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T w e n t y   F o u r : Tell Me When it Hurts

"Your last name could be Styles," Harry remarks entering the room, Louis turns glancing over his shoulder toward the master, "No," he giggles, "Is-Is T-Tomlinson," he's standing in front of Kerri who without him knowing is fitting him for his wedding suit; when she leaned over to her assistant Ryan asking that he write down the boys initials to monogram them to the inside for a personal touch.

"Will you write his initials down in my notes, I want to have it sown to the tag, L.S"

"No-no, k-kerri, i-it T, L-L.T,"

"Right, but one day it'll be S, right?"

"No, it-it be T,"

Harry frowns figuring that his submissive just didn't understand, "It is Tomlinson for now," Harry assures pressing his lips to Louis' forehead, "I can't wait for dinner tonight," he muses patting the boy's backside, Louis whining, "We-we stay home?"

"Lou, we've discussed this," Harry groans, he knew the boy was nervous, he himself was nervous - although for a different reason; and while he was trying to be patient and allow Louis his time to heal what had happened, he couldn't help but grow frustrated having to repeat himself.

"Louis, we have a reservation, we have to go," Harry concludes stepping away from the boy, Louis huffs rolling his eyes, "You-you call,"

"I'm not calling anyone," Harry growls bringing his phone to view, Louis lifts an eyebrow stepping down from the stool Kerri had him stand on, he strolls over to the man standing before him with a hopeful grin, "I-I call?"

Amused by the boy's persistence, Harry leans his forehead against the boys, "Lou," placing his lips on the younger ones, he inhales lightly, "We're going sweetheart, but, I'll make the chef try a piece first,"

Louis sighs realizing he can't change his daddy's mind on the event for the evening, taking what he can get he returns the kiss with a nod, "Fine,"

"Fine," Harry mocks sending Louis back to the stool, "Drop the attitude, Mr.Styles," the master warns exiting the room, Louis giggles hearing the name again, he really thought being a Styles would be cool, but he knew it meant that Harry would have to marry him and Stan told him several times he'd never be married again.

It was a punishment, Louis had traded his last name to save his virginity, Stan saying that if the boy didn't want to be fucked he'd marry him and then fully own him. Louis couldn't explain the relief he felt when the man died and he got his last name back. He felt proud to own his name again, but Louis Styles did have a nice ring to it.

It had been three months since the Eleanor incident. While she was technically still on the run, Harry had been standing still in the moment. He laid his mother to rest, rekindled his relationship with his sister, and found a new love for Louis he didn't know he had.

While he knew before he wanted to marry Louis, he knew now more than ever he couldn't imagine spending his life with another.

He was ready to wake up every day to the same man that drank juice from a glass using both hands. Ready to move the three stuffies back onto Louis' side of the bed when he awoke at four in the morning with a submissive sprawled on top of him, a stuffed bear under him, and an octopus between his legs.

Harry was ready to read to Louis any chance he got. The way his oceanic eyes sparkled when he listened to the man's voice, the gold specks that shimmered after every page turn.

Standing in the doorway secretly watching Louis, he stares with a smile, he can see his future and for once it doesn't hurt.

Humming to himself Louis is so busy playing with the iPad he found on the coffee table he doesn't even realize Harry also sits in the room watching the man curiously, he'd entered ten minutes ago waiting for the man to even acknowledge him.

It's not until the boy manages to pull up the camera where he sees the room from the back camera does he shriek seeing Harry sitting in a chair across from him.

Harry laughs rising, he shushes the submissive apologizing for spooking him, "I didn't know you've never played with it," Louis huffs handing the man the iPad, "No games," Harry smirks, "If you're good tonight I'll download some games onto it, let's go, baby,"

"Where we go tonight?" Louis asks as Harry buckles him in, "We're going to a special place," Harry informs sitting in the driver's seat, he extends his hand toward the boy, "I love you, baby," Louis smiles placing his smaller hand in Harry's, "L-Love you too daddy,"

Parking near the entrance, Harry opens Louis' door taking his hand, he hands his keys over to Valet pulling the boy close when the paparazzi begin approaching the couple. He leads him into the restaurant from the flashing lights peering into the frightened oceanic eyes, "Are you okay?"

Louis nods, "Y-you ok?" Harry kisses Louis' temple securing his hand on the boy's lower back, "Never better baby, follow me,"

The bustling noise of the crowded restaurant dissipates as the couple strolls closer to the back, the hostess glances over her shoulder smiling, "Here we are," pulling open the double doors she reveals a table set for a feast, and those surrounding it, Louis gasps at the wonderful surprise.

Quickly he turns embracing his owner, "Ha-happy B-B-Birthday!" Harry's smile falters as he furrows his eyebrows pulling Louis off him meeting his face, "Who's birthday is it?"

Louis giggles gesturing to the room, "You's?" he asks, Harry shakes his head with an amused smile, "No baby it's not my birthday, we're here for you," he adds nudging Louis further into the room, Harry sits at the head of the table, Louis taking the seat next to him that sits beside Zayn.

Holding Harry to his promise, Louis refused to eat until the chef that had prepared the roast chicken ate a piece.

"Lou the man is busy, I'm eating it, it's safe," Harry assures chewing a bite, Zayn clears his throat using his fork to cut a piece of Louis' chicken off, "If I eat some will you trust it?" Louis nods watching his brother bring the chicken to his mouth eating it off the fork, "Tastes delicious, now eat," he commands.

"Chef no taste it," Louis glumly complains, he pokes the chicken wearily, "Zaynie ate it," Luke reminds showing Louis that he too was eating a bite, "Liam's eating it, Niall is, Kerri, Quincy, everyone Lou, you can trust it," Harry adds narrowing his eyes he leans over, "This is supposed to be a very special night, don't ruin it. Eat your food before we go to the bathroom,"

Louis giggles meeting the man's eyes, "I no have to potty," Harry inhales deeply bringing the chicken to Louis' lips, "Eat it,"

When the grand meal had concluded, the doors are open again with a few waitstaff bringing a cake to the table, candles illuminate Louis' face when it's set down in front of him the boy gasping backing away from the fire, he shakes his head grabbing onto Harry, "No-no b-birthday,"

"Louis we've established that it's no one's birthday, you can celebrate other things," Harry assures returning the boy to his seat. He thanks the waitstaff watching Louis stare lovingly at the cake, everyone else bringing their phones out to record the moment.

It's sudden when the boy glances up, he scans the room seeing everyone's happy face, smiling as well Louis grabs his fork cutting into the cheesecake offering the first bite to Harry that sits stunned the man either hadn't realized or didn't want to answer.

"U-Uh, Lou," Luke calls softly, Zayn pulls on the boy's collar directing his attention back to the cake, "Did you miss something?" Louis is persistent in feeding Harry the bite of cheesecake, the man parting his lips taking the bite, "Look at the cake Louis," Niall suggests, Louis returning his look back to the stupid cake everyone seemed so interested in.

Lazily glazing the cake, he gasps when his eyes land on a ring that sits in the frosting on top, "D-Daddy," Louis whispers pulling it out to stare closely at it, Harry grabbing Louis' hand and moving from his chair to kneel in front of him, "Louis will you marry me?"

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