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N i n e t e e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

Entering the dining room Louis feels his breath hitch seeing where he stood when Eleanor was in the home. He remembers bracing himself to be shot and having the sudden thought of what Stan felt like when the gun was pointed at him.

Harry sits in the chair at the head of the table his back is turned to Louis, he sits with his arm in his sling, his other arm resting on the table with his phone screen down on the tabletop.

Feeling the hair on his arms rise in fear, Louis carefully treads to the seat next to the man keeping his chin to his chest strategically.

Jack seems to realize the tension in the room as he enters with dinner, he sends a reassuring smile toward Louis placing the Chicken on the table handing Harry the knife to cut into it, "Anything else I can get you?" he asks, Harry lifts his eyes to meet the older man's stare, "If I need anything more I can ask my submissive, he isn't here to just take up fucking space."

His gaze is directed towards Louis, "Even if that's all you do," he growls slicing into the chicken, Louis blinks as tears prick his eyes, if the tone didn't scream anger, the vile words alone stung Louis deep, especially after the shower earlier that day.

Jack nods respectfully exiting the room, he plasters a thin smile with one final glance to Louis before exiting the room, returning to the kitchen where he grabs his phone dialing Kerri's number.

"This needs salt." Harry mutters grimacing when he sees the table barren of any seasonings, "Lewis get the salt,"

Flinching when his name is said, he feels his heartbeat quicken, he had been focusing on steadying his own breathing not listening to his master's words, "Wh-what?" Harry scoffs slamming his hand down on the table, "What the fuck are you good for?!" He bellows lifting Louis' glass from the table pitching it against the wall, "Salt, now!"

Shrieking at the glass shattering, Louis jumps from his chair covering himself as he backs away from the table his oceanic eyes darting around the room as Jack races back in, "Mr-Mr.Styles?!"

Scoffing once more, Harry stands adjusting his shirt with one hand, "Its a shame," he starts, "Clearly I shot the wrong submissive."

"Harry!" Jack shouts in surprise, Louis stands with his mouth agape at the words trembling as the man begins toward him, "Giggle for me, Lewis, let me hear that pretty noise, baby," Embracing Louis' face Harry's upper lip twitches in a snarl as he grips the boy's hair by the tips, "Fucking laugh!"

He drags him to the table bending him over it, "We're having fun now, right?!"

"Harry get off him!" Jack demands, Harry chuckling smacking Louis' backside hearing the boy sob, "It's my role as a dominate, Jack, to punish my naughty submissive," he slurs his words at the end bending down to Louis' ear, "And you've been so bad," he whispers to the wailing boy, "Harry you're drunk leave him alone." Jack once more commands, he takes a step further toward the man, Harry smirking, "You didn't care this much about Todd,"

Jack's stern look falters as guilt sets in his stomach at the words, as unfortunate as it was, it was true. He witnessed several beatings and at times horrifying acts of gruesome sex from the two, Kerri and he would have talked relentlessly about the toxic couple - but Todd even as a submissive could more often than not hold his own.

Still, it didn't mean Jack didn't feel horrible for not stepping in sooner.

Harry rolls his eyes proudly, lifting Louis' shirt he slides his hand underneath, "I'll go easy on you, baby," Louis screams continuing to thrash, Harry, unclasping his own belt is pulled from the boy when Jack grabs his arm tossing him aside, the knife he'd brought out extended towards the man defensively.

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