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F i f t e e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

"If I gave you four cookies, and took two away, how many would you have left?"

Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of his submissive, Harry feels his patience wearing thin as he sees just how out of touch the younger one was.

Louis furrows his eyebrows narrowing his stare at the fingers Harry had up, he gasps suddenly placing two of the fingers down gesturing to the remaining two, "T-this many?"

"Good job Lou! How many is that?"

Tapping each of the fingers, "Two!" Louis beams at the praise in response, Harry handing him the lollipop he was promised if he completed three math problems.

Rising from the floor after giving his submissive his treat, Harry smiles softly at him, though things hadn't been the same since Louis had caught Harry crying, he felt that it almost helped them bond in a way.

Or maybe it was the fact that Louis only addressed Harry as daddy now.

Heading out of the room, Harry pauses glancing over his shoulder towards the boy, "Hey?"

Louis whips his stare towards the man, the red Lolli resting in his hand, "I love you," Melting at the words, Louis feels a blush rise to his cheeks with a grin spreading on his features, "L-Love you too," After a second, "Daddy," Louis adds knowing it drove Harry wild to hear it.

Liam sighs throwing his blazer in the backseat once he arrived at his car, he glances at his phone placing his hand on the door handle, "Niall?" Calling for the man's attention, Liam rolls his eyes when he remembered he had attended work alone that day.

"I'm not Niall, but I'd love to hear all about him,"

Liam feels his face drop, he pales at the voice whipping his head up to see a woman he hadn't seen in years.

Time had been kind to her, she stands in sweats, her long brunette hair sweeping her back as she waves ecstatically, "I came to see him right away," She announces opening her arms towards Liam, "I've missed you too, though." Adding it in as an afterthought, Liam still remains speechless at her arrival.

She seems to notice this, pointing it out with an eery scoff, "Cat got 'ya tongue? Liam, it's me." Her eyes crinkle when she smiles, pearly whites on display, she rolls her eyes stepping closer towards him placing her smaller hands on his bicep, "Didn't Harry tell you I was coming? You must join us for dinner, we've got lots to catch up on,"

Moving his arm from her grip, Liam swallows past the growing lump in his throat, "N-no, no," he inhales seeing her eyes darken, "He-he didn't tell me you'd be here," lying to appease the unstable woman, Liam plasters a smile that drips with concern, "H-he, he uh,"

"He always did forget to tell you stuff, didn't he?" She muses placing a hand on her hip, "Well, I can't blame him. He didn't want to ruin the surprise I'm sure," Liam closes his eyes securing his hand on the door handle waiting for her to turn her back for just a second, "W-what surprise?" He asks suddenly, she laughs once more tucking her hand in her jacket pocket, "I said we're going to dinner,"

Liam's chocolate eyes travel from hers to where she'd placed her hand in her pocket, "W-what do you have?"

"Why don't we continue this at dinner?" Her hand leaves her pocket, for the time being, she smirks stepping away from Liam to round to the other side of the car, Liam uses this as his chance flinging his door open sliding in, he slams his hand down on the lock securing himself inside.

Frantically looking up he sees her standing outside the passenger door waiting for him to unlock the car so she could get in as well, "You'll have to forgive me, I left my bus pass at the hospital,"

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