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T w e n t y T h r e e : Tell Me When it Hurts

Stacking the blocks on top of each other, Harry frowns seeing Louis in a more than usual out-of-it state, his eyes were dull, cheeks rosy, "Are you okay?" he asks stupidly, the boy meets the emerald orbs with a small shake of the head, he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth watching the man he sat across from.

He didn't know how to tell his master, but he was sinking. He felt the same as he did when he lived in the basement with Stan. It was dark, in the basement, and even with Luna, it was never a bright place to stay.

When Louis first came into Harry's life, he felt sunny again, sure there were hard days, but he wasn't in the dark anymore.

Recently, all Louis felt was darkness again.

"Lou?" Harry asks again, the pair had been moved to a hotel after being released from the hospital. While the master wanted nothing more than to go home, with him technically being a suspect, he had to remain in town in case the officers had more questions.

Three knocks on the door alert the pair, Louis snapping his look to it with tears pricking his eyes as he backs away from it, Harry shushing him standing, "Who is it?" he calls strolling towards it placing his hand on the doorknob, "Zee and Luke,"

Opening the door, Harry can't help but smile seeing the submissive perk up even slightly at his older brother. Zayn sits next to the boy on the floor pulling him close to him with a kiss as he regains Louis' attention in building a tower, "How are you?" Luke asks gently meeting Harry's eyes, "I'm here," Harry responds, he didn't know why Luke had been so kind to him when it was clear his owner wished nothing but death towards the man, but it was refreshing to not be so hated all the time.

"Harry who is Collin?" Zayn suddenly asks, the four had sat down for lunch, it being a simple sandwich, as Louis refused to eat anything he didn't get to watch be made. He'd feel safer at home, he knew Jack would never do anything to hurt him.

Upon hearing the name, an important name he'd forgotten was mentioned in his time with Eleanor, he tilts his head to the side about to ask further when Zayn shows him his phone screen, "News says he's killed himself,"

It's right when the words leave Zayn's mouth that the hotel phone rings causing everyone to jump not expecting it.

Harry's eyes travel to the creme-colored phone that rings incessantly aloud in the room, he frowns walking over towards it placing his hand on the handle bringing it to his ears, "Hello-"

"It's over! C-Collin confessed!"

Harry furrows his eyebrows glancing back toward the table, Zayn's staring at him incredulously, "Th-there was a note,"

Luke raises an eyebrow, "Well what did it say?" Harry swallows past the thick burning lump in his throat, "Lee, w-what did the note say?" he places the call on speaker phone, "I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry Harry. I take full responsibility for the mess I've made," Harry falls to his knees, the breath he hadn't realized he was holding floats from his chest as tears leak from his eyes.

While it wasn't over, for now, it felt as if time stood still.

"Hold my hand," Harry commands gently towards his submissive, the boy nods tightening the grip when the officers opened the back doors to the SUV, "Have a safe flight home," Nick remarks, Harry offering him a smile in return, "We will c'mon Lou," Stepping from the SUV into the sunlight, Louis can't help but stop and peer into the sky letting the colder November wind whip around his cheeks.

Harry chuckles nudging the submissive's arm, "What're you doing? We have a plane to catch baby," Louis nods meeting the forest eyes, he sees the glint sparkling in them, beaming at the familiar notion, Louis steps forward with a sigh, "H-happy," he announces, Harry rubbing Louis' back pressing his lips to the boy's forehead, "Yeah I'm happy too, baby,"

Rushing around the house, Kerri ensures the small package that arrived in the mail had been placed on Harry's desk away from wandering eyes. She had been in the midst of a media windstorm after the death of Collin Stute being pegged as Harry Styles' fault, but with enough press and irrefutable proof that Collin was actually linked to the almost-murder of Harry, the rumor died off soundly.

It was endearing in the middle of the storm to receive such a beautiful package with strict instructions on where to store it so nothing happened to it.

Ordering different servants to make sure everything was placed correctly, she gasps seeing the familiar SUV of Liam pulling into the driveway, the man demanding to be the one to retrieve the pair from the airport.

Harry was the first to step from the backseat opening the door for Louis taking the boy's hand leading him inside, "Welcome home, baby,"

"'We-welcome h-home Daddy," Louis repeats leaning back into the man that greeted his staff, pulling Kerri into a hug and whispering in her ear, "Did you find the box-"

"It's on your desk," she assures winking, "Lou, Jack, and I made your favorite!" offering her hand she laughs being pulled by the submissive towards the kitchen, his giggle lightening the room as Harry scans the freshly-painted dining room, "Looks like a brand-new house," he mutters, Liam nodding in agreement at the work, "Time to make new memories in it," he adds, Harry smirks motioning to his office, "I plan too,"

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