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S i x t e e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

"Oh hello, I'm Eleanor, Harry's wife,"


"Who is that? It's not his old submissive," Zayn mutters replaying the fight on the TV screen, apparently, any famous person with a bit of money getting into a fight garnered millions of views and was shared multiple ways across social media.

"Do we have to keep seeing it?!" Luke growls gesturing to Louis that sits with his knees tucked to his chest, eyes wide as he sees Harry shove Liam to the ground.

Zayn rolls his eyes, "He says that woman's name so clearly, who is that?" Zayn repeats his question with furrowed eyebrows, Luke sighs grabbing Louis' hand, "Just be glad you dodged that bullet, he seems like an asshole, even to his friends."

The video is played once more, Louis winces when Harry shoves Liam to the ground, he feels himself curl into himself when he storms towards the man before the vile line is thrown his way from Liam - "You never deserved him! You're just like Eleanor!"

"Maybe that's his mum's name?" Luke suggests, Zayn shakes his head, "Google says her name is Anne. I need to find out who that is," he mumbles leaving the room, the screen froze on Harry glaring at Liam who remained on the floor propped up by his elbow a look of guilt embedding his features as if he regretted instantly the words he'd just hurled at the man.

Snapping to reality, Louis' lips part in confusion at the name, "E-Eleanor?"

"Who are you?" She returns stepping inside without the invitation, "Louis," the boy mumbles in reply still trying to process that she'd said "wife".

He's left standing at the open front door with a cross look on his face when the woman calls to him, "Are you the help or something? Where is Wilson?"

"W-who that?" Louis asks chewing his bottom lip, the woman huffs rolling her eyes, "Knowing Harry he probably fired him, Wilson was our chef. I guess his new one will be prepping for dinner then," Her words pause when she finally takes a look at the boy in full, from his oversized jumper to the white briefs he wore that barely reached his mid-thigh, "Is-is this your uniform?" Her astonished, breathless chuckle fills the room.

Louis crosses his arms tilting his head to the side, his older brother always said Louis never knew a stranger and that he was very friendly, but for some reason, he didn't feel the want to be friendly with this woman.

Something about how Liam said her name, and the way Harry reacted to it, "Y-you go," Louis orders pointing to the door, Eleanor scoffs a laugh trailing, "I go? Sweetheart surely Harry has educated staff,"

"N-no staff, I-I sub,"

The woman's once-friendly demeanor diminishes, her grin turns to a glare, "Harry's submissive?" She repeats, Louis nods stepping back from her, his hands dropping to his sides as he hits the wall, "He-he bought a submissive?"

Horror lines Louis' face as tears prick his eyes hearing her tone deepen in anger, "How could he do this to us?"

"Ma-Master! Master!" Louis calls panicked, the woman seems unphased by Louis shouting for the man, instead, she scoffs once more placing her hands on her hips shaking her head, "This is so like him,"

"Sir?! Sir!" Louis pleas once more, he whimpers stepping towards the kitchen to distance himself, the burning chocolate eyes of Eleanor focus on him with a glaring glint in her eye, "I didn't think there would be someone in my way," She muses, "In fact," Her hand dips into her pocket, "You may just be part of the surprise,"

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