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T w e n t y  F i v e : Tell Me When it Hurts 

"Something borrowed, Something blue, something old, and something new,"

Returning from the heat of an argument that stemmed from a misunderstanding, Harry can't help but laugh at the absolute of idea of this being his forever.

It started when the Master came down for breakfast to see Louis sitting down speaking to someone on the phone, when Harry asked who it was the submissive raised his hand to silence the man, this was strike one.

Strike two happened when Harry took the seat next to Louis removing the phone from his grip, "Hi this is Harry Styles-"

"I was speaking to him about flowers, return the phone Harold," Kerri muses on the other end, Louis smugly extended his hand for the phone to be returned to him, his smirk faltering when Harry smacks his thigh hanging up, "She'll call back, when daddy asks you a question, what do you say?"

Louis rolls his eyes meeting the forest orbs before him, "Y-yes sir,"

"You answer the question, Louis." Harry growls glancing at the sheet of paper Louis had in front of him, "What do your notes say?" Louis furrows his own eyebrows glancing at his squiggles, he wasn't entirely sure his daddy could read his extremely important notes about the wedding, "Something blue, s-something b-blue, gr-green flowers,"

Harry raises an eyebrow taking the paper into his own hands clearing his throat, "We having something blue," he muses puckering his lips for Louis, the submissive protesting, "No we not!"

The older one sighs, "I was trying to be funny, you know, because you have blue eyes," Louis covers his eyes with a scoff, "Not eyes daddy!" He was growing annoyed by the man and wished that he had just stayed asleep if he was going to be this much of a pest.

Louis didn't have time for his games, he was trying to plan a wedding.

Strike three came later in the day, Harry had left his submissive alone like he so cutely demanded: "Leave lone now please sir daddy, love you,"

The afternoon had rolled around, Harry shuffled past the dining room and changed from his sweats into a suit, "Lou I have a meeting, go get dressed baby,"

Louis voices his complaint stomping his foot for added measure, "I-I stay home!" He did not have time to waste waiting on his daddy during one of his boring meetings.

Harry shakes his head strolling over to the boy, he stands him to his feet with a hold on his bicep, "Lou, the wedding is in two weeks, we're paying someone lots of money to plan it, it's not your problem to worry about."

The submissive glares at the man, "W-We-Wedding no-no problem!" Jerking his arm out of Harry's grip, Louis gestures to the five sheets of paper scattered on the table, all of which are filled top and bottom with drawings, scribbles, some pieces taped together; "W-We, m-me, help," Louis cries, truthfully he was exhausted with wedding planning, it was so stressful to be asked about every little detail.

Although, his stress revolved around another piece as well, written on one of the pages colored in red was something Louis knew was expected of him, and he was scared.

He'd trusted his daddy enough to move mostly everything over to the green side, only having a few issues, for instance when he found out what rimming actually was.

The last one was something he was scared to move over. It would be the final thing he could give to Harry.

It took some convincing, paired with a promised time out and spur-of-the-moment paddling with the nearest wooden spoon, but Louis was dressed in slacks with a tucked-in shirt following begrudgingly behind his owner into his office.

Harry had soothed his submissive that he would be getting "help" from the wedding planner, he hadn't realized how out of the loop Louis was with the wedding and felt slightly guilty the boy thought it rested fully on his shoulders.

"Sit," Harry commanded pulling a chair out at the table, Louis peers into his eyes apologetically, "I-I color?"

"Not today, you're being punished," Harry remarks, grabbing a pair of headphones from his office and his iPad, he knew he'd be letting Louis play games, but wanted to draw out the idea of boredom knowing that was a real punishment for the boy.

Liam suddenly strolls into the room, Louis perking up hoping Niall was following him, he's quick to deflate when it's only Qunicy behind him.

"Hey Lou," Liam greets, Louis crosses his arms plastering a small smile in return, "H-hey," he returns less enthused, Harry chuckling snaking his arm around Louis pulling him closer, "You have until the count of three to change your attitude before we go to the bathroom,"

Having since been told what that threat actually meant, and still sore from the paddling at home, Louis groans adjusting himself in the chair dropping his fake smile, "One,"

"Two," Harry warns, Kerri, entering the meeting room now, "O-okay!" Louis cries he turns trying to crawl onto the man's lap, "S-sorry, sorry," Harry nods seeing the brattiness at least gone for the time being, he soothes his boy handing him the iPad, "Play your games, bub-" Snapping his head up at the almost nickname slip, Harry frowns, "Baby," he corrects kissing Louis' temple assuring him he was safe from a trip to the bathroom. For now anyway.

Kerri clears her throat gaining attention when the abrupt meeting ended, seeing Louis still tuned into his games, "Do you know how hard finding green flowers is?" Harry rolls his eyes ruffling the boy's hair, "We're not having green flowers," Liam shrugs, "I think it'd be nice," Quincy laughs showing what a google search provided, "This time of year there won't be any pretty ones, but it is a cute idea. Maybe plant some for spring."

Harry scans the room with a lazy smile, "I just want to say thank you." Kerri stands crossing the room wrapping her arms around Harry, "I'm proud of you," It was a defining moment for how the year started when Louis first came into his care.

Harry was proud of himself.

He'd grown so much from being one of the most arrogant and entitled Dominates around to now being known as still arrogant, but sweet. The paparazzi couldn't get enough of Harry with Louis, not only did it help his image, but Harry had created a fan base around the sweet submissive.

He was proud he could earn Louis' trust back after coming home from the hospital off his medication. Harry was beyond himself that Louis said yes to Marrying him.

Harry cried when Louis did once he realized how much Harry truly loved him. It was a moment the dominant didn't think he needed to see, but will always feel grateful for getting such a vulnerable moment from someone so genuine.

Upon returning to the house Louis' timeout was never served, instead, the two headed into the bedroom where Harry settled on the bed bringing a book to view, "Want to read?"

Louis remains standing in the doorway watching his soon-to-be husband, he smiles fondly at him, his initial fear of the last red that taunted him earlier is relieved when he sees the familiar reading glasses perched on Harry's nose, he's holding up Louis' favorite book of the moment, "Daddy?"

"What is it, baby?" Harry returns concern creasing his forehead, he's worried Louis is having second thoughts of marriage from the scene today, Louis, however, shakes his head climbing onto the bed snuggling into Harry's chest, "I-I ready,"

"What're you ready for?"


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