Strolling to his side of the bed he rests his hand on Louis' thigh, "I never thought sleeping in jeans were that comfortable," he speaks loudly, Louis jolting awake at the sudden voice hurriedly meeting his owner's eyes, "and you're missing your shoes," Harry jokes motioning to Louis' bare feet, he stood up grabbing Louis' arm as he stands him off the bed pointing to the closet, "Go finish getting dressed," sending him away with a slap to the backside Louis groans loudly dragging his feet to find his shoes.

Placing his bags in the trunk Harry opens the back door for Louis commanding the driver to head to the airport.

Louis stares blankly ahead out the window with his arms crossed, he just didn't get enough sleep to be his usual happy self. Patting Louis' thigh closest to him, Harry kisses his cheek, "Are you excited?"


"No?" Harry returns furrowing his eyebrows, he knew Louis knew what that word meant, "Did you mean yes?"

"No." Louis repeats glaring now at the passing trees, Harry lifts an eyebrow with a chuckle, it was his first taste of sass from the boy, and he'd admit it was cute. Ruffling Louis' hair Harry pulls him closer smiling endearingly at his whining protests, "I think you need a nap, you can take one on the plane,"

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